A Special Tribute to Freddie on his 76th Birthday

Dear Freddie

This is a mini-post for your birthday. I have more posts in the works, but for right now this is what I got. Enjoy.

There is a great band called One Republic who always speak to me in their lyrics and on the occasion of your 76th birthday I heard a song that I thought I would dedicate to you in this blog. To One Direction: I had to change the words just a tiny bit but all credit to you for the lyrics and music. It’s an amazing song!

I Lived

Hope when you took that jump you didn’t fear the fall.

This is a very literal interpretation and picture but you get it.

Hope when that water rose you built a wall

We know when the crowd screamed out they were screaming your name.

OH the things that you did! Like amazing the world at Live Aid

When you could have run you chose to stay.

Happy that you fell in love but sometimes it hurt so bad.

You did finally fall in that true fulfilling kind of love but you went through a lot of pain to get there.

The only way you could know was to give it all you had.

Freddie when your moment came you chose to say.

I, I did it all

I, I did it all

You owned every second that this world could give.

Went so many places

Oh, the things that you did!

With every broken bone we know you LIVED.

With every broken bone you still lived well.

We know that you spent your days and they all added up.

When that sun went down you raised your cup

You always raised a cup to us and we loved you for it.

Wish I could’ve witnessed all your joys and all your pain.

We know when that moment came, you said,

I, I did it all

I, I did it all

You owned every second that this world could give.

You saw so many places

Oh the things that you did!

With every heartfelt song you showed you LIVED!

You did live Freddie every second of every day for 45 years and we miss you and thank you for giving us everything you had.

Thanks for all you did and all you continue to do. We love you and we miss you!



Letter Forty Four

Dear Freddie,

(Be warned before beginning there is a very large lack of pictures and a very abundant amount of rambling and none of it is at all cohesive. Just wanted to give you a chance to back out now.

If you still want to on with the ramblings:

Live vs. Recorded

You know a band is truly awesome when they sound better live than on a recorded album. This is the way it was for Queen.

John Deacon once described the way Freddie was exhausted and how he was so tired after a concert. Freddie sang with his entire body. Even if he didn’t do the antics we all loved, he still sang those songs from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.

He sang with every cell in his body and he put it all in the music. Now I’m not saying every single Queen performance was perfect like a record, but the best ones, make the records look crappy. I heard Hammer to Fall this morning in the shower, the recorded version and almost didn’t recognize it as the same song Freddie sang at Live Aid.

The difference is huge. As a matter of fact I almost didn’t recognize the recorded version, and none of it has any flair on that version. There are a lot of Queen songs that I would rather listen to the live versions than the recorded ones. One in particular being Somebody to Love, that song every time it is sung, Freddie pulls out every talented cell in his body to sing it. Almost as if he’s praying, he means every word and it’s usually the best sung song of all in the live concerts. The fact that he and the band decided to remove it from the set list in later years is a tragedy in my opinion.

There are a lot of reasons I love Freddie, too many to list, but there isn’t much that he had that I’m envious of except for one thing. He loved his job. He figured out what he wanted to do, he decided he was going to do it and he was going to literally be the best in the world at it. I’ve never really discovered what it is I was born to do, but Freddie did and he made it happen. He is the ultimate example of willing something into being. If he wanted it, he didn’t care what it took to get it and when he got it he made no apologies as many of us often do. That is the only thing I envy. I think that’s a big reason why he could truly live and not just exist. Someone who hates what they do in life or even just likes it “okay.” Isn’t someone who is truly living. Though without the job I have, I have no clue what I’d be doing. I don’t know what I’d do if I had enough money to not have to work. My sense of motivation is tied to my depression, so working and having a routine is good for me. I just know I wish I had his energy and his motivation to make the most of every moment. I don’t and I envy the hell out of it. Sorry, Freddie. Their songs are incredibly catchy and ooze charisma and universal love and friendship, but no song they sang, has ever come close to equaling the charisma and love and friendship even seeing Freddie on stage or watching a concert for even a few minutes will give you. At least for the amount of time that you are watching or listening to a live Freddie on stage, you are deeply in love with him. If you aren’t you are in the small minority.

Charisma = Freddie Mercury

For a long time, naming an example of a charismatic person was difficult for me. Then I fell in love with Freddie Mercury. The definition of charisma should have his picture next to it. He just moved the air when walking in a room. Very few people have that presence and he was one. He walked in a room and you just knew. The air was filled with electricity and was palpable even with your back turned (so I’ve heard). I wasn’t exactly ever in a room with him to experience it, but it’s what everyone says. The way people look at him with hero worship makes it obvious how magnetic he was.

Sometimes at night before bed I like to scroll through my Freddie posts on Tumblr, because it helps me to relax. Last night though, I got on Quora on a question I had commented on about Freddie being attractive and why. I don’t remember the wording of the question exactly but, it was something like what is attractive about Freddie or something. Seriously?

This question baffles me. It’s not just one thing. Men don’t have to think he’s attractive. Well, straight men at least, but women and men have completely different judgements on what and who is sexy. Freddie Mercury is SEXY! For most women confidence and charisma are the most attractive qualities and Freddie had those two things in crazy amounts. Attractive doesn’t always mean you want to hop in bed with someone. It sometimes does, but a straight guy can say he thinks another man’s attractive without any repercussions. They usually won’t for some dumb reason. I mean you have eyes. You can tell who is easy to look at and who isn’t? Like seriously?

Freddie was ridiculously attractive. If attractiveness is magnetism, then he was one of the most powerful magnets in the world. A man that can clap his hands and cause an audience of thousands to do it just because he wants them to, is attractive. Period!

I sometimes despise Quora because people ask dumb questions. One I saw the other day was, “Who is better musician, Eminem or Freddie Mercury.” I had to answer this question. My answer was and I quote, “Is this a joke?” and I posted it. I mean seriously that’s like comparing apples to oranges it doesn’t make any sense. Meatloaf the artist that no one knew about unless you grew up in the late 80’s and 90’s died very recently and I saw a question I had answered over two years ago, about who was a better singer, Meatloaf or Freddie. I wrote my answer in my usually hoity toity fashion, but one comment was truly unforgettable. Someone commented that it was like comparing a skateboard to a Lamborghini, which killed me. It was so true. There is only one song of Meatloaf’s I even kind of remember and I couldn’t sing it right now if you wanted me to. But I can sing, though no one should hear me sing, just about any Queen song on demand without thinking. I mean all you have to do is stomp-stomp-clap. So this question was completely stupid.

Freddie Tumblr Adventures

Another thing that came up on Tumblr was Mary, as usual. She and Jim seem to be the most controversial figures in Freddie’s life. Someone said that whoever the blogger was should like Mary because she was Freddie’s best friend and you can’t like him and not her. The answer this person gave was EPIC. Now, let’s be clear, I’m NOT a Mary Austin fan. I respect her role in Freddie’s life and that he leaned on her a lot, but she isn’t this sweet saint that most want to make her out to be.

The blogger says that you don’t have to like Mary to love Freddie. THEY’RE RIGHT!

I don’t like Mary Austin, I think she has the personality of mud, and she’s very biased against homosexuals. There is a whole ranting list on that blog post on my tumblr page. In case you don’t know it my tumblr is @ramblingqueenfangirl I think. How sad, I can’t remember my own tumblr handle, but I think that’s it. Anyway, go follow me, and you’ll see. I reblog or post the most awesome posts I find about Freddie or his life and I comment on a lot of them I see. For those of you out there in the universe who think that Freddie’s friends are dead wrong about their accounts of his life. You can go jump in a lake, which is the nice way of saying, fuck off.

Now, Phoebe, I get it, he gets it wrong sometimes. He is by far not perfect on his recollections sometimes. He often says controversial and sometimes just wrong things, but if you don’t think he knows or knew Freddie and that he’s just talking out of his butt. You are wrong. I have addressed this before.

The human memory is horribly flawed. We use our own past and present experiences to remember things and in doing so we color a memory differently. The key is to get to that kernel of truth. Let’s remember, Peter Freestone is not a professional commentator. He wasn’t trained for it. He only does it because he was literally attached at the hip to Freddie for years. Now believe what he says or don’t, but I’d rather believe those that knew him over some random biographer. I think his intentions as with most of Freddie’s friends are good ones. They don’t want to make Freddie look bad, they loved him.

Like most humans, including Freddie, people like money. They do in fact get paid to talk about famous friends. Phoebe gets paid and interviewed by a lot of shady journalists. How a journalist prints something also can change it’s meaning, but the underlying facts are there if you know how to read it. It’s been 30 years since Freddie left us, and there are some things no one forgets, but think hard, do you remember everything vividly from 30 years ago? I was 10 and I remember like two things from it and they weren’t necessarily good memories. I may remember something one way but someone else may remember it differently, it’s the way the mind works. A small percentage of people in the world have photographic memories. Even they have trouble with recalling a memory because how they put it into words or communicable methods is colored and biased by their past and present experiences and learning. It’s why every writer, has a unique style. Freddie has a unique style of writing that if you wanted to, and I really don’t, you could probably study and know his writing from Brian or Roger or John’s. But if you have that much time on your hands, feel free, and good for you. I may have that much time on occasion but my attention span won’t allow me to do that.

Also, songs are often written to fit within melodic structures as well, so how a person may originally write a song versus how it turns out in the end, can be night and day. No one in the world writes the way I do, and I don’t write like anyone else. I’m better than average at it and I use my talent to communicate about things I love, such as Freddie Mercury. That’s what I am doing and what you are reading. Everyone’s writing is different and they all have different talents.

I cannot write a song to save my life. Freddie can write a song in 10 minutes that’s a number one hit in the world. I doubt highly though, he could sit and type on a computer about a subject he loves like this. I am by no means saying he’s worse than me at anything, because that would be ridiculous. My life is Murphy’s Law personified and I lead a boring existence. Freddie Mercury no matter if he’s the showman on stage or the shy man at home, was NEVER BORING. The fact that he ever though he could be boring is odd. I mean, seriously Freddie, you?

The only way we know anything about our love and obsession is through those that knew him. Thor Arnold and Lee Nolan knew a different side of Freddie than some. New York City Freddie could be vastly different from the one at home in England. We all are. No matter where we are we adapt our personalities to the people and places around us. Our underlying traits stay there such as Freddie’s humor but some things are different. Thor may remember something he did with Peter Freestone and Peter remembers it one way and Thor a totally different way. It’s the way the world works. Who cares. Freddie wanted his life to be entertaining and no matter what you do or do not agree with that his friends and loved ones say about him. It’s always fascinating. I mean I have written 44 “letters” about one person? If that doesn’t scream awesome and entertaining I can’t tell you what does.

The Mary and Jim controversy AGAIN…..UGH!

Mary was only one aspect of Freddie’s life.

There were periods when he would go months without seeing her.

She and Barbara Valentin couldn’t hardly be in the same room together, so I doubt she saw him much in the Munich years.

Thor and Lee only met Mary a few times and said that Freddie wasn’t as flamboyant and free as they were used to seeing him when she was around. Like he was more proper, and careful about what to say, but that’s just how we all are if we are hosting our friends. We all know the line we can and cannot cross with whoever is around us and for Mary and Thor and Lee those were very different. Anyway if you want to read all the reasons this person “hates” Mary on Tumblr please feel free. I dare not list any of them here. I don’t hate her, I just don’t like her, but I respect her role in Freddie’s life and that she was important to him. All these people that think it’s an obligation to love Mary if you love Freddie should do the same for Jim Hutton. Though, it was the end of Freddie’s life, Jim was equally as important. He lived with him and shared a bed with him. Think what you want, but he loved Freddie and Freddie loved him.

I love Freddie with my whole heart, but he wasn’t an easy man to live with. Jim stuck by him through all the hardships and the heartache because Freddie was worth it. So if I must respect Mary, then I say, Jim Hutton deserves equal consideration. You don’t have to like him, or his role in Freddie’s life, but he was in it and he was important. There are hundreds of accounts and pictures to prove it. So I beg this fandom to put all the hating to rest. Of whoever it is, Mary or Jim or whoever. No one is perfect, not even Freddie, though he came damn close.

Also, another thing.

So, let’s all give Peter and Brian and whoever talks on these various documentaries, as much as it pains me, a break. Brian should really shut up honestly, but because he was important to Freddie, he is welcome to share his opinion with whatever journalist or camera he wishes. Same goes for anyone who knew Freddie. I know the only problem I have with those that knew him is my extreme jealousy and desire to switch places with them even for a little bit just to know him a little.

I do know I believe what Phoebe says more than I do Lesley-Ann Jones who starts her second book of lies with the same encounter as the first. Which speaks volumes to anyone that she doesn’t have that many memories of him. Then there is the book named after Freddie’s song. Somebody to Love that though heavily researched on HIV and AIDS didn’t do equal research into the subject they used to connect to that disease. They just literally make shit up. I mean. Some random doctor’s appointment in NYC in 1982. What? Why? How? It makes no sense. To say he was sick instead of what MANY witnesses have said about his SNL appearance in the USA is just plain wrong. Do they even know who they are talking about? Sometimes I wonder.

The two journalists who wrote that book, also take so many quotes out of context and twist them it’s scary. They name a man as patient zero who wasn’t and disparage his name, and also, make Freddie look like an inconsiderate bastard who knowingly spread a deadly virus to many people. I’m sorry, how was Freddie supposed to know about HIV before there were tests for it? No one knew before Covid took over the world, what it was. They just felt horrible. Now it’s so much a part of our lives we can’t imagine life without it. HIV and AIDS was exactly the same.

In 1982 it was one of those, “Oh it’s out there but it’s far away kind of things.” So he did NOT know in 1982 he was HIV positive, for one, it didn’t have a NAME yet, and two, there was no test and most doctors had no clue what the hell was happening to people suffering from it. There is a huge difference from someone in his life remembering something wrong and just making stuff up. Like, for example, the real reason that Queen didn’t take the Magic Tour to the USA was that Freddie was afraid insurance blood tests would find out he was HIV positive as they say in that book. For one, not every tour requires a blood test for the artist for god’s sake, and second, after the way they treated Queen just two years earlier over a farce video for I Want to Break Free, why the hell would they want to try?

In that book, they state that Freddie was worried that blood tests for insurance would show his status which is why they never toured in the USA after 1982. Which, I just scratch my head because, that tour already had 28 shows. It was a LONG tour for ANY band, even Queen. The USA is a whole other beast to conquer when you are musicians, and Freddie was almost 40 he wasn’t exactly getting younger or more agile. Though I am close to his age on the Magic tour and I can’t do a tenth of the stuff he does, so, damn! I do know he had superhuman endurance every single night. Those concerts are long for a band, and Freddie sang every note, every night as strongly as he could. No one could do 28 shows like that then hop on a plane, cross an ocean and do it all over again without a long rest in between and by then he actually was sick.

Okay so off that tangent. My point was I’ll take a wrong Phoebe quote over anything a third party biographer writes, all day, every day.

We also have to remember. We weren’t there during the interview with Phoebe and LAJ or anyone, we don’t know what he said exactly versus what she put down on a page. I mean just because you put quote marks around words, though usually and supposedly exact wording, that’s not always the case. Just because those quote marks are there, doesn’t mean that person typed everything exactly as it was said. We just have to trust and hope they did. So give everyone a break. Not to mention, all those friends and loved ones of Freddie’s, they aren’t exactly young. Their memory may have faded just a little. I mean come on they are still human. They do their best and I’ll take it. I’ll take anything that has to do with Freddie, bring it on!

Let’s also just shut up about Mary and Jim. Quit the hating. It does nothing but make people upset and why do people want that? Some people love to rile people up over things. I never understood that need. But I guarantee you most of the haters, have done little research, and have very little courage. It’s easy to type something on a screen, but to say it out loud to another person’s face where you can’t delete it or have time in between the reaction is easy. So let’s have a rule about this.

If you wouldn’t say it to Freddie’s face, don’t type it either! Assume Freddie reads everything written about him and ask yourself, is this what he would want? He was all about love and entertaining people not making people upset and causing negative reactions. If that’s what you want focus on someone else’s life because all you are doing is making yourself and everyone who has to read your hate speech, miserable. Why?

That’s just pathetic honestly.

Jim Hutton was a normal everyday man from Ireland who just accidentally fell in love with the world’s biggest rock star.

It happens from time to time, he wasn’t perfect he didn’t pretend to be, but he was what Freddie wanted so let it be. He made Freddie’s final years as happy as he could and for that we are eternally grateful as we are to Mary for helping him to find his career and keeping a roof over his head when he couldn’t afford it. Otherwise, how you feel about them doesn’t matter, it changes nothing and it doesn’t make Freddie happy or sad or bring him back, so stop. There is no point. The whole “trolling” phenomenon baffles me. I may understand people’s stupid purpose if the subject is alive. But neither of these people are, so what is the point? Are you that bored? Get a hobby!

I’d like to correct something I said in the last letter. I am also human like all those people that are criticized.

I said in the last letter than Freddie died on a Tuesday, but actually it was a Sunday, his funeral was on the following Tuesday, MY BAD!

I had someone comment that I must not know what I’m talking about if I can’t get that straight. Um, I made a boo boo, I’m allowed. Again I said it in the first letter I wrote. I am human and I make mistakes. So sorry; but trust me, if there is anything to read, watch, or hear about Freddie Mercury I have or will read, watch, or listen to it. That is why I say I know what I am talking about. I know as much as is possible without knowing the man himself. That is the same for the rest of you. Whether I disagree with your opinion or share the same one, that’s my life, you stay in your lane. Also, why does it matter what day of the week it was? It sucked it was sad and it was horrible, so Sunday or Tuesday, who gives a flip? It’s been 30 years but it feels like yesterday so yesterday was Thursday, does that change anything? No.

I hate Jim Hutton. Did me typing that sentence make any difference? The past is already written, so absolutely not.

I hate Mary Austin. I am waiting for history to change. It won’t happen. So me typing those sentences made absolutely no change or difference in the story. So why bother? If those sentences or all the hate would get Freddie back. I’d type them till my fingers fell off, but they don’t and they won’t so why waste the energy?

Jim Hutton the unlikely love

Jim was a regular Irish Catholic kid, with nothing particularly special about him, learned how to be a barber and moved to London.

He worked in a hotel salon (I think?) I don’t remember the exact like establishment. He made very little money and lived about a 30 minute commute by bus or train in a tiny apartment.

In the 1970’s not much is known about Jim, why would there be anything? He lived as boring and simple a life as any “regular” person can. He got up, went to work, went to bars on his days off and after work and repeat.

In those days, it wasn’t accepted to be gay, but London was thankfully a bit more progressive back then. There were a few clubs peppered throughout the city for exclusively gay men to go and you know, club, and dance and drink and socialize, maybe do the occasional drug and get wasted on beer or liquor. You know, all the things you do in a club. There were also bars and several pubs frequented by gay men as well.

In one of those places Jim met a boyfriend who he very much adored. This boyfriend liked more crowded and busier social groups than quiet, shy Jim did, and one night he accompanied his boyfriend to a very well known gay club in London called Heaven.

Nothing was very special about that night just two guys dating and going to a club to have fun and drink and dance. Jim was always just a kind and good man and turned out to be loyal. When an exotic looking man came up to him when his boyfriend went to the bathroom and asked to buy him a drink, he just told him to “fuck off.”

He had a boyfriend and was trying to buy drinks for the two of them when this rude interloper interrupted. Little did he know that telling this exotic man to fuck off would set him apart and become one of music history’s most unlikely love stories. Jim didn’t have a clue at the time and couldn’t possibly have seen it.

While working in the barber shop they would play the radio as did most Londoners at the time and they would hear different music and Jim would tap his feet along with a catchy tune or beat and the Beatles and David Bowie and many more famous bands would fill the space of the barber shop. Jim was a hard worker and just concentrated on the hair in front of him and doing the best haircut he could, so he could get his pay and go out and have some beers.

Rock music wasn’t his thing. He enjoyed beer as he was Irish, so it came naturally. He was gay and took to older songs he had heard with his mother in Ireland growing up.

Being Catholic and gay is not an easy mix and he left home and all his siblings to go live this boring normal life in London. At one point he met a man named Peter Freestone who worked in the same department store (maybe it was a department store not a hotel?) as Jim and they were friendly although not necessarily what you would call friends. Jim was quiet and blended into the crowd with nothing in particular to set him apart from any other man in London at that time.

He kept up with the trends at the gay clubs though, so he could be attractive to any potential male suitors and grew a mustache and when going out at night wore jeans and a white tank top or vest as they call it in London.

Many days went by of absolutely normal nights with the exact same routine as anyone else. When that stranger interrupted his attempt to buy he and his current boyfriend a drink and Jim told this man to fuck off, he left quite the impression. Gay men around that time weren’t usually monogamous but Jim was and he was loyal to his boyfriend.

He didn’t recognize the dark haired stranger who was dressed very much the same as he. He told his boyfriend that some guy had hit on him and pointed this guy out to his lover and his lover immediately recognized the world’s most famous rockstar. He was proud that his boyfriend had been hit on by Freddie Mercury and Jim shrugged not knowing much about Queen, smiled and went about his business.

A few months later the same boyfriend took him to a dinner at a nice restaurant for a special occasion that I can’t remember at the moment. And once again the same dark haired stranger sat just a few tables away which Jim didn’t even notice until his partner pointed him out. Again, Jim shrugged, blushed and carried on with his life as usual. Jim apparently got a little too clingy to this particular lover and they broke it off. But life went on as usual and Jim had a certain pub near more of the gay centered clubs in London that he liked most and felt most comfortable. So nursing a broken heart he went out smoked his cigarettes and drank his beer and chatted with anyone who came along.

He stood at the side of the bar and just as we would say, hung out. Little did he know at the time that dark haired stranger that had so rudely interrupted him at Heaven would send in someone to check out if Jim was there, as he was incredibly predictable and note if he was there with anyone. They would go in look around see Jim and walk back out to the waiting car and report back.

To all you Jim Hutton conspirators, that sure sounds like the life of a world-class con man who was after money and fame. I mean working in a barber shop for practically nothing but just what it took to live on was ultimately his long con persona. I am of course being sarcastic! I mean seriously?

Jim was a regular guy and in part that is what made him insanely interesting to a far from regular Freddie Mercury. Who knows why Jim stuck out to Freddie in the beginning? He was in a relationship with a German man in his main home of Munich and saw a cute guy at the bar and decided to try to pick him up.

For once, the world’s most famous rock star was told to fuck off, and saw that the guy was loyal to his current boyfriend. Monogamy and fidelity weren’t exactly the main traits of homosexual relationships in the 80’s at the time. More of Jim’s con-man ways I guess, all part of his grand plan he apparently had before he knew who Freddie was.

Keep em guessing! He must have planned when he saw a rich and famous rock star walking towards him as his back was turned buying beer at a bar for he and his current lover. His game was working, attract him and get all his money and use him for his fame!

He couldn’t be too available, that would be rather expected so best to play hard to get. Fuck off he would tell this man and then go months without seeing him ever again as he worked in his low paying job and went to his regular boring old bar. (Seriously?)

Jim waited for months in hopes that his boyfriend would take them to a fancy restaurant and there he would see this rich and famous man by chance, timing had to be perfect, and once again would completely ignore him because it was all part of the game.

This is the most far fetched and poorly planned con game ever, but I digress, let’s continue on this journey of the world’s worst trickster.

How to land a rockstar, my grand plan, by Jim Hutton.

One St. Patrick’s day in 1985, Jim decided now was time to go in for the kill. haha!

He went out to lunch with some fellow Irish friends and got completely wasted, because if you weren’t then the ruse would fail. He didn’t want to go home as the night wore on so he decided he would, still drunk, go to the club Heaven and see what prime prey he could land, maybe that rich guy would be there the one he had not given a second thought to in over a year or really even mentioned. But despite this, he was planning, he would make this man his no matter what.

That night he would go to the club broke with only five pounds for a taxi home and enough to buy a drink or two. He would pick this night to work on his goal in the hopes that man would be there without knowing for sure. To be the secret lover of a famous rockstar was his plan and worked like a charm as the same dark haired stranger tried once again a year later to buy him a drink and being a master con man, he decided nah, I’ll buy him a drink that will hook him! So he spent the last of his money and bought this man a more expensive drink than he planned and he was firmly on the hook. Jim had found his rich and famous man his plan had succeeded. (Rolls eyes)

Are you freaking kidding me, Jim wasn’t particularly great in school he got by perhaps, but if this version of events is to be true, secretly unbeknownst to anyone who ever knew him he was a genius and cunning con artist who set his sights on what looked like a rich and famous man at a crowded club who he barely even looked at. I mean come on already.

It’s so typical you see, for when that target or “mark” asks you back to his apartment with several of his rather bitchy friends to say no to any free drugs offered, and instead find the pet and play with this animal.

It was all falling into place. Alas, he was invited into the man’s bedroom and just chatted all night. His plan was working. Then the target he had waited all this time for while seemingly living a normal everyday life would give him his phone number in this very posh apartment and Jim would decide to not use it and just keep living as a poor gay barber. It was all in the plan!

His plan would come to it’s ultimate fruition when three months and some odd days later, that mark, or target would call and invite him to dinner, but a good con man must not act as if you remember him, oh no that would ruin everything. Say several names before you finally get the target to say his and invite you to dinner at his apartment. He had done it!

What the actual hell are you people talking about? That is the worst plan to land a rich and famous rock star I’ve ever heard and was either incredibly well planned out to the last detail and Jim was psychic and knew Freddie would come back to London that particular weekend, or more likely just a happy coincidence.

If your plan has worked after the meal, you will get invited to a country that you have never been to or really desired to ever visit and of course get him to fly you first class. When you got there you would be paraded around town very publicly and later realize it was only to make the current lover jealous.

You continue seeing your prey until he couldn’t live without you because you were so smooth and charming. (My god it hurts me to write this) Make sure that you remember that your mark must be given an ultimatum because he is inevitably going to cheat on you. After several trips to this country you must make sure that you get fed up with him and make sure he calls your apartment but you must arrange it for late at night or early morning as to upset your landlady so you could be kicked out very quickly and have no where to go but to the new house of your mark.

You will move in with him, but don’t let on that you just want his money or fame by avoiding all cameras if possible and keep working your shitty barber job. You must not quit your job though you lived rent free in an attractive rich and famous person’s huge house in a posh part of London. To quit your thankless and tiring job would be way too obvious.

To further make yourself more irresistible put up with all the rather heart breaking and frustrating antics of your mark, give him an ultimatum that he must choose you or this fabulous lifestyle he has lived for years. He will of course because it’s such a genius plan choose you and then your plan has finally come together. You have hooked yourself the prize!


All you haters out there:

You would have people believe that Jim Hutton knew exactly what he was doing when he met and rejected Freddie and then gave him an ultimatum, completely unsure whether he would choose him or not.

That story above is the most ludicrous thing ever. But you know, apparently, after Jim dated Freddie for a while and had the chance to leave with no hard feelings a relationship that was constantly tumultuous and as we would come to find out, life-threatening, instead he would stay because your goal is to wait them out. In hopes they will die first and you can never mention ever wanting any money to him and then he leave you with 500,000 pounds. It only took seven years to finally get what you’ve always wanted. Insane grief and the loss of someone that you, the most amazing con man ever, accidentally fell deeply in love with to get a bit of money. It was all so worth it!

(ignore my constant changing tenses from third person to first and just know if I say you I am putting myself in Jim’s shoes.)

Then as you are grieving this man who didn’t get to even hold your hand in public and would take his former girlfriend as his date to most events, keeping you a secret, write a book to make the big bucks. Make sure that you get a mediocre journalist to tell the story and make sure you make yourself seem innocent and kind and normal. Make sure as well that when prodded by the journalist that you relive one of the most traumatizing times in your entire life, for the money and fame. In the mean time take the little money you make from the book that you hardly promote and go hide away with your family in a small Irish town to seek this fame that you so coveted.

Come on, you are telling me, that Jim Hutton, kept his job that he had to stand on his feet for, for 12 hours a day, I think five days a week for very little money for his grand plan to abuse and take advantage of the love of his very boring and normal life? *bangs head repeatedly*

Are you idiots serious? Oh an make sure that you stay in the relationship and work your ass off keeping the garden that your boyfriend so desperately loves looking pristine and working 12 to 14 hours in the elements so he will leave you a fat pay day at the end.

Make sure as well that you stay in the background at all public events and keep away from all cameras so that when this person dies you can profit off his fame and become famous yourself. Only in a world that makes even less sense than the actual one would any of this even seem to be true.

Here’s the real story. Jim met Freddie, he had a boyfriend, he told Freddie to fuck off, he stayed with his boyfriend until one random day which Freddie just happened to be in London when he lived most of the time touring with his band or in Munich as a tax exile, went back to his apartment and then swallowed his pride and took extravagant gifts like trips to Germany and put up with all of Freddie’s volatile and honestly, infuriating behavior and stayed with him then was forced to move in whether by Freddie’s actions or not, fall deeply in love with a man with a terminal illness, work hard for him to keep the garden that brought him some solace in his suffering perfect, and to his exact specifications and then watch as he died a horrible and painful undignified death all while being hounded by the media. He told no one who he was dating except his mother, and constantly had Mary working against him whispering in Freddie’s ear, and had no allies in the house to rely on, then grieve so much that you don’t want to live anymore and write a book just to tell the story of your love. Which of these is more likely? The incredible decades long con game, or a sweet, shy, man fall in love with one of the worlds’ biggest rockstars.

It is a Cinderella story to be sure, but it wasn’t something that a normal Irish Catholic man working a menial job and going out when he wasn’t working would have even thought to dream up. It was luck or coincidence or fate. Call it what you want, but Jim Hutton didn’t ask or plan for Freddie to come along. He didn’t plan it or engineer it or seek to profit from his death. He simply wanted to be acknowledged that he was important in Freddie’s life and that he loved him. Now over 20 years after his death many so-called fans of his famous lover do nothing but use social media to disparage him. Which accomplishes absolutely nothing and changes none of the facts. Anyone with even a small bit of normal logic can see, Jim wasn’t counting on Freddie to come along. He just did and though unlikely, lightening does in fact strike every once in a while. For Jim Hutton that’s exactly what happened. He had the right look, he was in the right place and he was a kind and patient man who was honestly the unicorn Freddie never thought he would find. A man who truly loved him for exactly who he was and not for his fame or money. If anything Jim was less likely to happen to Freddie than the other way around.

Jim was honest. To an honest person if you are telling a story you have to put in it some of the hardships and ugliness because it’s not fiction, it’s real life and that’s the reality of a disease that had taken hold of so many people and made what little time they had left hell. If I was to tell the story of my life, there wouldn’t be a great love, and it would be insanely mundane and boring, and no one would publish or even buy it. But I promise you, I would certainly have to put some ugly truths about embarrassing and private things in it to make it make any sense. Mark Twain I think said, “No amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot.”

Well I’ve provided in these forty four letters more evidence of Jim being a decent and good man, and countless people who actually knew Freddie have said it time and again, that Jim was the love of his life and meant a lot to Freddie, but yet, all the idiots who never knew him or even met Freddie, still scream their lies and theories at the top of their lungs.

People may believe them until they hear the actual story and then any reasonable and normal person can see Freddie was as lucky to have found Jim as Jim was to find him. Although unlikely the evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that they were in love and Jim was there for the good and bad and that he missed Freddie so much he wrote a book which years later I have read and loved and defended with all it’s flaws and problems with every breath because I believe in the truth.

Jim Hutton is the truth. Mary is the truth. I don’t see people out there screaming Freddie never loved her he just used her for his entire life. She is never in question, despite some glaringly bad truths coming to light about her not so great personality and the fact that Freddie had a few people he loved who weren’t maybe the best people but because he loved them he ignored their faults and loved their great qualities, much like Mary

Jim was truly loved by Freddie and so was Mary. Anyone who says differently is as my friend Mr. Twain so smartly said, a damn idiot!

So if you want to hate on Jim just know you are proving yourself to be an idiot and changing nothing to hurt Jim, or anything but your own reputation. Congratulations! May you be happy with your quest to look like an idiot! You did it well.

and finally in conclusion

Sorry for the rant guys, and Freddie, but I’m so over these literal idiots spewing these hateful things about a love that happens so rarely to anyone. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to my Irish friends all around the world and may you find your own Jim Hutton one day. We all should be so lucky!




Dear Freddie,


This is always the hardest blog of the year to write. It’s the one about you leaving us. That dreaded “d” word is something that I can’t bring myself to type at the moment.

It’s currently November 7, 2021 and I’m starting to write this now because I don’t know how able I will be to write it on the day. This birthday, what would have been your 75th, was surprisingly hard on me. I cried the whole day. It’s just an unbelievable loss to music and pop culture and my life.

November 24, 1991

November 24th, used to be, at least to me, here in the USA…pretty much, just the Thanksgiving holidays.

It used to be a time of family and thankfulness for what we have and it still is, a little. From year to year, I couldn’t really tell you what actual date it fell on, other than the last Thursday in November, but since I have gotten to know more about you and your extraordinary life, that has changed. I may not know exactly but I get pretty close because November 24th is the day we lost you in 1991, and is now the date from which I measure. That is a date I will never forget now. It was a Sunday, and you passed away in the evening after a long fight against a terrible and powerful foe. Even you had to eventually admit defeat to HIV back then. There was no fighting it and when I see how far the medicine has come and that it would hardly be more than a few pills today it makes me angry all over again. I see ads on TV for pills that prevent the spread of HIV and make it nearly undetectable in blood, it’s infuriating.


It doesn’t seem like you have been gone for 30 years, this year! It seems like yesterday and hurts that much too. Some days I have a bit easier time with it than others and this special anniversary is no different. I either find myself upset or not. I will admit something that is hard for me to do and that I have felt extremely guilty about for a while.

I have had older cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends pass away and I feel more heartbroken over your passing than most of theirs. My grandfather was hard, but I was twelve so I’m not sure if I truly understood my emotions or what I felt. I miss him a lot and when reminded I still cry. But every now and then I think of him and miss him, but with you, it’s so much more often than with anyone else who has left us. I wonder if it’s because my grandfather and reminders of him have been tucked away over the years, but reminders of you and the extraordinary contribution to the world are inescapable and indelible. They are everywhere. Almost every day I cannot, and really wouldn’t want to, go a day without hearing a song you sang with that truly supernatural voice of yours, or seeing articles that the press are still writing badly every single day.

I was surprised this year. I didn’t really cry on the twenty-forth like usual, it was your birthday in September that had me bawling for two days. It seemed on that day, if you were even mentioned or anything I would just break down into uncontrollable sobs. I think the tragedy of it being the day we were blessed with your birth in 1946 and that you weren’t here to celebrate when the rest of your band members are, was too much to bear. I know birthdays are happy occasions and you wouldn’t want us to grieve for you, but grief is not something anyone can truly control. The most extraordinary part of all of it is that people have been grieving your loss since the day your light was extinguished. Thankfully, you left us a legacy of music and performances that we can all watch and appreciate. Without that, I don’t know how many of us would make it through.

I used to giggle at people standing vigil at Elvis’ house in Memphis on his birthday. I never understood. Elvis was way before my time and though he had an unbelievable amount of charisma and star power; he never really appealed to me emotionally. Then in 1992, a movie called Wayne’s World, introduced me to a song that would imprint on my brain and heart forever. Though oddly I feel like I’ve always known it or something? Anyway, I was very young around 11 or 12 and allowed by my parents to watch that PG-13 rated movie with my friends. That famous headbanging scene in the blue Pinto came on and Bohemian Rhapsody flipped a switch. Like those who heard it and had the same reaction when it was released, or secretly released as it were, in 1975. It was love at first listen.

Since I was a child, I didn’t see the significance that that song would have in my memory until in late 2017, or maybe early 2018, I was sitting with my mother in another movie in the theatre and the preview for the movie Bohemian Rhapsody came on and I sat, mouth open, eyes and ears glued to the screen for that few minutes. I couldn’t tell you what movie it was that I saw the preview, but I will never forget the moment I realized they were making a movie about Freddie and Queen. That switch that flipped way back in 1992 was once again turned on and it’s been, frankly, complete obsession, ever since. That was when I really started to research and read and listen and watch everything that even alluded to you or Queen and learn as much as I can about you. I cannot count the number of hours over the past three years since it premiered that I have spent flooding my senses of all things you. If they offered a PhD in all things Freddie I would have one for sure.

If you were anyone else I’d be a scary stalker, and honestly when fans know more about you than even your good friends, I think it makes them a little wary. Yes, we are obsessed. We didn’t have the blessing of being your close friend or even knowing you at all in most cases, but damnit if we weren’t going to make up for it by learning everything we can from those that knew you and those that claim to. (Lesley-Ann Jones, I’m talking to you.)

You never apologized for making money off of your music and honestly no one should, it’s not exactly a secret. If you produce a good product no matter what it is and people buy it, you should make money off of your work, there is nothing to be ashamed of in that. Many in the music business wave off any mention of the millions they have earned off of whatever songs or media they have produced like they don’t want to earn money doing it. Give the public some credit. We aren’t idiots, well most of us, anyway.

We go to work at our jobs and provide a service or product and you can damn well bet my paycheck better be in the bank when it’s supposed to be. I have no shame in that. The wealthy in our society are seen as the role-models, but then also looked down upon when they mention anything having to do with money. Money isn’t happiness as you once said, but if you make it, be genuine, like you were, admit that’s why you do your job. Though celebrities have much more glamorous and easier jobs than most, they are still jobs. Everything in life comes with a price, and if you are willing to pay it than you shouldn’t ever be ashamed of it. You once said that you knew that lack of privacy, and people taking advantage of you was what you sacrificed for fame and fortune and you admitted it and that you knew it was going to and went into it fully knowing that. Falsely humble celebrities are kind of my pet peeve.

What might have been

I see Brian and Roger and their gray hair and grown children and second or third wives, and I wonder what would you have looked like? Would you have been ageless like your mother? What would those exotic strands of DNA aged like? We will never know.

We all know that Brian and Roger miss you and that’s natural. You were part of their everyday lives for over twenty years. The thing that is baffling is why strangers who were either very young or not even born yet when you died miss you so deeply. It hurts: A LOT!

A timeline I’ve seen may times in more than one form or another. But I figured why not.

Only the Good die young:

I am going to bring up something a tiny bit controversial right now. I propose that some of your enduring and endearing legacy is because you left us when you were young. Like most parents of this current teenage generation, I find it odd that some worship the looks of Brian or Roger or even John, because they are old men in their seventies. We saw them age and live and now they are older and yet teenagers who are barely old enough to buy their own music have social media pages and blogs, and other forms of admiration about Brian, Roger, or John. Now I have nothing against any of them. But when you see the gray hair or white haired versions these days it’s hard to think about the blonde haired, blue eyed, drummer that stole the hearts of women all over the world. It’s hard to see the skinny, brunette, poodle-like, young guitar aficionado instead.

I read somewhere that dying young is the best thing an artist can do for his legacy. I don’t want to even offer an answer to the truthfulness of that statement, but it seems to hold up for a lot of those we call “legends.” Freddie Mercury’s picture should be in the dictionary next to rock star. For me he defines everything a true rock star is. What are those things? Let’s see…..

Immediately recognizable by photo CHECK
Writes music people enjoy and that are successful CHECK AND CHECK
Can play an instrument or sing well live. CHECK
Has a personal life that people are interested in CHECK
Has a recognizable name CHECK
High celebrity status CHECK

Looks like you fit to me Freddie. But this is of course only my opinion.


Legend is a word that is vastly overused these days. It’s thrown out there for so many things and on modern TV “legendary,” has become a universal punchline. (Thanks How I Met Your Mother!) I watch too much TV so I know these things and it is usually a frame of reference for me.

There needs to be another word that means the same thing that has more reverence and is used more purposely for just a certain few. Few humans in the world have achieved legendary status that still permeates the fabric of pop culture even more than a half century later and Freddie is one of those precious few.

I wonder sometimes, if when he said that famous “I won’t be a rockstar I will be a legend,” quote that has been used in countless memes if he really understood what it meant? What the legacy he would leave really would mean? I doubt it as no one is that arrogant, no one, not even stage performer Freddie.

There are good legendary people and bad legendary people:

To me someone who is so much a part of history that their name is known by every generation no matter how far removed fits into that definition of legendary. Bad legends are people who did such horrible things no one can forget and they aren’t special, just horrible and notorious for the evil they brought into the world. They are legendarily infamous.

Good legends, the kind that we should all look up to and revere are those that brought something good or fun to the world and to the lives of those who knew or heard about them or from them. A legend like that endures and keeps making the world even a tiny bit better as it does.

I mean let’s look at Greek mythology for example, how many of us have had to sit through those horrible Greek epic stories fighting to stay conscious and at the same time struggling to understand the language? I know I have spent countless school hours reading or studying them in some form. Here we are thousands of years later and I still have to deal with Homer’s Illiad or The Odyssey. William Shakespeare for me is the fabric of too much of my life. If I had to sit through one more literature class where they try to tell me what his sonnets truly meant, or what Hamlet was thinking in a scene I think I might do something drastic.

On a quick tangent, has anyone else ever wondered how a literature teacher knows that a poem or written work is interpreted the way the say? I mean you don’t know old Willy Shakes, how do you know he meant that in that particular line of the sonnet? When he says the sky is blue in fancy words, how do they know it’s a metaphor for something deep or that he just was looking at it and wrote it in fancy words?

Freddie once said, when asked what his lyrics meant or were about, “I will say no more than a great poet or artist would. If you see it darling, it’s there.” Once again, such a simple statement but such a perfect explanation. I mean I have no clue what the hell was going on in Freddie’s head when he wrote the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody or how he even came up with the name of the song. I certainly don’t know what the hell William Shakespeare meant or what he was trying to say with metaphor? Honestly, to me, you just have to go with what the particular person interpreting it at the time thinks. These people wrote words and lyrics, or verse studied for hundreds or thousands of years and we are all still reading them. As time progressed and history was written, music became a part of that same fabric of knowledge, a result of the progression of technology throughout history, from the radio, to streaming internet today.

Some scarily ignorant people may not know simple facts that we all think we should know. A great many examples can be found on You Tube on the former Jay Leno show with his famous “Jaywalk All-stars” segment. The sheer ignorance or maybe more cynically, stupidity is shocking.

If you want to understand what that reference means, google it. You will see very quickly what I am talking about. No matter how ignorant or stupid someone may seem if you go up to them and do that famous three beats stomp, stomp, clap, it’s almost universally known what that is. That is a song. That is We Will Rock You. They may not know the band, which is hard to believe, but they have heard the song. So in this long opinion I just rambled, I dare say that a “legend.” Is someone who left behind something that most people in a civilized society would recognize.

Who doesn’t recognize the blonde hair and curvaceous figure of Marilyn Monroe? Who hasn’t seen an iconic picture of James Dean in his leather jacket, or Elvis in his bejeweled stage outfits? I am pretty confident when I say everyone pretty much knows who those people are at least when they see a picture of them. No matter what letter generation you belong to, those people are hard to overlook.

When you become a Halloween costume that has endured, you have truly made it-lol!”

Freddie is in that group. The photo of him leaning back with the former Wembley stadium in London framing his thrown back head and arched body has become as iconic as Marilyn’s dress being blown up by wind as she holds it down. His yellow jacket has become as important in pop culture as the white dress of Marilyn, or the leather jacket of James. It isn’t an opinion when I say, that has become one of the modern worlds’ most recognized photos…ever. But that’s nothing new is it? Freddie made or did a lot of things in his life that were the greatest ever. I have two words to prove it, “Live Aid.”

Literally, one of pop culture’s most iconic photographs taken in 1986 at the Wembley concert in London just one stop on a record-breaking tour that would prove to be the last tour with Freddie, and I could argue the most legendary.

So back to the point, here we are 30 years later, and it’s not just me that knows the music of Queen. In fact, there was a HORRIBLE show on TV the other night with stars doing criminally horrendous cover versions of Queen songs. Suffice it to say, I did not watch. If you like Queen music I suggest you don’t either.

I’m a Queen purist. I only like the original four. There are Beatles fans who are the same and Elvis fans who only like the songs he sings to be sung by him. Because let’s be real, some things are just too awesome to be copied. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but sometimes it can hurt as much as help. That show was a good example of an attempt at imitation being a complete failure. If it were up to me, no song by Queen would ever be played that didn’t have the original four members playing it. That doesn’t include any plus sign wannabes either. I’m looking at you Lambert!”

I would venture to say that Freddie’s voice and even his mustache and teeth are as iconic as Marilyn’s blonde hair, or James’ leather jacket or Elvis’ gaudy jumpsuits. I don’t think I’m alone in saying that is pretty much as close to truth as you will get.

The Great Mustache Debate

I wonder sometimes if the fans that threw razors on stage at Queen concerts in response to Freddie’s mustache, in the early 1980’s are haunted by that stupid mistake? I would be, but that’s me, I don’t know because I wasn’t there and I am bitter about the not being there part. The razors were just a response to change which most people fear and rebel against, so it’s natural and I don’t really blame them. For as far as technology had progressed since music became a way of life, people’s prejudices and ignorance of anything that wasn’t exactly the way it had been for decades, didn’t. The 1980’s had it’s moments of progressiveness. New York City and San Francisco being two of the main hubs of that. Gay men had been judged and looked down upon for centuries, a few clubs and songs and wardrobe changes weren’t going to get them to accept it. It’s still a controversial thing today though we have come a long way since then. Even though more people died of AIDS in the United States in the mid-to late 80’s and early 90’s in than in the countries’ deadliest war, the civil war, people seemed to ignore the shocking loss of life. It’s hard to understand how things were back then. But this current pandemic and the views of some people can help me to explain a little. I am a heterosexual female, so I don’t pretend to even begin to know what the struggle was like being homosexual in the 1980’s. Though, everyone thinks of the 80’s as this time of excess and freedom now, it wasn’t at all.

Of course, hindsight reveals all mistakes, so their quick reaction seems horrible now, but it was really a reaction to change. No one who was ever remembered didn’t do something adventurous and subsequently controversial in their life story. It’s only now that we look behind us that we see how much a part of Freddie Mercury that mustache would become, as much as the phenomenal voice, and even the name he adopted in the early 70’s.

What really confuses me the most is that a more obvious gay look was the leather from head to toe that Freddie donned in the late 70’s. That was blatantly an obvious representation of wardrobe from the gay scenes in New York and San Francisco. No one was telling him to not wear that and fans weren’t upset by that look, but he grows some hair on his upper lip and it’s a damn tragedy. I really wonder if we ever do figure out how to travel through time if it’s possible to “fix” our past mistakes? Had those fans who hated his mustache when he first started wearing it known how much of his iconic image it would tie into, would they have been as upset? I know if I could time travel I would take my smart phone back to the 70’s and go to every single Queen concert from the beginning and film them all. I know doing that back then was completely impossible and Queen played so many live shows over their twenty years, that task would be incredibly daunting, but from the little footage we do have or recordings of the concerts it’s plain to see no matter how daunting a task, it would be well worth it.

The clone look in New York consisted of completely “normal” historically manly styles. A white tank top, everyone where’s those no matter what your scene. In Britain they call it a “vest” which always throws me completely off. Mustaches were mostly worn by cowboys in the old west, or at least the Hollywood depiction of them. A white tank top, jeans, a vest and a mustache seem pretty normal to me, although some men shouldn’t wear a mustache, it doesn’t look good on all men and only a few can truly pull it off, Freddie was one. This more “manly” style followed the super androgynous 70’s with long hair and outfits that either gender could wear. All of that was fine, but god forbid Freddie grow a mustache. I hate the 70’s fashions. I’m not a fan of long hair on men and I certainly don’t want to see that decade’s fashions recycled. There were quite a few questionable fashion choices that no one can understand how they caught on, but a mustache has been around forever. I’d tell you this, I would much rather have the 80’s fashions back than the 70’s. Can you imagine men today all having long hair. Just no!

The blame game:

The eighties was dominated with leadership by old white men. If you were anything other than those three things, you were pretty much getting screwed. Old white men can be homosexual but those are not the ones to which I refer, those would be the leader’s of this country in the eighties. Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. were both President during the AIDS epidemic and couldn’t have missed the millions afflicted, but just literally ignored it. The people afflicted were young, and homosexual, and according to their stupid thinking…..immoral. It makes me so angry.

A virus has spread through the world that can kill you. (Covid 19) It’s been around for two years and there is already a vaccine and pretty good treatment for it. AIDS had been around for decades and they had hardly even given it a proper name. For years it was called the “Gay plague.” The morality hypocrites protested about any advancement or study of it because it did affect mostly homosexual men at the time. These people who have more sins than Dante’s inferno, saw homosexuality as some disgusting perversion and anything to do with it as abhorent.

There were some very slow progression. At least it wasn’t illegal to be gay anymore, which why it ever was is confusing, but we have to live and learn. Clusters of communities that were more accepting, New York being one. But even there, the clubs were all in the meat-packing district, which today is a pretty cool neighborhood, but back then it was basically the slums. The clubs frequented by gay men in NYC in the 80’s weren’t exactly prime examples of great architecture or cleanliness. But it was better than being arrested for even being perceived as homosexual. For all the perversion and sexual deviance we have today, to equate gay men in that group is just wrong. In England, things were more underground. In some ways England and the rest of Europe are less judgmental about sex is for the most part true. I saw somewhere, where Brian May said that the USA was just as sexually deviant as any other place they just hid it better. Which being from the USA myself I admit that’s most likely the case.

Reagan had been an actor in Hollywood, even back in the early days of film, homosexuality was pretty rampant in the acting scene. The difference was that no one really talked about it. Rock Hudson, all women’s ultimate heartthrob and a close friend of Ronnie, I might add. Was killed by this horrible disease and Reagan barely acknowledged it. *shakes head*

I truly believe had HIV affected a group of the population that didn’t have such prejudice and stigma about it, Freddie would have lived because if they had put even nearly as much effort into a vaccine or treatment for HIV as they did for COVID. Freddie Mercury would be alive today.

It’s a disease that still has no cure, and don’t let the commercials fool you. Those medicines that help keep HIV from becoming AIDS have a lot of side effects. The difference is you can keep it from becoming active and killing your immune system. A human being cannot survive without an immune system and that is exactly what HIV does, kill it. All the problems and diseases Freddie had due to HIV such as the Karposi Sarcomas, we all are exposed to all the time, but we have healthy immune systems that when it invades our immunes system kills it. When you have AIDS even the common cold we all suffer from once in a while can be deadly.

I want to quickly talk about the difference in HIV and AIDS. The virus you contract is HIV. When you first contract it you get some flu like symptoms and then it goes and hides for ten or so years and stays dormant. Your immune system is fine and everything seems okay. That was the hardest part of HIV back in the 80’s was even if you learned about it and how to prevent it. You could have already contracted it. It bugs me so much when people say that Freddie had AIDS at Live Aid. This is why the difference is important. Freddie had a throat infection, but that doesn’t mean that he had AIDS. AIDS is the disease that you develop when the virus wakes up after hanging around for ten or so years. Yes, Freddie had contracted the dormant HIV virus by 1985, but there was barely even a test to detect it yet, much less any medical knowledge to learn how to treat it. So the way it should be said is, Freddie did have HIV at Live Aid, but a throat infection could have come from anywhere. The fact that Freddie was so healthy for most of his life until he was diagnosed goes to show that HIV doesn’t kill you it’s just the sleeper cell. The deadly part is AIDS.

That’s the cruelest part, was there was this disease out there people were contracting and no one even knew it existed. When Freddie most likely contracted it they hadn’t even named it yet. Honestly, by the time anyone knew what it was, Freddie most likely had already contracted it. Peter Freestone has said that though he didn’t much discuss it, Freddie thought he contracted it in the late 70’s or very early 80’s in New York.

That’s why the book Somebody to Love pisses me off so badly. They claim in that book, that was not at all written by doctors. In fact the people who wrote it were journalists. They have about as much medical knowledge as I do, which is almost none. For them to make any kind of predictions, no matter how much research or interviews or whatever about when Freddie contracted HIV is unbelievably arrogant. They claim to have records of a doctor’s appointment Freddie had a couple of days before his appearance on Saturday Night Live in 1982. First of all, though laws weren’t as strict about patient privacy back then, I’m pretty sure that medical records from that long ago were either destroyed by 2016 when the authors wrote that book, or that they wouldn’t just hand over medical records because they were writing a book. Letting the press have free access to those kind of records is completely far-fetched. Not to mention to further discredit that horrible book. They claim that Freddie’s “flu-like symptoms” he was supposedly feeling during the night’s performances when he had lost his voice were due to HIV’s initial infection. There are so many things wrong with that statement. Let me explain why.

Legacy vs. Privacy

If you want a wide spread and well-known legacy, you can’t expect a ton of privacy. Here’s the thing. When you are dead, privacy loses all value. Just like money you cannot take it with you to the other side. How anyone can be upset over Freddie’s privacy being violated 30 years after he left this world is baffling. If he was granted the privacy that was valuable when he was living, we wouldn’t know anything about him. This blog wouldn’t exist and I would be scrambling for something to be a fan of since my show that I was so loyal too finally went off air.

If you want any kind of public and lasting legacy, people have to talk about you. Freddie’s privacy when he was alive has given him an even more powerful legacy than had he been more open back then. He left us some mystery, which to anyone who is alive and human, mystery and puzzles and figuring things out in some form or another, is irresistible. Freddie’s whole image, charisma, sex-appeal, wardrobe, even the way he walked all had a little air of mystery and wonder to it and that’s why here I am 30 years later, and writing paragraph after paragraph about a man I never met and didn’t really even knew existed when he died. If that’s not legendary what is?

He sure had something special because there is not one person alive or dead or group or anything that I devote my time to with the same fervor and zeal as I do to Freddie. I wouldn’t be caught dead sitting here writing about Elvis, Marilyn, even James Dean who I happen to adore and have for years. But James Dean through no fault of his own, was so young when he died and had done so little that his life is easy to study, absorb, and move on. Only Freddie can keep my interest this way.

(By the way I’m exhausted so if the above lines make no sense and seem like the ramblings of a crazy person, that’s the explanation there. When I’m tired, all sense of order goes away and I just type stream-of consciousness ramblings. Sorry. Sleep and I have a very complicated relationship. We tend to do battle often and I admit, sleep is kicking my ass. Not to mention I don’t ever just start typing at the bottom of where I left off the time before, no that would make too much logical sense. So for that reason, this blog jumps all over the place. Much like Freddie on stage)

Everyone has a right to tell their story.

A subject that I seem to harp on often is the many fans who blame those who knew Freddie when he was alive and bouncing around New York City, or the world for that matter, bitching about them telling their stories. Everyone has to remember, that everything that was ever written was seen through the eyes of the author and recounted their way. The actual moment to moment facts might be a little bit different, but how can anyone know who wasn’t there to witness?

To penalize those who knew Freddie and loved him for writing or talking about him is completely insane. If they didn’t; we would know nothing more than his music and image. We wouldn’t know anything about his personality beyond what was shown on his rare television appearances or newspaper quotes. In a time when just about no one completely trusts the media in any form; why are you mad at people who were there and actually experienced the events of Freddie’s life for telling their story?

We have to remember, this blog, Peter Freestone’s books, speeches, and opinions, Jim Hutton’s many tales, and the accounts of countless friends and colleagues, were told from their minds and from their perspectives at the time. If you know someone who can recount an event only factually with no variation then, it’s a computer. Humans are horrible at remembering, ask any defense attorney who has torn apart eye witness testimony in a court room. Two people can witness the same event at the same time and their accounts can be, and usually are, very different, but the underlying truth is there. The details are remembered through the eyes of the person telling the tale. For example, a color blind person won’t tell you what color shirt someone was wearing, as opposed to someone who isn’t. Even then they get it wrong a lot. There are countless studies. Look it up!

As I said in a past blog, privacy is only good for the living. For anyone who is gone from this world, privacy is the opposite of what they want. How on earth are we expected to remember someone if we never hear anything about them? So next time you want to yell at Jim about what happened on that final day in Freddie’s life, rethink, because his emotions and the trauma clouded the actual factual truth. I am one who thinks that real fact isn’t possible if told by humans from memory. Everything has a filter of our own experiences, knowledge, and emotions at the time. This blog for example is clouded very heavily on my past, present, and hopes for the future.

Okay, so back to the subject, geez I don’t lie when I say I ramble……


I have had a hard time writing about Freddie lately or doing anything outside of normal everyday activities that involve him. I have a calendar and it’s literally my morning routine to listen to Queen while I shower, but lately my combing through tumblr for all hours or going on any website I can to find info about him has faded. Don’t be mistaken though: my desktop backgrounds on my computer at work are dozens and dozens of images of him or Queen. With a few Supernatural sprinkled in there and maybe some Suits or Outlander as well, but mostly, Freddie.

The photos on my phone are 90 percent Freddie, so my love for him and devotion hasn’t faded just the act of going out of my way to seek out all things that have to do with him has. I mean he’s still a topic in google on my home page. You know when you can type in key words so that everything that mentions those are sent to you like on Google or whatever?

Freddie Mercury is now a permanent part of my auto correct dictionary on my iPhone and every mention of him online appears on my google search home page. It’s honestly comical. Everyone who knows me knows I love him. I have calendars of him, Funko dolls, even a glasses case that my friend found for me in the UK and the lanyard for my work card key. I can’t list all the stuff, it’s too long and I’m too lazy. I still read every article in which his name is mentioned and either smile at it or cuss at it, for it’s content. I still like writing this blog and I still talk to Freddie all the time. But my tendency to center every single thing in my life around him is pretty much gone. I originally started this blog to educate and help people understand this man that I so adore. Now it seems to be me repeating the same things over and over, but when someone isn’t here to make new memories, there are only so many you can tell, without just blatantly making it up.

I still have ideas and things I think about wanting to write about him pop into my head at the worst possible times when I have no way of recording them, such as during my shower, or watching tv. If you knew me you’d know, that getting up and finding something to record a random thought on isn’t in my abilities. I write as I think it. A lot of these blogs are stream of consciousness thoughts and musings and yes, ramblings, of course.


It’s been thirty years since he died on November 24, 1991, but his fame and legendary status grow a little more every single day. Every time anyone plays We Are the Champions or mentions Bohemian Rhapsody. Freddie lives on and becomes just a tiny bit more loved.

It makes me happy that kids barely able to form words know his songs and usually his picture because their parents so wisely recognized that Freddie could inspire their children the way he did them. A vast majority of those that teach their kids about him today in 2021 never met or saw him sing live, but his impact is just as real as if they had. I went to a Tennessee Titans football game a couple of weeks ago and was seriously upset that a Queen song wasn’t played during down time. Though, in all fairness, my attention span is severely short and I usually can’t make it all the way until the end of the game. I do well to make it through movies even in a theater anymore. It seems to get worse with age. So it’s highly possible, that after they did win that game, as people exited the stadium, they did in fact play, Champions. It is kind of a bad idea to play that before the end of any competition, cause it could end up backfiring. The universe has a funny way of doing that. I am not superstitious really, but I do believe that sometimes things said out loud can very scarily seem to manifest. Like joking about someone having an accident and then they do. I don’t really believe that is going to happen, but why risk it?

Though infuriatingly there is a misspelled word in this meme. I love it. I added the Dear Adam part.

I cuss at articles that quote anyone saying something completely false about Freddie. I also cuss when Adam Lambert, waxes poetic, about the man he stands-in for. That’s all he is, a stand-in, and he didn’t know Freddie any more than I did, so shut up! Dammit! Today I read an article that said, “Adam Lambert says Brian May told him Freddie Mercury was very weak when he recorded The Show Must Go On.” Why is this even an article someone wasted precious moments of their lives writing. For one, that’s like a third hand quote and second, it’s stating the fucking obvious.

Anyone who knows a little about Freddie knows he died of AIDS. If they know anything about the disease they know it’s horrible to endure and if they do their research will learn that he was in the very final days of his life when he recorded and slayed! I might add, that song. The man’s god-like powers may not have been able to stop the disease but it was able to pull out the superhuman willpower to make that song amazing, even more than some of his other songs.

So saying he was weak when he recorded it, is honestly like saying, Brian May is old. We can tell, we know, it’s not a secret. What burns me up is what the hell does Adam Lambert have to do with Freddie’s final days? The reason Adam upsets me so much is because anyone who is newly minted into the Queen fandom, needs to understand that Freddie Mercury was the one who made that band legendary and his voice is unparalleled. They need to appreciate the true importance he plays in every note of every one of those songs.

When Adam is thrown up on that stage, this generation of believing what they see, might think Adam has something to do with why these gray-haired old men get the privilege of still selling out stadiums and arenas. I pray they don’t think that Queen includes Adam, and because Brian and Roger seem to infer that fact over and over, erroneously, lately. I worry about the new fans thinking that there are five members of Queen. THERE AREN’T!

Adam is nothing more than a cover artist. Just a better funded version of any Queen cover band. Yes, the guitar and drums may be the same, but without the singing, it’s only a cover version, period!

My biggest worry is that this gullible new generation, (let’s give them credit, every new generation is gullible, they are young, until they grow up and laugh at the next generation) will think that’s how real Queen live music sounds, when really it’s something they will never truly experience, because the heart and soul of Queen isn’t on that stage and never will be again. Maybe someday technology will advance so much that watching an old Queen concert in some form of media that hasn’t been invented yet, will give you the same experience as the real thing, but for now all we have is TV and though they are a good representation of what it was like to experience Queen live with Freddie Mercury. It, from what I have heard from numerous sources, wasn’t just seeing and hearing, but feeling every note he sang in every cell of your body. That is the real Freddie live experience, and I fear this generation of screens and media will think that if they go to a Queen+ concert it’s tantamount to experiencing the original band live. IT’S NOT EVEN CLOSE!

Okay I will stop right here for today at least, because I’m about to get angry and want to go on this rant about how Brian and Roger need to wake up and realize, most of us aren’t fans of them or Adam, most of us love Queen because of Freddie. Sorry, it’s true. It’s easier to say that Queen was Freddie than to say, that Queen was Brian or Roger or John? I mean really? Most of the reason that band was and is so great is the fact that Freddie Mercury is a superhuman genius musician, who could hear music on a level most of us never will including Brian and Roger, though they get closer than most, no one will ever understand every musical note with the brilliance and insight that Freddie did. No, not every song was perfect, but it was always pleasing to the ear! (Doesn’t seem like I stopped, huh?)

Live music

For most bands, some songs, when sung love, are seriously hard to listen to or just don’t sound like we want them to. I have been at some concerts and not even recognized a popular song by that band because they butchered it. Queen never, ever, did and most of the reason for that is Freddie did everything in his power to make absolutely certain that didn’t happen. For the two hours on stage night-after-night for twenty plus years, and the innumerable hours in a recording studio while singing and working on it, Freddie was music, not Brian, or Roger, or John.

There are a handful of people that are as talented at interpreting music as Freddie, and they are usually named Beethoven or something. In short FREDDIE WAS MUSIC the others were there to add to it, but QUEEN IS FREDDIE, without him, it’s just a lesser imitation. This idea is the reason I feel so strongly about Adam. There’s imitation and then there is copying, and Adam is millimeters away from almost taking or even receiving credit for the band’s greatness. Queen is as great as they are because of one person, Freddie Mercury. FULL STOP!

My biggest fear and the source of my strong emotions about it, is that someone else will get credit for making it that way. Argue all you want but you could take out Roger Taylor and Brian May, though the sound would be different, the band would be just as amazing. They were all important, but if we have to pick the most important of the four. It’s Freddie, and the other three impacted his creative process in the perfect way that it allowed his genius to translate into the music. When he went solo, he was still superhumanly genius at music, but the way the music of Queen was shaped was because of the way the other three kind of molded Freddie’s vision. I don’t know if what I’m trying to convey is getting across, but say what you like the only person who was irreplaceable in that band was him.

All the evidence you need is in the solo work of Brian or Roger. Works that are all far inferior to anything done with Queen. That’s why Paul Rodgers didn’t work out, and it’s why if they were to record a completely new album with Adam as their singer, it would go almost nowhere. The only reason that the live album with Adam was so popular is that by now, the legend of Queen is much bigger than any one person, even if that person is Freddie Mercury. It’s mythologically great now. Not to mention the music on the album is what Freddie and Queen created even if sung by another inferior singer. That’s the way Freddie left it thirty years ago, and it’s the way it will remain as long as his considerable influence is recognized.

Queen by the numbers

If we have to use numbers, Queen is a 60/40 band. 60 of it is Freddie all by himself and 40 is the other three. The only reason anyone knows who the hell Roger, and Brian are is because of the music Freddie helped them create, without him they would be nobodys. Honestly, Brian and Roger are basking in the shining light of Freddie’s legacy and are great by sheer association. I highly doubt in 30 more years if anyone will go to visit a statue of Brian May or Roger Taylor, but they will still be visiting the statue in Montreux, Switzerland of Freddie. Freddie’s birthday will be celebrated all over, but Brian and Roger’s will get mentioned, maybe, but not celebrated. They have to get used to it. No matter what they do or how hard they try, Freddie will always be the most popular and loved member of Queen and the sole reason they are successful today.

It’s an opinion Freddie would hate, and of course humbly deny, but time always reveals the truth, and the truth is that without Freddie, Queen is just a bunch of old guys and an annoying imitator making noise on a stage. They should call the new version of the cover band, Queen minus Freddie, because the reason that those fans are using their money to buy tickets is because of Freddie Mercury. Adam Lambert has his own solo career, and it speaks volumes, that his entire solo career is completely eclipsed by his substitution into this great band.

So many bands can lose a member or two and still be as great as their past selves. Queen is not that way because the most important part of what makes that band legendary and loved is gone. A good example is The Rolling Stones still performing after all these years, but I don’t think it’s risky to say that they are not as legendary as Queen. I think there is a huge reason that George, Paul, and Ringo never got on a stage and said they were the Beatles after John Lennon died. Without him, they weren’t. Same goes for this fab four it just seems only John Deacon recognizes that. Not to mention, a lot of this is about money. Brian and Roger are greedy, they love the money, that’s why they carry on, it’s not this fictional “need” to be on a stage. Ask John Deacon.

For years to come…

I will not be watching documentaries about Brian May or Roger Taylor years from now. The documentaries that are popular are all about Freddie. They tried to make one with Adam, and only succeeded because of the mentions and comparisons to Freddie. I have yet to see a successful documentary about Brian May or Roger Taylor, and there is a reason for that. They are boring and typical. Roger has been married twice and had three serious, relationships. That’s completely stereotypical. Their real interest lies in their memories and association with Freddie.

Heroes live forever but LEGENDS never die. Freddie will never. When the entire band has joined him in heaven this statue will stand to remind us what a real life legend is. Who needs Marvel or DC when we have Freddie Mercury?

I am considered a “minor” expert on Quora about Freddie because if there was such a thing I would have a doctorate in all things Freddie Mercury. I can know everything about him without ever knowing the man himself. At least, I can know everything about what people write and say about him that did know and love him.

Freddie says in Love of My Life, “When I grow older I will be there at your side to remind you how I still love you.” Well Freddie was nothing if not a man of his word. The last words he ever said to his fans on camera were “I still love you.” Though growing older came a lot quicker than we expected.

Freddie today:

Freddie Mercury when he was alive was one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world. It wasn’t exactly difficult to recognize him. He had jet black hair, a smile that could light up stadiums, and a presence that could be felt in the air around him. Few stars or people ever possess as much chemistry and just all around “specialness,” as he did. He walked in a room and people knew even with their backs turned, “someone” was there. He couldn’t go anywhere and not be recognized, which kept him a prisoner most day light hours in any country he visited. From the Australia and New Zealand, to the farthest reaches of the earth. Everyone knew who he was, that was how famous he was.

When he was alive he was famous and controversial and an international press target. Publicity is good, but the ratio of good publicity to bad was way off when it came to him. He handled it with more grace and poise than most would and because he was so standoffish, it fed the press curiosity. He wanted what all celebrities want, the publicity needed to sell their product and what we now call “brand,” but the privacy of a regular person. It was of course a pipe dream and he knew it. He chose that life and took the ups and downs that came with it. The press hated him because he dared become world famous and successful without their help. Well talent will win out no matter what.

I love to read bad reviews of live shows from the press. I laugh at the ridiculous grasping at straws they have to use to give the show a bad review. Sometimes I wonder if they were even at the concerts they review and how that “crow” tastes all these years later. In a digitally recorded world, those idiot journalists who unfairly reviewed one of rock’s best ever live bands are eating their words and wishing that they had never typed them. Well you did, and now the man is a legend the likes of Greek mythology and revered and recognized for everything that those same journalists criticized years ago. Someone pass them to salt to help the crow go down a bit easier.

Fame was never something Freddie sought, it came and it never faded. Even when his physical body was being ravaged by a cruel and stigmatized disease, his fame only grew. We all know from many experiences that the press are savage and resort to just about anything for that perfect photo or story. This kept Freddie from revealing many details of his life and in doing so, kept the press’ need for more insatiable.

Now thirty years later after he died and after the statement that stuck it to the evil press for the last time while he was alive, he is more famous than ever. He is more recognizable and more appreciated by the same people who dared to tear him down all those years ago.

He got so much press for growing a mustache……TO BE CONT….

In today’s world, Freddie’s mustache would have been news in seconds not minutes, and would have circled the globe many times over in the span of a few minutes. The journalists’ fingers would be flying across the keyboard and the stories would be published within the hour. This was not the same. Hundreds of articles and blurbs and informational alerts were sent out in “hard-copy” over the week he premiered it in the video for Play the Game. Growing facial hair got Freddie more attention than most hoped to get at that time. Now the news wasn’t usually in favor of this new look, but as time went on that mustache became as much a part of him and his image as his wardrobe or his teeth. Roger Taylor says on the Days of our Lives documentary, that he got so much attention for it, he could have killed himself and gotten less press. That’s paraphrased, but you get the idea. Fans threw razors on the stage hating it, but now I can’t imagine an 80’s version of Freddie without it. It’s become as much a part of him as anything.

People say that the world hated it because it was the gay “clone” look. No, that can’t be right. Did they not see the head to toe leather he wore through much of the last couple years of the 70’s. He literally copied the gay biker guy from whatever the name of the band who sang YMCA.

As time goes on I worry that Freddie’s popularity and love from fans will fade, but every time I start to worry the tributes roll out in surprising quantities. His iconic status is obvious today and despite being gone for 30 years, he’s still just as famous or even more, as he was in the early 80’s. When he was alive he was the most recognizable rockstar, even in death, though he’s not here to recognize, the information and fascination of his life and personality endure and even, I dare say, grow as time moves forward. Because Time doesn’t wait for anyone, even Freddie Mercury.

I found an article on the true and lasting impact Freddie has on the world. Here is a quote.

Mercury was a true artist who touched the world with his gift. I remember clearly that the day he died I was about to start delivering a lecture, and as the students walked in, I noticed a young man sobbing. I enquired if everything was okay, and he related the news to me. That was the effect Freddie Mercury had on his fan base.

Beth Daley for internet magazine The Conversation

I mean some of us want to just scream at everyone else how obvious it is that Freddie had this effect back then and now. I have to say I cried more on his birthday than I did on the anniversary of his death. A couple of new documentaries are coming out and are bound to have the tears falling fast when I watch them.

Grief in any form is cyclical. They say there are five stages, the last being acceptance. Well at the moment I’m there, but just last week I was at anger. Just as the sun rises and sets grief changes every day. The anniversary of his death snuck up on me. It was surprising, because it’s usually a day I count down to. This year his birthday floored me and started the cycle back over again. I know my limits, however, and I cannot and will not watch the Tribute concert.

I get it, they are paying a much-deserved tribute to Freddie that April night, but I know myself and it’s not something I can stomach. The day I watch it will be the day I have one-hundred percent accepted he is gone, but as long as his music endures and the sound touches my ear drums, I don’t see that happening. Today I’m accepting of his death, who knows what tomorrow will bring.
When it comes to me and Freddie and our so-called “relationship” which is ardent fan to dead music icon, one thing will never change. That man has the power to do what I see as the impossible sometimes. No matter what, on any given day I get to hear any Queen music or Freddie vocal performance, even when I hate everything, Freddie can make me smile. It’s his superpower. I’m a frowner by nature, not on purpose, it’s just my kind of stasis facial expression. I have gone to comedy shows and not cracked a smile. I’m a pretty tough customer when it comes to what makes me show the teeth that my parents paid so much of their hard-earned money to straighten in my youth.

I have been to concerts where I am concentrating so hard on making a memory of it that I look some have said, “miserable.” That sucks because I’m not, I’m just not the best at showing the emotions. I’ve always been reserved and growing up emotions weren’t something you showed to people, it’s an old-fashioned way of thinking that my parents instilled in me. There is one person who could without fail make me smile, some have been able to most of the time, throughout my life, but the one constant is Freddie. That is one concert where I wouldn’t have needed to make a memory because it would have been painted on my soul, but alas, born too late to have seen the legendary Rockstar perform live. I can only hope technology advances so far that we can have very life-like hologram performances of the already recorded Queen performances. It is a step above watching them live. Freddie would have brought a smile to this girl’s sour face. I’m a pretty tough customer too. Mission accomplished darling!

Freddie on his first unveiling of the infamous mustache that would cause so much stupid controversy. Later it became his trademark.

P.S. I usually take a while to write even one blog post. It’ s Sunday November 28th. I’m at work with about three hours of sleep for about the fourth day in a row. I am grumpy and sleepy and all the dwarves with Snow White. Except Doc, because I’m not very smart at the moment, but I have the glasses? I need Freddie’s ability to sleep for like two to three hours a night and then stay up all night and day. I am the same age as Freddie when he was doing the Magic Tour but I feel like I’m 30 years older. That man was in shape!

I tend to be, as most are, whiny and sad about things more when I’m like this. I am so bummed about Freddie being gone this morning in particular. I don’t know why this morning as opposed to others.

I finally scared up a copy of Freddie Mercury: The Final Act once I finally did (stupid BBC) It was touching. Yes, a lot of it was about AIDS and the effect it had on many during that time. Some of the people who were on it, I had no clue who the hell they were. At one point, Kash tells the camera that her father towards the end of Freddie’s life as he was slowly fading away. He was reading the newspaper about the suffering and symptoms of AIDS and he started crying. Tears hitting his newspaper. Saying, “It should be me, not him.” Kash said too that her dad couldn’t visit him often with her and her mother because seeing how sick he was was way to hard for him.

This is a man that had intimidated Freddie his whole life. Who he dare not ever disappoint, didn’t care about how his son go this illness, all he wanted was for him to not get it. But all his Dad wanted was to trade places with him and take his suffering away. Freddie knew his parents loved him, it was never about that. He didn’t want to disappoint them, but as Mary and others have said. He could have told them he was gay or sick and they wouldn’t have cared. They would have loved him just the same. They wouldn’t have been disappointed. How can you? When your son is a world famous genius musician that everyone wishes their child could become. Gay or not it wouldn’t matter. I think as children we underestimate our parents’ love sometimes. They certainly knew and Freddie told them in a number of non verbal ways. He wasn’t big on verbal confrontations. He spoke with actions and music, not with words. He just didn’t see the need. He told Kash that what he had was terminal, but he never said what it was exactly. As brave and strong as he was. Saying it out loud was not easy no matter what the circumstances. It’s a big reason why, when asked by Peter Straker straight out if he had “AIDS” that was the magic bullet that killed their friendship.

I have this weird theory in my life about self-fulfilling prophecy and about negative words or actions. I try not to say negative things no matter what they are out loud, or “put them out in the world,” as I say. I don’t know for sure, but maybe the reluctance for Freddie to just come right out and say AIDS was what he was suffering from was the same. I wouldn’t say he was in denial by any means, but he didn’t want it out in the world where it hung in the air, polluting it. It just wasn’t necessary. Words are there for those of us who love to just exist. A person who truly lives doesn’t need words or worries about the future. It’s a very rare condition that most of us ordinary humans cannot make. Freddie could live, he didn’t need to worry or dwell. He was human, he had human emotions and I’m sure the worries that run through our heads as we lay down to sleep at night ran through his too, but how we or he chose to deal with them is the fundamental difference.

What the f*** does that lyric even mean? English Vs. American Queen addition.

As I was listening to my daily morning Queen playlist I was thinking about some of the lyrics that the band and Freddie wrote over the years. Some I just sing with no regard for what they mean. I’m aware songs can be like poetry and have several meanings, but I wanted to highlight in this yet again random tangent some lyrics of Queen songs that I’m still trying to completely decipher. Whether it’s the language barrier of American vs. British (the better one depends on which of those countries you are from though a boot for the trunk of a car? A shoe? Really? Anyway, moving on.)

I have a friend who is a die hard British patriot. He loves the UK and thinks it’s the best country in the world. I love to tease him about it’s “weirdness” just because it’s fun. But both of our countries suck and suffer just as much, but maybe in different ways. The US is very self-centered which is why it took Wayne’s World to reintroduce Queen to fans in 1992, but some of the lines in their songs make you just go “HUH?”

Here are some examples of head scratchers through the years, those smarter than me may know but this is my blog and if I want to wonder what EXACTLY something means rather than using aptitude test vocab, or metaphor, or even just context clues here are some examples. Obviously Bohemian Rhapsody is one big head scratcher all it’s own and I’m not analyzing meaning. I am just trying to figure out what a particular phrase means in some of their songs. Or even if I know what it means, why they put that particular turn-of-phrase in it. So here we go:

I lied, before we start, I want to put a meme here that I love and kind of sums up my entire Queen and Freddie experience perfectly. Maybe yours too, feel free to take it and download it I certainly stole it from Tumblr.

99 percent of the time, when I need cheering up I turn to Queen and Freddie. If you can relate leave me a comment and let me know and feel free to steal it and thanks to lemurian-starship who I stole if from in the first place. LOL

Okay back to those lyrics. I’ll start this here, but inevitably as is my entire personality, I will get through a few and then get sick of it and have to pick it up later. I mean there are a lot of songs man!

Let’s start from the beginning.

Queen the debut album is completely a head scratcher in itself. Creative as hell, but still a little hard to interpret sometimes.

Keep Yourself Alive

But if I crossed a million rivers, and I rode a million miles
Then I’d still be where I started, bread and butter for a smile
Well, I sold a million mirrors in a shop in alley way
But I never saw my face in any window any day
Now they say your folks are telling you be a superstar
But I tell you just be satisfied and stay right where you are

Anyone else curious how you can cross a million rivers and ride a million miles and still be where you started? Are they on a treadmill? How did Brian May think of selling mirrors? Is this a career choice in jolly ole England? Also, why didn’t you see your face? Are you a vampire? But most of all,

What the hell does bread and butter for a smile mean. I’ll tell you what I think it means. Maybe you smile at someone and they feed you cause you’re starving? But that makes zero sense. Then Brian cam out and confused me more and kind of ruined this song for me saying it was satire. What? Not cool! I was trying to do what you said and stay satisfied right where I was, damn man! I’m just trying to Keep Myself Alive and you go and open your mouth and ruin that imagined “win.” It was the one thing I was succeeding at and all I succeed at sometimes. *shakes head*

Well I loved a million women in a belladonic haze

And I ate a million dinners brought to me on silver trays

Give me everything I need to feed my body and my soul

Well I’ll grow a little bigger, maybe that can be my goal

Keep Yourself Alive

I’m leaving this whole verse here. First of all what the hell is a belladonic haze, of all the drugs and substances in the world you pick that one? Okay, Mr. Astrophysics…..sure…..

I could look it up but this is supposed to be entertainment not research. I personally don’t like to grow bigger because Americans are fat anyway? I don’t know this is just a big WTF?

Do you think you’re better every day?

No, I just think I’m two steps nearer to my grave


On the other side of the coin there are those lyrics that just hit the nail on the proverbial head, man and the above is one! There will be more of these!

Son and Daughter

This song in general is a head scratcher but still there are some very pessimistic, if that’s the right word, lines in it, like damn someone needs some therapy!

The world expects a man

To buckle down and a shovel shit

Son and Daughter

What Brian? You lived in London? WTF?


The next song is so fun first of all and second anyone who wants to hate Queen for hedonism and non-Christian views, a Zooastrian born Zanzibarian man wrote a song about the son of God. Not in a satire way either, so in your face, ruthless British press!

And then I saw him in the crowd
A lot of people had gathered around him
The beggars shouted
The lepers called him
The old man said nothing
He just stared about him

All going down (all going down) to see the (to see) Lord Jesus
All going down (all going down) to see the Lord Jesus
All going down

Then came a man before his feet he fell
‘Unclean’ said the leper, rang his bell
Felt the palm of a hand touch his head
‘Go now, go now, you’re a new man instead’

All going down (going down) to see the Lord Jesus
All going down to see the Lord Jesus
Ooh, right, all going down

It all began with the three wise men
Followed a star took them to Bethlehem
And made it heard throughout the land
Born was the leader of man

All going down (going down, yeah) to see the Lord Jesus
All going down (going down to Bethlehem) to see the Lord Jesus
All going down

It all began with the three wise men
Followed a star took them to Bethlehem
And made it heard throughout the land
Born was the leader of man

Yes we’re
All going down (all going down) to see the Lord Jesus
All going down to see the Lord Jesus
All going down

Jesus by Freddie Mercury

I just copied all the lyrics one of Freddie’s first strokes of genius. He may not have read much but he knew some stuff about the Bible, know what I mean?

So once all that album has sunk in and your head hurts from all the thinking trying to figure out what the hell some of those first lyrics mean, comes Queen II. It’s a poetic improvement over the first album and you know how it is, poetry always equals big fat question marks sitting on your head like a comic strip. Or at least for me anyway.

Father to Son

As if we needed another song by Brian May about Fathers and their children, very next album and we went from Son and Daughter to Father and Son. I think some family therapy may have been in order for Brian at this point in his life, but I get it, he was young, no one has anything figured out in their 20’s hell, if you do in your 30’s you are better than most.

I can’t find any particularly notable lyrics in this song to put here, just the whole song speaks of dysfunctional family dynamics. I think we can all relate, except unless you are a daughter or whatever, but it still makes sense. So, weird but sure Bri! I guess…….

White Queen

This song speaks again of Brian in need of some depression meds, for a color that was supposed to be the opposite of the “dark” side of Freddie’s this song is sad and just makes me want to recommend him to a therapist.

Some Day One Day

Again, Brian needs depression meds, but at least this song has a little hope? Geez I never realized how depressing these lyrics were…..damn Bri!

The Loser in the End

Roger Taylor was obviously a mama’s boy, but for any mother who has ever sent her child off to be a grown up they can relate.

Mama’s got a problem
She don’t know what to say
Her little baby boy has just left home today
She’s got to be the loser in the end
She’s got to be the loser in the end
Misuse her and you’ll lose her as a friend
She’s Ma on whom you can always depend
Oooh, hoo

She washed and fed, and clothed and cared
For nearly twenty years
All she gets is ‘goodbye Ma’
And the night time for her tears
She’s got to be the loser in the end
She’s got to be the loser in the end
Misuse her and you’ll lose her as a friend
She’s Ma on whom you can always depend
Oooh, hoo
Oooh, oooh, ooh
We hear you talking now

So listen mothers everywhere
To just one mother’s son
You’ll get forgotten on the way
If you don’t let them have their fun
Forget regrets, and just remember
It’s not so long since you were young

You’re bound to be the loser in the end
You’re bound to be the loser in the end
They’ll choose their new shoes
That’s not far to bend
You’re Ma on whom they can always depend
Oooh, hoo
Oooh, oooh, ooh

The Loser in the End- Roger Taylor

Ogre Battle

Another example of Freddie telling us all a bed time story.

The Fairy Feller’s Master Stroke

Okay, confession time, the one thing I don’t have in common with Freddie is appreciation of paintings. They are cool and all hanging in museums, but in general I’m just kind of lukewarm on the subject. This whole song goes above my head. So this whole song is for me a “huh”


To join Brian on the depression train Freddie wrote this one.

There’s no living in my life anymore
The seas have gone dry
And the rain stopped falling
Please don’t you cry anymore
Can’t you see (aahhh)
Listen to the breeze
Whisper to me please
Don’t send me to the path of nevermore, oh, ooh

Even the valleys below
Where the rays of the sun
Were so warm and tender
Now haven’t anything to grow
Can’t you see (aahhh)
Why did you have to leave me (nevermore, nevermore)
Why did you deceive me (nevermore, nevermore)
You send me to the path of nevermore
When you say you didn’t love me anymore (aahhh, aahhh)
Ahhh, nevermore


The March of the Black Queen

Another example of how Freddie’s imagination works completely differently than mine does. I just can’t even find words for this song. I like it, but again the lyrics speak of the Brothers Grimm and stuff. So here’s the verse.

I reign with my left hand (ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)

I rule with my right (ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)

(Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)

I’m lord of all darkness, I’m queen of the night

I’ve got the power – now do the march of the black queen

My life is in your hands, I’ll fo and I’ll fie

I’ll be what you make me, I’ll do what you like

I’ll be a bad boy, I’ll be your bad boy

I’ll do the march of the black queen

The March of the Black Queen

Funny How Love Is

This was the first example of how Freddie was “possessed by love,” I mean the whole song says it in almost every line.

Funny how love is everywhere just look and see

Funny how love is anywhere you’re bound to be

Funny how love is every song in every key

Funny how love is when you gotta

Hurry home ‘cos you’re late for tea

Funny (ahhh), funny (ahhh), funny (ahhh), ooh

Funny How Love is Freddie Mercury

Okay all, I’m going to stop and rest here for now because Seven Seas of Rhye is up next and as far as two countries divided by a common language goes, it’s the ultimate example, but it’s one of my favorite songs as well. Who knows? Knowing me I’ll probably forget what the hell I’m doing when I come back to this blog inspired to write and you will see the full extent of my mind wandering all over the place at a moment’s notice. Which is why I call it rambling. Until next time, I’ll leave it here for now. Okay all of you.

I’m going to end this particular letter because it’s getting ridiculously long and I’ve been working on it, or rather, not working on it, for months. I started on November the 4th I think and it’s now January 14, so if it jumps all over the place or I start talking about one thing and jump to a completely different subject in the same sentence, welcome to the inner workings of my ADHD brain!

No matter what I talk about or how long or random these “letters,” get, I continue in my ardent obsession with Freddie. I miss him dearly and sometimes more on the random days than on the milestone ones. But there is one thing that he always can do that no one else can and one of the main reasons I love him. He sparks my imagination of him singing the songs I’m hearing and then when I picture him jumping around on stage, I do something that unfortunately isn’t the most common state. I smile. Love you Freddie, thanks for giving me my smile on days when I think it’s gone forever.

When or if someone asks you why you love Freddie Mercury just smile at them and say what he would.

“What’s not to love?” or “Why the heck wouldn’t you?” This has happened and they may not understand, but obsession always stems from emotions and whatever it is that appeals to your emotions that Freddie has ever said or done or sang, own it, love it, and if they don’t like it.

“Fuck everybody Else” – Freddie Mercury

Thanks for just being you Freddie and I hope some day in another life we get to meet and I get to tell you what you mean to me.

“Excuse me sir, that’s my emotional support rock n roll singer and legend. “




Dear Freddie,

It’s official. You were magical. Dare I say, a kind of magic? Pun intended. Yesterday I re-watched both the Wembley shows. I’ve seen them maybe, a dozen times. For some reason this time it had been a while between viewings and I noticed a lot of new things.
I thought about Live Aid, and I’m pretty sure there isn’t anything left for me to notice, but to be fair I’ve watched that at least two dozen or more times. I lost count a while back. Wembley however, probably due to its length and my attention span I haven’t watched it as often. Don’t be mistaken, I’ve seen it a lot, but not enough to know every single detail, especially the little things that are the most endearing.

NO I MEAN IT! Seriously, was rock n roll singing like invented so you would love it and live up to your greatest talent?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately and I have a list of Queen songs that are much better live than on the CD. Unfortunately, your live shows are over. That’s not your fault, Freddie. We, especially me, miss you a lot. I don’t want to have anything against Adam Lambert, but I do. The biggest thing I have against him is that it should be you, but really I never liked him in the first place even before he attempted to just step into your gigantic shoes.
You deserved to grow old with the rest of the band members. I wonder sometimes what you would have looked like as a 75 year old man, which you would have been this year.
I am about to start a list of Queen songs that are much better live. The way you put things across on any stage you stepped foot on was completely amazing and magical. There are so many songs that have come out on live albums that I’ve fallen in love with and then listened to them on the recorded version and they just didn’t have the same effect. Here’s a list, and we will go in order of album release, though as I am reading this a few songs in and a couple of days, the order gets weird at times so, I apologize for that.


  1. Keep Yourself Alive: I don’t think anyone can argue that this song is good in both forms, but when Freddie Mercury gets out his tambourine and his custom instinctive dance moves, there is no beating it. The only thing that happened towards the eighties was they left out the bridge one of my favorite lines
    “Do you think you’re better everyday? No, I just think I’m two steps nearer to my grave!”
    Brian May recently ruined the song for me because he said it was meant to be ironic. Some of us aren’t genius astrophysicist guitar player, song writers and the many other things that he is. So honestly some of us just from day to day do our best to keep ourselves alive. I understand the irony in it, but why would you ruin a song that spoke to me? This is why Freddie never analyzed his songs. I get it Freddie, I get it. There is a BBC retake demo version of this that Brian says is better than the one on the Queen album, well, the only thing different is the length of the guitar solo in it. It’s not exactly that noticeably different.
    When Freddie sang this on a stage he could raise the dead and make them dance and do their best to keep themselves alive, on the CD it’s just a song. You can disagree, but to disagree that Freddie Mercury brought life to every song he sang is just stupid, but by all means.
  2. Liar: This is a song that when Freddie sings it we understand the awesomeness of this song. He makes us believe he’s begging for mercy and that someone is lying to him. It was performed in the early concerts in the 70’s. Freddie made this a message song. We don’t know who the hell he was singing to, but whoever it was got the message.
  3. Ogre Battle: I have to admit, this is not one of my favorite Queen songs, but when you hear it cited as an example that Freddie can really play the guitar and that he was the one who taught Brian May the super fast guitar part, you understand the significance of it. Even in the seventies with black nail polish and less honed talent this song, besides being insanely creative in the lyrics, which they all were at that time, is a completely real demonstration of the early emerging talent that would make Freddie the best rock n roll singer, if not singer, in the history of popular music. So honestly, I think that fable the old man told him was really about his battle to greatness. Freddie won.
  4. Fairy Feller’s Master Stroke: Somewhere on a playlist or deluxe edition CD is a track where Freddie sang this live. Then you remember what it was about. Freddie looked at a painting which to me, looks like a huge mess of stuff happening. But the genius that is Freddie, took that painting and turned it into a song that if looking at it in the museum the song could explain the chaos of the painting. Live he sang it so well and it’s a lot of lyrics to remember, this one is more of a tie when it comes to CD vs. Live, only because it’s not exactly the most common of the live songs they sung.
  5. Seven Seas of Rhye: You know in a cartoon when a character’s feet are going so fast they blend together and you can’t see the individual legs? Well when he plays this song live, that is what Freddie’s real life fingers do. For a man that said he was only a mediocre piano player he sure as hell plays this accurately and quickly and perfectly every time. When played at Wembley as part of the opening medley it really shines. I also agree with Freddie, I too will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust. This song live is great, but it is also great on the CD. They are close to equal in that respect for this particular song.
  6. Stone Cold Crazy: A song that shows that not only can Freddie Mercury sing, he can sing in hyper-speed. A song whose lyrics are as hard to learn as any song you may have come across and who Metallica would later cover for their album and then sing on stage at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert. This song name drops a lot and is actually a really cool song if you look up the lyrics because if you are human trying to figure out what exactly is being said upon just hearing it, is pretty much impossible.
  7. Killer Queen: Who can forget the Top of the Pops version of this with Freddie and his mic stand in the air making us understand the appeal of the character of this song? He was lip syncing there, but in Montreal in ’81 he played a spontaneous live version and it kicks ass. He does sing it a little bit lower register live, but it still sounds awesome and he sings like he knows the character in the song well. Are you trying to tell us something about who it’s really about Freddie? The version I’ve seen most often would be the one at Montreal that I am convinced was rather spontaneous. Freddie sat at the piano and started playing after he sang a few notes everyone else catches up. It’s a great rendition of it, but I mean, Freddie is singing. How could it not be?
  8. Now I’m Here: Brian May’s ode to the USA in the earliest days of Queen’s popularity. It continued to be sung in just about every live show. I for one, did not understand the appeal of that song live but hey you could sing the phone book on a stage and be entertaining so who am I to say. Not to mention I have zero musical ability so it could be one of the best live songs to sing? I have no earthly idea it’s not my favorite but it is far superior to the recorded version. Though not my favorite to listen to in my car, it is one of my favorites to see Freddie perform.
  9. March of the Black Queen: A song that would foreshadow Bohemian Rhapsody in it’s complexity and lyrics a bit too. It was only performed live a couple of times, because just like the song it later inspired, they learned it was too hard to duplicate on a stage. Honestly for this one I really don’t have an opinion. Having been performed live in the 70’s I as you all have read time and again, hate the 70’s. I think it was performed at the Hyde Park performance where Queen seemed to be trying to fit in all the songs off their at the time, few albums. This song has been lauded as poetic and its complexity has been touted for inspiring Queen’s most famous song’s complexity. It’s not one of my particular favorites however.
  10. Brighton Rock– this song kinda sucks. It’s the only one on the album that I like better. For a long time I had no clue that it even had words. I thought it was the world’s longest guitar solo ever. I personally do not like guitar solos. I am a lyrics person always have been. Honestly I was at an Eagles concert back in 2018, you know when concerts were safe. I was with my mom and the guitarist had dentures that were bad, so bad, and that’s all I could focus on, then he had a like 15 minute guitar solo and I fucking fell asleep! Hello!
  11. Killer Queen– this song is basically fucking genius. Freddie writing this when just starting out shows the enormous talent he would go on to demonstrate throughout their career. The lyrics are so clever and the song never gets dated or old. It’s catchy and I did like it better live. I HATE Adam Lambert’s version where he camps it up with a fan and whip. That’s not how Freddie did things, not live anyway. Maybe in videos he would do more cheesy things but not live. Adam will never even be in Freddie’s league. The only live version of this I remember is in Montreal and you can tell it’s an adlib, which seems not to be because the band was so in sync. If you watch it a couple of times then you realize it is. Most of the songs in the set lists he doesn’t announce. He announces he is doing it and sits at the piano giving his band mates time to catch up. They of course do easily.
  12. Flick of the Wrist: Only performed a few times in the live career of Queen it usually went into the same show as Death on Two Legs. I’m not really a fan of angry Freddie Mercury to be honest and I don’t remember if he or Brian wrote this one, but he was convincing singing it as most every song.
  13. Now I’m Here: This is a song that is not my favorite. It is a rocker though and would be played in almost every live show from the release of it until the very last show of the original band in Knebworth. This Brian May dribble is just weird and it’s supposed to be a love song to the USA. As far as I’m concerned, he can keep it. Though to be fair, Freddie always did his best dancing and climbing and stage antics because he rocked out to this one. They would drag it out and make it a really long song with a long guitar solo showing off the Red Special and how it really could rock. So it is both good and bad to me. But there are many other songs I would have rather heard in a concert than this one.
  14. In The Lap of the Gods: There are two versions of this song. One I love and the other I could probably live in a world without. The revisited version and the version that would appear later in Queen live concerts was awesome especially the rendition at Wembley in ’86. One of my favorite songs and one to sing along with right up there with Rock You and Champions and before the two songs were written it was the close of the show. The original version is rather slow and I think that Freddie reworked the song Brian wrote later and made it into what would become the most recognized version of it. Though as I said I don’t know for sure who wrote it.
  15. Stone Cold Crazy: This song was just fun from start to finish. It took someone who could sing quickly and remember a lot of lyrics. When it came to music there really wasn’t much Freddie couldn’t do even in those early days. I have listened to this a hundred times and still cannot figure out all the lyrics without reading them. To see Freddie sing it was just pure unadulterated fun and I loved the early versions of it at the Rainbow and other early shows in the 1970’s version of Queen. This song was eventually adopted and recorded by Metallica on one of their albums and they would go on to sing it at the tribute concert in 1992. So anyone who doesn’t think that Queen can rock along with sing ballads is proven stupid by this particular song.

I will only do fifteen songs for this blog to take on all of them in one would just be suicidal. With over 200 songs in their repertoire not even including solo projects, to take on all the songs in one sitting is just impossible. Freddie said himself, that they couldn’t fit all their songs in one concert or they’d be there for about four days. Though, there are some songs that to sing them live was something Freddie despised, there was almost nothing he wouldn’t at least try. In my opinion, some of the live versions of the songs, especially the very early ones are better than the recorded album ones. If I could go back in time I would take a camera phone and record every Queen concert. I don’t think anyone would get sick of seeing Freddie sing or the others play or especially the outfit Freddie would choose that night.

We miss our King of Queen. WE miss you no less than we did in 1991.

Recently, well at the time I’m writing this last Sunday, September 5, 2021 was the 75th birthday of our beloved lead singer and lover of life. On his 70th he got a comet and a rose named after him. The 75th was kind of disappointing in that respect. Covid-19 sure did put a huge damper on what would have been a city-wide party in Montreaux Switzerland. Though hundreds did show up anyway and sing the Happy Birthday song to Freddie’s statue standing large over the water.

This particular birthday was hard on me. I found myself bawling and sobbing over Freddie for the first time in a while. I have for some time reached the fifth stage of grief, acceptance. I celebrated what Freddie left behind and honestly put his death into the back of my mind. His birthday forced me to circle back through the different stages. The grief process is cyclical not linear. You don’t get through the final stage and stay there. There are often triggers that start you back over to the beginning. Well, apparently for me at least, this birthday was that trigger for me.

my favorite gif it shows both the manly and camp side of Freddie on stage.

I can’t seem to access the newer of the photos about this birthday that I had downloaded, from google photos, most likely because at my work they block everything so only the photos that were there before the block will appear. There are still hundreds, but I want them all and I want them now. I will insert the one I imagined when I get to a forum or computer that doesn’t block anything remotely fun or exciting.

Here’s a fun tangent for you:

Anyone ever notice that Freddie had the world’s longest eyelashes? I mean damn man. I see pics where he’s not even performing and I have to look twice to see if he was wearing mascara and eyeliner, which I am pretty sure he only did on stage.

This isn’t the best picture and I’m sure he has a bit of make up on, but trust me, his eyelashes were like freakishly long. Another reason to miss him. *sigh*

That many was just simply photogenic. Yes, there are pictures where he looks bad, but the good outweigh the bad about 10 to 1. Which honestly, is a gift from God himself. There are so many things I find to love about him that they seem to pop into my head from time to time. Today seeing a picture of him in his leather jacket it’s obvious he’s not about to perform, but if you didn’t know that you would think he had on mascara. Or maybe I’m wrong but even without it he had eyes that could put a spell on you. I’m going to end the letter here, for one reason. It’s taken me forever to actually post a new one and I don’t want to be talking about your birthday at the same time we are talking about the 30th anniversary of….well you know….don’t make me say it. I love you Freddie and I miss you like crazy though why is inexplicable.

I have missed relatives that died less than I do you. Happy birthday almost 2 months later, and soon approaches that most dreaded day. I still love you.

I will be listening Freddie. I will be missing you, don’t worry that will never change. happy belated birthday my love. Mwah~!

Man I miss you. Thanks for leaving us your music or I don’t know how I’d live. ❤

Love always,



Dear Freddie,



It’s official I love Freddie and Queen’s music live more than I do on the CD. For as much work as they put into the recorded product, the live versions with Freddie’s vocals are just damn good. Whether it’s him or the energy of the band or both, there’s something about LIVE Queen music that does everything short of transport you to the concert.

You have been on my mind lately, Freddie. I go through cycles of Queen song obsession. I obsess over all the past ones but lately I’ve had a new one that has got me thinking about Freddie. Too Much Love Will Kill You, am I the only person who at least when seeing the title thinks of the story the Velveteen Rabbit? No just me?

I want to warn anyone reading this, that this particular letter, may have no coherent order of thoughts. I apologize for that, but I write as it comes, I can’t always produce what is necessary, but instead, what pops into my head at the moment.

That song may not have been written by Freddie or about what I think about when I hear it. Brian May could write a song, let’s be honest, but it was usually Freddie’s lyrics at least in the beginning that blew Brian out of the water. As time went on and Roger and John started contributing more and more and Freddie was ill, Brian wrote more grown-up and poignant songs. One of his best that he actually wrote for a solo album or something like that was Too Much Love. I haven’t heard the Brian version but the Freddie version is so amazing, why bother?

Velveteen Rabbit and Freddie Mercury

I know that until they wrote No One But You in 1997, that song became the “theme song” of Freddie’s death and passing. In case you haven’t read the children’s book The Velveteen Rabbit, I’ll give you a small summary of it.

In the book, a little boy gets a stuffed rabbit and the two are inseparable, as the story progresses the rabbit finds himself looking very ragged and worn out and it’s because the boy loved him so much. I think this song applies to Freddie for the same reason.

Freddie was loved, a lot, both in his personal life with his overactive sex drive, and many lovers, but also in his career by fans of the band, who I’ve established in past letters, are seen as some of the most loyal fans of anything in history. Of course he wasn’t loved in the same way by those two groups, obviously. I have heard a lot of people say that when Freddie left this Earth they cried harder for him than they had loved ones of theirs who had passed. As with most of the most genius artists, it took his death to really appreciate his life. This paradox is a damn shame and the saddest aspect is what could have been.

I do believe everything happens the way it’s supposed to, but in this case it seems just so cruel and unnecessary, but there is a bigger plan to things depending on what you believe. We hate that he’s gone but we were granted the blessing of his music and videos of interviews, so we can feel like we knew him and feel like we have a connection. Freddie’s death did have a huge impact on the AIDS crisis and his tribute concert had an even bigger effect. The leaders of this world needed to stand up and support the research for the cure and treatment. None of the most influential ones did anything. This was a “gay” disease, then a heterosexual high profile figure got it and Freddie who was beloved by millions around the world was lost to it and FINALLY the people who needed to started to take notice. I will never stop being bitter that the prejudice and bias was so bad that despite millions all over the world dying daily, it was just ignored, until it came out of the gay community as the main victims.

Freddie wasn’t the first high profile person to die from it, but he was the most visible. I know a lot of people close to him hate that he made the statement about it before he died, but that small paragraph advanced AIDS research by light years. It isn’t a coincidence that the cocktail that would keep the death toll from being 100 percent was developed just a few years later. He didn’t want it hidden so that it looked like he died from something else. He had this and he wasn’t ashamed of it and he certainly bore it with as much dignity as he could for a disease that seems to rob you of that very thing. His announcement and subsequent talk about his loss kicked the efforts into high gear. Yes, that’s all true. But I want to say who the hell cares!? This shouldn’t have happened at all!

Brian May said in an interview that Freddie changed the world and the reporter sounded baffled and asked him to explain. Brian did the best he could at the time, but the impact he would have on the world wouldn’t be known until years later. It takes our perfect hindsight to really understand it.

Visions of the Past are 20/20

In modern history, pop culture is as much a part of the story as wars and politics. Sometimes pop culture influenced politics or vice versa. Freddie wasn’t political and he just wanted everyone to have fun with his and his band’s music, but Queen’s music wasn’t even close to the disposable entertainment Freddie said it was. The beat to We Will Rock You is as universal as sports in every corner of the globe. We Are the Champions accompanies most people’s victories in whatever aspect of life. Freddie’s genius did change the world, he showed us it’s possible to make things that are fun and recognizable but that also endure. Here we are four decades and three generations or more later, and Queen songs still play all the time. On that fateful day in July of 1985 Freddie Mercury showed the entire world that it was possible to control a huge number of people without a political agenda and for all things good and pure and fun. You didn’t have to be a German dictator to get large numbers of people to follow your lead. It didn’t have to be a bad thing to have that power.

I know that everyone understands how good that performance was, but when you look a little deeper you see that Freddie’s power over the crowds both through the tv screen and in the stadium, showed the world that power wasn’t always corrupt and it wasn’t always for evil intentions. To get the number of people to follow you that followed him that day usually takes more than a few music notes, it usually takes a lot of destruction and heartache to gain control and people to know it’s necessary to follow the orders. Freddie was our general of fun that day. He controlled that audience with love and fun and charisma and music. No one was harmed, no one was forced to do it out of fear or with any bad things happening at all. Instead Freddie asked them to join the band and to be our conduit for fun and love and music and clap to the beat.

It happened and all he had to do was clap his own two hands and the world followed willingly. In that short 20 minutes so much more was accomplished than a prime example of entertainment perfection, people’s outlook on how to control a crowd was shaken up and no longer was it evil despots who could command a following, it was a rock star with a heart the size of the sun. To even get one person to do as you say without thinking is damn near impossible, imagine doing it to millions. Don’t be fooled, it wasn’t JUST the people in Wembley stadium that day, but everyone who saw and heard Freddie and his band that clapped along and sang back to him. His power wasn’t just over that crowd that was present, it was over the entire world for the entire time. It was beyond great it was god-like. It was super human and all he did was clap and everyone followed. It’s the closest to magic that exists in the world.

Queen wasn’t the only influential band of the time, and the music of that time is some of the best ever since the invention of the radio. No, he wasn’t Beethoven, or Brahms, or someone who wrote symphonies, but he was just as influential as those men. He and his other three band mates defied all odds, they made music the way they wanted. They didn’t conform to what was popular or what anyone else said they should play. The critics who usually have a huge hand in shaping a band or artist’s career did everything they could to tear them down and still they climbed to the top. Now the critics who tore them down for so long, have given up and changed their tune, they have finally realized that no matter what, greatness will win out. Freddie said it himself. The man might have had a lot of moments of being a joker and having a tongue in his cheek, but some of the things he said, did end up being as true as anything Confucius had to say. He would do it completely unintentionally, but he would say a quote that would hit the exact phrase and feeling that the world needed to hear. Most of the time he was just saying it off the top of his head as well. He said music was meant to be entertaining. It is and that it didn’t have to be done one certain way to be entertaining. Freddie made no question of the fact he wasn’t there to just sing the songs on an album, he was there to put on a show and that’s exactly what he did. He did it in extraordinary fashion and in a way that to him seemed or maybe, was, totally effortless.

As I watched a live recording of a song he sang today it made me say to myself, wow, this man is doing it the way it SHOULD be done. The way it was meant to be. He’s not up there high and unintelligible, he has no gimmick such as drug overdose or controversy to interest the people he just sang from his heart and did what he loved to the best of his ability and in the process showed the world what live concerts should really be! But don’t be mistaken, he was and by reputation remains one of the hardest working men in rock. He had his moments as a slave driver. But the difference in a slave driver and a hard worker, is that anything he demanded out of others he did the same or more, which won him respect from anyone who witnessed it.

He taught us that singers should be understood, that they should realize there is a crowd out there and you can engage them, that you don’t just stand up and play instruments and try to sound like the studio recording. Instead you sing perfectly on tune, you treat the audience as if you are one of them and give them what you would want to see. Freddie was easily bored, so he naturally, put on a show that would keep him entertained and in the process captivated anyone in an audience. Music was more than just fun during Queen concerts it was felt in every cell in your body. Not just because of the volume but because of how it was conveyed. It was felt with both your body and your soul through the band on the stage and mostly through the crazy man who did whatever felt right to him in the moment who did what the music made him do. I don’t care what anyone says, no band has ever been able to give concerts that are so deeply felt in every aspect of a human’s life. I can’t find one person that had ever been to a Queen concert that doesn’t remember it vividly. I can’t tell you the first concert I went to, but of course it sure as hell wasn’t Queen.

That is how you make memories. You hit emotions, and senses, and make someone feel good and you do it with just your music, or like me they have no memory of you. No controlled substances were necessary and no excuses needed to be made for a band not giving a good concert. Even on their worst day, Queen concerts were better than the best of most bands. The critics may not have thought so, but apparently they either weren’t even there and wrote the article like they were or just lied about everything out of unwarranted and undeserved spite.

A lot of people after Freddie died said he did have “too much love,” but not in a good way. They judged as if they were perfect. They called him names and beat up his character due to his “wild and immoral,” lifestyle. A lifestyle that was no different than any other popular rock star of the day. He just wasn’t around to defend himself anymore. The British press, especially, but the press in general, practically salivate over a celebrity’s death because it’s a guaranteed couple of weeks of stories and will sell and sell a lot. There is one thing that the British press at least didn’t count on. Freddie had devoted and powerful friends who were going to defend him because he couldn’t defend himself. Just a week after their beloved brother, friend, and front man, died Roger Taylor and Brian May went on a very popular British talk show. I want to say it was a morning show, but I’m not positive about that. (It’s funny how just recently that all things British have been invading American culture through streaming services.)

There are a lot of shows that air on BBC that the US still doesn’t have access to who have some of the best guests and honestly the best commentary and questions as well. I am lucky enough to have friends who are English who can fill me in on the greatest moments from these shows. Well, that was no different back then, just the video quality and celebrities were different. So now that I’ve explained that randomness that no one needed to really be told, Brian and Roger just a week after Freddie’s death insisted on appearing on one such talk show. The host was very stiff and seemed to me to be a bit too judgmental than he should have, but anyway. For the first 48 hours after Freddie died, the press was reverent and showed what most fans felt, loss. For about two days, Freddie got the treatment he deserved. Then as usual the British press soured. The old, white, British, male journalists that wouldn’t know rockstar life if it hit them in the face started writing articles about Freddie’s hazardous, immoral, promiscuous, and irresponsible lifestyle. I don’t know if they said in these horrendously biased articles if he brought AIDS on himself, but they sure as hell at least strongly implied it.

Press vs. Freddie Mercury a war

The British press never gave Freddie a chance, he was too good, or too flamboyant, or too liked, the reasons are not known, but the British press especially back then liked to think that they made you or destroyed you, but Queen was the little band that could and they did.
No one needed the press, as I’ve said before in a previous post, when someone has as much talent as Freddie Mercury there is no hiding it. The fans saw what the press denied and simply refused to see. They heard with their ears how good this band was and didn’t need the press to tell them otherwise,

Then, Queen started climbing the mountain of stardom without the press and the wrath was insane.

Quote about the press by Freddie.
Little did the press know that not only did they write their own songs but they would write some of the world’s most epic and recognizable songs ever.

Even Freddie’s death from an epidemic disease killing millions all over the world and his brave announcement about it just fueled the press fury. They were mad he had scooped them all by himself. Freddie spent his life sticking it to the press, but also working them for his own benefit as well. Where Roger would go to press parties and schmooze with them, Freddie would go very rarely and would do everything he could to get out of it. The international press wasn’t very fond of musicians who didn’t pamper them and didn’t seem to need their help to sell records. This fact would make Queen the enemy in the press from the start, but as always they clamored to get an interview with the mysterious front man. The rare few who were granted them did so on Freddie’s terms and even though they were happy to have gotten the interview, the entire media culture of the time would secretly resent the hell out of Queen for defying the natural order, or what the press thought was the natural order, anyway. It’s one of the reasons that Queen is above the rest, because they didn’t need the press and good reviews to sell records, they sold records no matter what the press said and nothing pisses off journalists more than not being needed. The usually symbiotic give and take of the press wasn’t there for Queen and the music press wasn’t going to give them an inch.

They may have released the first album in 1973 but it was the addition of John Deacon in 1971 that gave birth to the band we all know now. This is from that article written about Freddie’s Tribute Concert that I made into memes. They are my favorite so I like to drag them out and use them any chance I get.
The British press had found a new punching bag and Queen and even more, Freddie, were their tireless victims.
The most important phrase in that whole paragraph. This group regarded playing poorly as a hanging offense. A strategy that made them one of the best live bands to ever step on a stage even now.
A philosophy that allowed them to confound the press and no matter how bad the review by the journalists Queen just got better and better and no fan who ever went to their concert ever came out disappointed.

Never once did Freddie and the boys not give all they had. As tours became longer and the number of concerts became higher, from time to time they weren’t at their best, but even a mediocre Queen concert is better than most artist’s best. Accusing this meticulous gold record band of being too polished was like accusing a meticulous gold medal Olympic runner of being too fast. DAMN RIGHT!

Because of the attitude of doing it for the fans and not the press publicity, over the years both when Queen was performing live and for the last three decades, since Freddie’s been gone, Queen fans are and will remain the most loyal in the world.

All I have to say is YEP!

The press took every opportunity they possibly could to disparage the band and especially Freddie. The press thrives on mystery, but when you purposely make it clear you are going to be a mystery to them, whether they like it or not, then they balk. Freddie was so talented anyone who gave him a bad review seemed like they didn’t even attend a concert, but instead became as legendary as he is all based on work alone. He worked hard and he believed in himself. As I said time and again, talent like his doesn’t just get swatted away by bad reviews. The most ethical of journalists wrote honest reviews and most of the time those were good reviews. In one example of an article I found, a journalist panned Queen’s live show one night, and said that they would not stay popular long, then gave another band who played the next night named Boston a glowing review. He said that Boston was going places! Have you ever met an obsessed Boston fan? No? Hmm…..seems like that guy was stupid.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is horrible-review-of-queen-madison-square-garden.jpg
How does that crow taste you’ve been eating for decades?

The Press Vultures Descend

Even Freddie’s death wouldn’t hold them off and now that he wasn’t there to defend himself the press after a long (NOT!) 48 hour mourning period tore into him and his life like hungry vultures. Calling him immoral and hedonistic and unfeeling. I’m sorry when you all wrote that were you looking in a mirror?

Stalking a dying man doesn’t seem very moral, or down to earth, or empathetic. The press hounded Freddie in those last days for one picture and as usual Freddie didn’t give them what they wanted. In a scarily prophetic demonstration of how relentless they could be and what they would do for a story, six years before they would kill a beloved Princess. Even the US paparazzi’s have enough respect to back off when coming on too strong, but those British reporters, didn’t have the same qualms as others. When he was gone it was open season and the press sure as hell went hunting. For the first time, it was their opinion that was the only one being heard not Mr. Mercury’s, and they took full advantage. Causing his friends and those closest to him to do what he couldn’t and defend him. The press began believing the lies they wove and led many to be surprised when finding out differently.

Being true friends of Freddie’s, Brian and Roger jumped up and were ready immediately to defend the man they had truly loved as a friend and bandmate for decades. On stage Freddie projected that “character” the promiscuous, risk-taking, not giving a f**k rocker. That was all part of the show. Being very private has it’s benefits and draw backs. Freddie was always press candy. They were always writing story after story drawing false conclusions about him, which is why after a few interviews when his words were completely twisted and used to paint him in a bad light, he stopped trusting the press.

The British press hounded him relentlessly in the last couple of months of his life, making his gorgeous house in London a really nicely decorated prison. People couldn’t go to the grocery to stock the food in the house, without pictures being taken and Freddie certainly couldn’t leave the house. They had to sneak him out through the entrance to the house in the back called “The Mews.” There is some story I read about sneaking people in, in car trunks. I don’t know how much of that is true, but in order to get his medicine, I read that they snuck it in in CD cases and had to come up with other creative ways. That sounds like sheer hell. The poor man was already suffering and the press never let up. Doesn’t sign very moral or compassionate to me? Hypocrites? Yep…I think you are.

Brian and Roger went on that show to stand up for him since he wasn’t there to stand up for himself. Being private protected the people he loved from unwanted press. Freddie’s nightmare was having his parents or sister followed in the streets with questions about him. It was a big reason why he didn’t come out and “say the words,” about his illness. His Mother and Father knew as most parents who love their children would. His sister knew he was ill, but the actual seriousness of it wasn’t evident until he came out and told her. She most likely knew, but no one wants to believe that their loved one is going to die. They live in denial until they can’t anymore.

One of the articles that Brian and Roger went on TV to refute and one that is completely just hateful…there is no journalistic integrity to anything he says, which begs the question who is the immoral one here? Not my meme, I wasn’t 17 when he died

Freddie didn’t tell them, because he wanted them to have plausible deniability. In case some of you don’t know what that is, it’s basically not saying the words out loud of something everyone knows so that when or if questioned the person can deny they knew it or were told it, and it be the truth. It’s withholding information to give the person the comfort of knowing they are telling the truth when they deny something they are asked. Once he was gone, the press tore into him. But now Freddie didn’t have to feel shame of his parents or friends seeing horrible articles about him everywhere, but his band mates weren’t having it. They didn’t care he wasn’t here they weren’t going to let any journalist tell lies and judge their beloved friend.

With all of this bad press he received I’m glad that the truth about the real man was later brought to light by Peter Freestone and Jim Hutton, say what you want, but I’d much rather have an imperfect real love story and a biography of someone who was with Freddie, than a journalist like the one above writing a book and telling me who the real Freddie was. If journalist was a race, I would be super racist. I studied journalism in college including journalistic ethics. I cannot find ethics in 99 percent of the British press who only worry about sales instead of truth. The press of the day that is. I find a hard time putting journalism and ethics in the same sentence for any press today.

Everyone has gone on ad nauseum about Freddie being private and why would Jim or Phoebe write about him etc. Well Freddie wasn’t private because he wanted to be, he was private because he HAD TO be. As I said before, Freddie didn’t trust the press. There were maybe a handful of press people he trusted, but he knew that even when he gave great interviews, and the reporter, such as David Wigg, someone who Freddie trusted, and who didn’t betray him or his trust when he was alive and would write about him, once the story was written, the editors would cut it and reshape it into whatever they needed to make it to sell papers. So even good and honest stories with the great quotes that Freddie gave them, would turn out horrible. After all news isn’t a public service it’s a business. Freddie knew this as well and never blamed his few friends in the press. David Wigg for one, would always give Freddie a copy of whatever story he wrote about him, before or at the same time he would turn it in to his editor, so that Freddie knew that when it was published any differences were not his. To be a reporter and his friend was a hard job to pull off. David Wigg managed, but he’s the only one I can think of, off the top of my head. Some of the classic interviews with Freddie we see today online are with people he trusted.

Freddie was so careful about what he said and about naming names, because he knew that anyone that the press found out about, would be hounded and backed into a corner, or just misquoted completely. It had happened with many of his friends over the years and especially for those closest and dearest to him, he wasn’t going to put that burden on them. That is why he was private. It was also not okay to be gay and a rock star even in the early 90’s. God help that they find out you had HIV. Freddie was always worried about getting labeled and it affecting sales and success of music he made with Queen. He didn’t want people buying Queen albums out of sympathy and he didn’t want to be a spokesman for either HIV or for gay people. In doing either he would have cast an even bigger spotlight on his life that he didn’t want at all anyway.

The press and musicians have a symbiotic relationship. All musicians need the press to promote their music, to some degree. Any publicist worth their salt will tell you all publicity is good publicity. When they stop talking about you is when you worry. Freddie never really had to worry about that happening. I do firmly believe that the other three members of Queen would from time to time get a little bit jealous of Freddie and the attention he drew from the press. Freddie was the man in front. He was the voice, the conduit that delivered the music, both recorded and live, and ultimately in any band the lead singer gets more publicity.

Another reason that Freddie was private, is something that I’m taking an educated guess about, but feel that I’m right about, though I can’t prove it. The mystery that came with Freddie, was part of the reason the band was written about for a lot of reasons. The press beat him up constantly, but he intuitively knew that to answer the “biggest” questions would, for one, feed them, which he didn’t want, and two take all the mystery out of his persona. This mystery was part of his charisma, a small part, yes, but still a part of it.

Anyone who thinks that Freddie didn’t know exactly what he was doing or saying in any interview is mistaken. As I’ve said before, why do you think a man that could write a number one song in ten minutes in a bath tub, couldn’t come up with great and perfect answers to any question a reporter asked, is fooling themselves. Freddie would often take a beat or two usually drawing from his cigarette, drinking something, or give a look, and think of what he was going to say. Yes, he was honest in his interviews and a lot of his greatest and most quoted lines were completely spontaneous. There is a difference in spontaneous and thoughtless. Most of the time, reporters asked the same questions over and over and Freddie knew that, and would have some idea about what he was going to say in mind already.

In some cases, I don’t know if Freddie was this way for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised, especially with TV interviews, the reporter would present Freddie and his publicity people with questions or topics they wanted to discuss ahead of time, and then he would approve the list and cross off what he didn’t want brought up. Considering, some of the things that the press would ask him were spontaneous press conference questions that Freddie would have no control over were the most controversy were in those situations. In other words to sum up, Freddie knew what he was doing when he was interviewed by the press.

Brian and Roger made sure to go on tv and tell the world what we all now know through hindsight. Freddie was always considerate to anyone whose life he affected. We know this is true from the many stories and accounts we have seen over the years. His generosity and kindness, and especially his appreciation of the fans who he never forgot were the ones who gave him the fame and fortune, was and is a huge reason that he is even more endearing as the character, Freddie the showman. Freddie the man, is just as fun and worthy of love as Freddie the showman. Brian and Roger also wanted to make sure that everyone knew that this moral judgment by the press was completely unwarranted and wrong.

I read a story and heard it on a documentary that Rupert Murdoch owned a lot of the biggest American papers back in 1991. (He still does.) According to someone on one of the umpteen documentaries, the papers had published a couple of bad articles about Freddie after their 48 hour moratorium after his death and the papers had done well in sales. About two weeks after Freddie died, one of the big ones did a cover story about his wild and irresponsible lifestyle and the issue was pulled off the shelves by noon, and was one of the worst selling of all issues.

I don’t think that it’s too much of a stretch to believe that. By the time Freddie died, AIDS was not just something that “other people got.” So many were dying from it and being diagnosed with it at the time that the amount of casualties outweighed the bloodiest war in American history, the civil war. This horrible disease was killing Americans in the millions and by the time Freddie succumbed most Americans had someone they knew or loved who had died from it.

Only about eighteen months later would one of the world’s and the USA’s biggest basketball celebrities announce his diagnosis and bring the disease into the forefront of the medical world as it long should have been. Before Magic Johnson even announced however, many people of wealth and fame had championed the cause and the call to action from world leaders was being heard, but it took Magic’s announcement for them to finally answer it.

That was one reason the issue didn’t sell. But I think another reason it didn’t sell, was by then as is customary, the press had flogged Freddie for a couple of weeks straight. Even in a world filled with haters and bad people, most people get sick of hearing someone disparaged unless it’s new information for too long. Freddie dying of AIDS didn’t warrant or bring any new information and by the time two weeks rolled around, it was a non-story. Yes, I’d like to say that it was love of Freddie that people didn’t buy that newspaper, but considering that the main music delivery system of the 80’s and 90’s in the USA was MTV and the radio and Queen had virtually disappeared off of those two media, I don’t think that was it. Freddie is more famous now than he ever was.

The difference is, Freddie is famous for his greatness and the fun stories, myth or not, that surrounded him when he was alive, not criticized and made fun of constantly. Actually, to criticize Freddie right now in the mainstream press would be career suicide. Things have changed in the world since that dark day in 1991 and it’s a world that Freddie would not recognize, but one he would thoroughly enjoy. If he is looking down, then he knows that it may have taken two decades, but now we know what he always did, he is a legend. He would also laugh at the many journalists who are “eating crow,” over critical articles of Queen and Freddie. They are frantically backtracking and doing a 180 on these and as we all do, blaming the “times” for their views. Yeah right, just eat your crow and shut up. You don’t get a do over. You did nothing but drag this great band through the mud for their entire career and it’s in black and white forever.

It used to be that when you’d write an article it would end up as liner for a birdcage or in the trash bin the next day, but it also went into the archives of your newspaper. Unfortunately, some of these media outlets are digitizing all their old newspapers and many of the articles are showing up on the internet. Sorry, press guys, but the actual hard copies may have gone into the trash bin and been forgotten, but now, it’s on the internet, and that is TRULY forever. How does that crow taste? I’m looking at you Rolling Stone Magazine!

That’s what is great about Freddie’s whole outlook on life. The past is the past we can’t change it. Well there are a lot of music journalists who wish they had a time machine. Freddie has more fans now especially in the United States than he ever did.

So I see we are celebrating 50 years of Queen this year for 50 weeks Roger and Brian have picked a song, I think, and will give some background commentary on it starting this week on March 19, 2021 with Keep Yourself Alive. A song that Brian May decided to spring a new meaning on to us all of a sudden. Dr. May says it’s meant to be ironic, which sucks because for us “normal” people that’s all we try to do on a daily basis is keep ourselves alive. Not all of us can be Freddie and live a fabulous life full of all the things life has to offer. Some of us just live routine, mundane, boring lives and will leave this earth with nothing but the memories of the people we love to show for it. Which is another reason why Freddie wasn’t just a human being, he was so much more.

In the world of music where being admired for your talent, comes to very few, Freddie Mercury isn’t admired, he’s revered. If rock music was a church Freddie would be a saint. He is truly one of the greats and it still baffles me how when he was around that anyone could ever hear him sing and not just give up any negative opinion and bow to his extreme talent. I would put money down on Freddie versus any singer today. Any talent show wouldn’t need elimination rounds, all they had to do was hear him once and they would know. It’s not just being able to sing that makes someone stand out, it’s how they deliver the music they sing, and that certain, “it” factor that is the rarest of all qualities. Freddie Mercury was born with it and it only grew as time went on.

Since YouTube is blocked at my work, I can’t see if that video above works. If so and if it’s what I hope it is it’s the first episode of the 50th anniversary YouTube celebration. Let me know if the link is broken, but hopefully by the time I publish this I will have had a chance to look.

He was human in the very broadest definition of the word. He needed the basics all living things need to live just like all humans are technically animals and mammals is the way that Freddie was human.

Do you think you’re better everyday?

No, I just think I’m two steps nearer to my grave.

Bridge lyrics to Keep Yourself Alive often omitted in later performances.

Freddie had some super human qualities. I won’t say abilities because that is like super powers and it wasn’t that. When I say super human I mean he did things that most homosapiens on Earth cannot do even if they have talent and practice. He liked to act like this was his job and that was all it was, but it was way more than that. He worked hard at it and I get the feeling even if he hadn’t become as famous as he did that he still would have worked just as hard.

Do you think that Bomi and Jer Bulsara could have ever DREAMT of having a son that would grow up to literally be one of the most recognized people ever. I’m not exaggerating. When a picture of Freddie appears, everyone recognizes him. Maybe they didn’t know where but they do know him and have seen his image before. One of the most famous people to have ever lived.

I’m willing to bet that more people could pick out Freddie out of a group of pictures than Beethoven, or one of those other classical composers. The only face more recognizable to the world than Freddie’s may be Elvis, or maybe John Lennon. Regardless, Freddie is in that small very elite group of people that everyone knows on sight. Do you think his parents ever could have imagined just how much of an impact their baby son would have on the world and that in 2021 he’s just as famous and recognizable if not even more than during his successful career.

In 1980, Freddie started a look that would cause a lot of controversy and got a ton of media attention way more than it should. Every paper who cared wrote about Freddie growing a mustache. You’d think that growing a mustache was a permanent condition. Am I wrong in thinking that Tom Selleck, the ultimate cool dude, was sporting one in Magnum P.I. around the same time? Why is Freddie’s so bad? Why were rock fans so judgmental? How rude were they to throw razors on stage? Everyone says it was because it was the “gay look.” I don’t buy it, he’d been sporting the “gay look” for years and no one gave him shit. I mean in the late 70’s it’s like he was dressed by the same person who dressed the guys who sang YMCA the gayest group ever, though no one really thinks about that when they are doing the stupid thing at a sporting event.

A lot of men were rocking mustaches back then, it’s just because Freddie had black hair that his was the most noticeable. The funniest part is, both he and Tom Selleck became known for their mustaches. It got to the point later on where seeing Freddie without a mustache became something all of us had to get used to. When he shaved it off in the late 80’s early 90’s we all balked. In my opinion I think he looked a little bit older without it, which is actually the opposite of how it’s supposed to happen.

I got so used to seeing Freddie with one that when he shaved it for the Barcelona stuff it took some getting used to. My favorite pictures of him are ones with his trademark mustache. If he could have trademarked it he would have.

As much as the mustache became his trademarks so did arrows and Superman tank tops and kneepads over lycra pants. Freddie did dress to kill and he always pulled it off really well. In fact, he’s the only person I know who has ever gotten away with a suit and tennis shoes, such is the greatness of Freddie. He was unapologetically himself. From the start of his career to the end he never changed looks to be more popular or changed his music to match trends. The one time that Queen attempted to go with the popular music was the one album that was their least popular of all. But least popular from Queen is still heaven for some artists.

Very recently Bohemian Rhapsody, the song not the movie, sold 1 billion copies in the USA about 10 years before anyone projected it would. That means it reached DIAMOND status. It’s a status not many bands will EVER accomplish and as usual Queen did it ahead of schedule. the head of Disney in the 90’s made a deal that he would pay the difference if they bought the Queen catalog of songs and it didn’t make what they paid for it in 10 years. It made that and 10 times more in 2 years. That was probably the safest bet since a horse at a donkey race. He knew it and the old fogeys at Disney just couldn’t see what was plainly obvious, Queen was a band that sells. Why it took any convincing at all is completely baffling but still. So once again, Queen are the champions of basically the world, no exaggeration at all.

At one point when he was alive, he was the most recognizable celebrity on earth. It wasn’t hard to be for him. He had black hair a thick mustache and so much charisma you knew if he walked into a football stadium. There wasn’t a person alive that wouldn’t at least know he was someone famous if not his name. That had to make life hard. He was confined to his hotel rooms and stores had to close so he could shop. There is no one like him now and there wasn’t then and there won’t be again. My litmus test for fame is if my Mom recognizes someone. If she does then they are pretty damn famous. When I told her I was going to see Bohemian Rhapsody she knew exactly what I was going to see and though she didn’t know Freddie’s name she knew exactly who he was. The man has been dead and out of the public eye for 30 years this November and he’s still that famous.

Imagine it when he was alive and healthy and touring the world. Honestly I think Freddie would hate the world today. Peter Freestone said it himself; the fact that someone could take a picture of him and in seconds millions would see it would horrify him. It’s a time of privacy being a valuable and hard to attain commodity. Even those who had it before have lost it and to have any you have to not be a celebrity in any way. Freddie would be in hell. He lived at the right time. The pictures of him are amazing, because no one knew what the picture looked like when they took it they had to go get it developed and hope for the best. I remember that time well. It sucked. This generation of kids has no clue what it’s like to go on a trip and run out of film, or expose your pictures by accident. Digital photography changed the world and the way media was distributed that’s why some of the moments that people caught Freddie in perfect and known poses was due to sheer skill and good fast cameras. Freddie wouldn’t be able to control camera phones and he’d hate having everyone holding them in his concerts. He wanted connection to the people not to their facebook stories.

I had a thought run through my head this morning Freddie. It was about the last two Queen albums. The Miracle, was a celebration of life and your career with songs like Was It All Worth It and Party and of course the title song. Everyone who knew you talked about how you were absolutely in love with life and devoured every second of it. I think The Miracle album is your celebration of the life you have lived and that Innuendo is your goodbye.

I thought about how The Miracle matches your “lover of life, moniker.” While Innuendo matches your “singer of songs.” Of course there was a lot more to you than just those two phrases, but I can’t think of a single word in the English language appropriate enough.

Yes, you were human, but there was so much special about you from the very beginning. So much different and extraordinary. Things that you may have been embarrassed about when you were young and even in everyday life, but these things were what you channeled when you stepped on a stage. I often wonder sometimes in the beginning if you took comfort in just seeing the first few rows under all the spotlights. You could hear the audience but you couldn’t see them.

Later, as time went on singing and performing on a stage became as natural as breathing, you could have the lights up in the stadium, you knew your power and you knew what they were there to see. Everyone thinks you never had stage fright, and that term kind of sucks. When a person gets on a stage in front of people, their natural adrenaline floods through their body. Their body temperature rises, their heart beats faster and their energy goes through the roof. For a lot of people adrenaline scares them. I am shy as hell in my everyday life, but when I have an audience the light turns on. That is the same as you. The difference between those that thrive on a stage and those that panic is the way they channel that adrenaline. You knew how to channel it brilliantly and while you were up there that was the world. You had to put up or shut up and most people, shut up, but not you.

It’s a known fact that being a performer scared you in the beginning. You often let Brian interact with the audience and in the very early days would even sometimes turn your back on an audience. No human can just get up in front of an audience for the first time ever and channel the adrenaline that floods through their veins. After a while however, they learn to channel it and performing in front of people becomes a rush and even addicting to a point. Peter Freestone said that there were times when you had been up all night and you were so exhausted they would be holding you up backstage, but you would get on stage and the show would start and you would have so much energy. He wonders where you got it. Well, it was the crowd in part but it was adrenaline. The same thing that gives us our fight or flight response. I have a theory though, remember I am no scientist by any stretch, that adrenaline received on a stage is different that adrenaline from doing outrageous activities. This kind can be controlled. If you go bungee jumping, the adrenaline you get from that cannot be controlled, but adrenaline you get when you step on a stage after a while can be mastered and you did it brilliantly.

So you had that crazy ability to control the natural reactions of your body on a stage in front of thousands, but you also had vocal chords that have been proven to be almost supernatural. Anyone who has to argue that being gay is a sin or whatever, well God sure did love you, he gave you this extraordinary gift, one like no other the world has ever seen, and not only did you use it, you used it well and as much as you could. You knew you were put on this planet to sing. You had confidence in abundance, but never arrogance. It’s nearly impossible to have one and not the other, but you somehow managed it. You hated your teeth, but they became so much a part of you that if you had fixed them, it would almost have been criminal.

You were born with extra teeth. Something that happens in nature from time to time, but it’s rare. You had a voice that defies all logic and an ability to pour emotion into a song no matter how many times you had sung it. In your life you sang Bo Rhap hundreds of times, but not once did it seem to be a chore or conveyed with less emotion. Every time you sang you didn’t just make a noise pleasing to the ear, you made a noise that touched people’s souls, it was an unbelievable talent and you used it well.

I do believe that God has a plan for our lives in the way most Christians do, but I also believe that he can have a plan but you have to help him out. He may have in his plan to give you an amazing singing voice, and to create the circumstances to get you to London at the right time. But had you not pursued your passion for music, you could have just become another graphic artist or something. There is no question you were destined for greatness, and a lot of people are, but I find a lot of times, tragically, even those people don’t live up to their destiny. Phoebe said that you had a grand design of what your life would be and you fit everyone who you encountered into it. If only we could all do that.

How did you live in the present? Am I the only one so in awe of your ability to just live, not exist, not survive, but live. I don’t believe people when they say you didn’t worry. All humans worry, it’s just a matter of degree and how you deal with it. You were able to stomp on your worries and bury them and deal with them later, without having them explode from their cage after a while. I know you said you weren’t addicted to things, but I disagree, you were addicted for a long time to adrenaline. It’s obvious on stage, but in your personal life, you picked lovers that would give you that high through the tumultuous treatment or the drama they provided. Until you found out that real love is a high all it’s own. Anyone can say what they want and the Mary vs. Jim fight rages on and will probably never be over. But I’m sorry for anyone who doesn’t believe you loved him because, they are very wrong.

You said to David Wigg in 1987 that you were living the tumultuous life the press created for you, and that life gave you the rush you needed to create. But there was one high that would overtake any that you had ever experienced. The high of loving someone and having them love you back. That’s not something everyone receives. You figured out towards the end that being boring and in love was fine because being in love was scary enough, when you finally opened your heart and dropped the guards around it, it was risky as hell, but it was also a rush, one that you figured out was much better than anything those fights had given you, and that you could use that same energy and create just as well as you did the drama and anger and bad fuel.

The Miracle is a celebration of life. It’s a celebration of your life and of the life of the four of you. You had this disease you knew was going to kill you and the only thing you weren’t positive about was when. But in that album you didn’t care. You created happiness and love in those songs and it was contagious. Maybe not every song on that album is positive, but they are all a celebration of something. That album, in my opinion was your way of telling the world that you wanted it all and that you had gotten it. That it was all worth it, no matter the cost. Though I’m not positive, because I don’t feel like looking, I don’t know what exact songs you wrote on the album, but I am damn sure I can take a pretty good guess. It was even a celebration of your band. You or all of you decided, enough with the petty fighting, put the whole band’s name on every song and be done with it. Celebrate your achievements together. That album was your homage to loving life.

Innuendo, I won’t lie, it’s not my favorite of the Queen albums. But it’s message is clear. It’s message is let me tell you about the things in my life before I’m gone. Typing that sentence just about broke me. I have come to that stage in grief of acceptance. I accept you’re gone, and I will always miss you like all the fans, but I don’t cry over even just hearing your name. Like Brian I am thankful for all the things we have of you. We have hundreds of hours of video, and more friends and peers that loved you and have fond memories of you to write books or go on tv and tell us.

To all of you who are mad at people for writing books. Let’s be real, be mad all you want, but every argument you have or any knowledge of Freddie Mercury you have, is because those people wrote books.

Peter Freestone knew how private Freddie was and when he was alive he took that responsibility seriously, so too did Jim Hutton. Privacy is important to the living, but every public figure in the history of time has had numerous people tell their story, whether true or not. When writing was invented people would recount stories of great people they knew or heard about, so it’s so natural.

Everyone is mad because Freddie was private. Yes, he was, but he was alive and invasion into that privacy could make his life hell and the lives of those he cared about. Why is privacy important to someone who is dead? I mean, they can’t be affected by it anymore, and their loved ones aren’t hurt anymore. Freddie was private to protect Peter, and Joe, and Jim, and Mary and his parents and sister. While he was alive the stories much like Queen songs kept on coming. Had Freddie been more vocal about his life then, his parents might have been mobbed outside their home, his sister as well. Being a gay man in that time wasn’t as accepted as we would like to think. He didn’t advertise it for the protection of himself and those he loved. Times have changed. If Freddie were alive today, much like Roger and Brian, privacy would be almost a joke. To be a celebrity today means that you can’t have any privacy and your life has to be an open book. Brian chooses to write the story himself, which is fucking smart. Roger as well, but some of his story gets out through his children and others.

Privacy is precious while you are living. I want my privacy. I love it. I am a representation of everyone I love. It’s no one’s business who I sleep with or who I cherish or give my time to or what I choose to do with that time. But I’m also not famous. Everyone these days wants to be famous but for every good thing, comes two bad ones. Freddie couldn’t have had any privacy these days, but I guarantee you if he were alive we wouldn’t know as much about him as we do, because Peter and Jim wouldn’t have written those books if he were alive. Even if he asked them or told them to do it, they were loyal to him when it mattered. I’m thankful that they wrote those books I get a glimpse into the life of my favorite person. A person I never met or knew, but who has become a huge part of my life and inspired me in ways even I can’t fathom.

Freddie didn’t want war he wanted fun. Why must we make his life, what little we know of it, a war over who he loved or didn’t? Why can’t we just sing a Queen song and smile for a few minutes the way he wanted us to? God, I miss him. There is and never will be anyone like him, that’s for sure, but I’m so grateful for all that I do know truth or not. All legends have myths it’s kind of par for the course. There are myths and truths, but what any of us who never knew him believe or think we know, lies somewhere in between. Some people won’t understand your obsession or love for him, but we understand and I don’t care what people say, Freddie is my man, dead or alive, gay or straight or whatever, good or bad. I love him for it all and that I don’t see changing any time soon. The day he stops inspiring me, is the day I stop loving him. Inspiration these days is incredibly hard to find and no one should waste or fail to show everyone what inspires you. For me it happens to be Freddie Mercury, his life and his band. I am proud of it, not ashamed. He is the one thing that can bring a smile to my sour face and dammit that’ s hard for me, so for that alone I love him.

Freddie I love you dude, no matter what happened in the past when you walked this earth or that you are no longer gracing the Earth with your greatness, as long as you make me smile, that will never change. Stay gorgeous and fabulous! Which you will obviously, and we will all continue to be inspired by you and to love you. Thanks for giving us so much of you while you were alive because my world at least is a brighter place because you did!



P.S. Even I couldn’t read it all, so forgive typos or whatever. I have no clue if any of it makes sense and I have completely given up on the alphabet theme. It got to be too much, too much pressure to create under certain guidelines so I did something different. I think Freddie would understand.


Dear Freddie,

We are supposed to be on the letter O or P and I’ve lost track. I have to admit. I’m about to give up on this alphabet concept. It seems that I am starting to just invent words to apply to my usual randomness. For some reason for the first time in my life the alphabet seems daunting. I have a lot of random thoughts and organizing them into some kind of “subject” such as letters of the alphabet etc. is not the easiest for me.

Before you read this post I’d like to remind you of something I made very clear in my first posts, this blog is mine, it’s my opinions in some instances. It’s my best recollection of my knowledge about Freddie and his life, if you don’t agree that’s okay, despite what social media might seem to demonstrate. It IS POSSIBLE to disagree in a nice way.

The difference between social media and this blog and all blogs, is this isn’t for immediate consumption, you are welcome to stop reading/following, or whatever at any time and my blog will not chase after you or start a war with you. Whereas twitter and things, they will. So remember, I draw a lot of conclusions, but conclusions that are not based in science are always just educated opinions. In science there are for the most part “absolutes.” Gravity exists, what goes up will come down, etc. In any other medium such as writing or creativity in any form, all conclusions are based on memories, life-events and how they shaped you, and research. When a professional journalist or author writes they have people specifically to check facts or make sure that continuity is right, in anything where there isn’t such a person, it’s all opinion. So with all that wordiness and boring crap in mind, enjoy or try to anyway.

Personal Life

I seem to be on repeat of the same concepts, just in different wording.


I don’t know why all this time, even though I know better and have seen it first hand for way too long, I still get VERY upset by the Jim Hutton bashers. They all talk about respecting Freddie’s legacy and things, but they don’t respect Jim. They want you to respect Mary but they don’t respect the other person in Freddie’s life. According to ALL let me repeat that, ALL of Freddie’s friends and family, Freddie had two significant relationships in his life, Mary and Jim.

Mary Austin, Jim Hutton, and a hyper as usual Freddie Mercury. In the better times. Magic Tour 1986. Before any problems arose between Mary and Jim they got along pretty well.

I want to point out. With a lie, very seldom does a significant number of people say the exact same thing. That’s why it’s called a “web of lies.” You get caught in it and can’t get out or remember where it goes.

When you have more than a dozen or so people who were literally close, physically and emotionally to Freddie who have said that his and Jim’s relationship was love and it was real, it’s the closest to the absolute truth you’re going to get. There is no way that all the people some of who barely know each other or don’t at all got together to plan to lie to the world about Jim Hutton. It didn’t happen, argue all you like, but if that many people say the SAME thing, that is the truth, not what you want to twist other things to make it look like. These are people that actually knew and were a part of his life. Why do you think you know better? I sure as hell don’t. If all these people said that Freddie loved to swim. Then people on social media said no he didn’t. You know who I’m going to believe? His friends. Now we know he didn’t swim often, but the question of whether he could or not hasn’t been definitively answered. The question of whether he and Jim were a legitimate couple has been definitively answered by many eye witnesses. Say what you want, you are wrong they are right.

I have a feeling Jim has always been that person who gets picked on because they are an easy target. All the man did was try to tell his story and wrote a book about a man he was head over heels for only about two years after his death. Jim Hutton never once insulted or was mean about Freddie in that book, until the end when writing about something he was still traumatized by Jim doesn’t sound negative or unhappy at all. That book reads like a love story, a realistic and complicated love story. Unlike David Minns’ book it doesn’t read like some bitter ex wrote it.

Like David saying Freddie beat him. Come on now. If he was hitting you I’m absolutely positive you were hitting him back. Abuse is when someone is a victim. Every physical fight isn’t abuse, not if it’s a fair fight. With David Minns and Freddie and honestly most of the people Freddie dated and him, if they came to blows they were equally matched, there was no complete victim. Don’t forget Freddie was an award winning boxer in school. You don’t forget how to fight.

David Minns and Freddie in the 70’s. Good god the clothes and hair! My eyes! I’m not a fan of the 70’s fashions as you all know, but David was shorter than a 5’9″ Freddie and just as small.

Yes, Freddie prized his privacy over all things, but let me tell you this right now. I can name three very popular “biographies” that have so much worse things in them than anything that Jim wrote. Who are written by people who never met him or knew him. The Jim bashers use these bs bios as “evidence” and if it fits their agenda it’s “gospel”

Yes, Mary got the house and I don’t think that’s insignificant. It was known to ANYONE who knew Freddie that you dare not try to come between he and Mary or you’d take your life in your hands and Jim knew that. He respected Mary for a long time. He never begrudged her special treatment. To be in Freddie’s life was to know that Mary was very high on the totem pole of importance. No one is denying that she was loved by him deeply his whole life. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

Jim wasn’t someone Freddie expected. Yes, to answer one of the arguments the Jim bashers have, in the beginning he was used to make Winnie jealous. But as they dated for a little while as is normal in any romantic relationship. As time went on they spent more time together and things with Winnie fell away and Jim became the important one.

First of all, why the hell do you want to validate Winnie as his “husband” and invalidate Jim? By every single account, Jim Hutton was 100 times better to Freddie than Winnie. Winnie and he had a relationship that was committed in word, but in action was very hot and cold. Despite what the Jim haters say, just because Freddie wore a ring that HE PAID FOR! that matched a similar one to one he gave to Winnie, does not automatically mean anything else than a ring. Knowing Freddie he probably got used to wearing it and forgot he had it on. It happens ask anyone who has been married for a number of years. They don’t even remember they are wearing it.

Not to mention if there was any physical altercations between Freddie and Winnie they were not at all evenly matched. Freddie was small and Winnie was a big guy. Winnie cheated and Freddie cheated OFTEN. So why the hell would you want to validate THAT union. Winnie and Freddie couldn’t even fight without a translator. Yes, at one point during the 1983-1985 Munich days Freddie had “moved in,” with Winnie. Let’s examine that for a minute.

From Left: Barbara Valentine, Winnie Kirchenberger?, and Freddie. Even sitting you can tell Winnie is much taller and broadly built than Freddie.

There are two periods in Freddie’s life where he was the most wild. The early 80’s in NYC and the mid 80’s in Munich. Those two periods can rival each other for amount of wildness and debauchery very equally. Freddie found a minorly famous German film star in Barbara Valentine who had an in with all the cool gay scene in Munich, where let’s remember Freddie didn’t speak German. Much like cooking, learning another language was just something he wasn’t going to put a lot of brain power into. I’m sure had he wanted to he could have learned German well. He just had no desire. So he meets Winnie and I won’t try to spell his last name because I always butcher it, and he’s just Freddie’s type. He owns a prominent restaurant in Munich and he’s friends with Barbara, Freddie’s club BFF. Freddie’s mental energy went into the things he loved, mostly music not learning German so he could maybe verbally communicate with his boyfriend. The only way they had to communicate is physically and apparently that went very well. But you can only go so far in a relationship where you cannot speak to each other.

As far as I can tell for a couple of years in the Munich days Freddie would rent apartments here and there, but more than anything he would stay with Barbara at her “flat.” When he and Winnie decided to commit, at least in name, Freddie got done with his lease on an apartment in Munich and “moved in.”

From what I can tell and just pure common sense, Freddie and Winnie weren’t exactly home bodies. Peter Freestone talks about how Freddie was not one to get up early. Now, if you own a restaurant, you will know you have to start WAY ahead of time, to prepare the food and manage your staff. Winnie owned a restaurant which is not even close to a 9-5 job. He got up early, especially if, and I am not sure this is true or not, he served lunch. I am only speculating he got up early due to how restaurants work. So I don’t know for sure.

Germans are notorious for a very good work ethic. They work more than any American’s and take less vacations, which is saying something because apart from some Asian countries the USA works harder than most European countries. The Spanish have siesta where they shut down for a couple hours and take naps so they can party all night. Trust me, I’ve been, I know what I’m talking about. Germans use much less vacation days and work longer work hours than in the USA which to anyone in Spain is insanity.

The way Peter puts it, Winnie was very neat and Freddie was NOT. Freddie would sleep in and call Phoebe, who I’m not sure where the hell he was staying, I wish I could fill in holes, and Freddie would wake up and Peter would come to wherever Freddie was and fix his tea and breakfast and do just about everything for him. That was Peter’s role, that was his job. After Freddie got dressed Peter picked up behind him, cleaned up and did household chores in Winnie’s apartment. Trust me when I say he didn’t do this for Winnie’s sake.

Winnie woke up early and Peter describes them as ships who passed in the night. When one was working, say touring the world performing, or managing a successful restaurant one would sleep while the other worked. Freddie was gone A LOT, in the Munich days. He had gone to LA in 1984 long enough to rent a house there and get to know some of the city. Vince the bar-man enters the picture around that number of months (a year?) that it took for Queen to record The Works. The only times they saw each other was partying at night and Freddie doesn’t seem to be worried about flying back and forth to see Winnie and since they didn’t even speak the same language I doubt there were phone calls.

At the same time Freddie recorded things independently for movies such as Love Kills and Keep Passing the Open Windows, which made it onto The Works. Whether they were used or not, didn’t matter it still took time for the perfectionist that Freddie was to record those. In LA he dated SEVERAL men and reconnected with Joe Fanelli who then came on as his permanent chef. Let’s refresh, this is 1983-1984, exact times I’m not sure, but if what everyone especially the Jim bashers say is true then Freddie was in LA away from his “hubby” trying to hook other men. Back in Munich Winnie was sleeping around too and Freddie knew it and didn’t care. When he would get time between recording or performing he would go back to Munich, his play ground, and when he was back, he and Winnie had epic, Greek-saga like fights. Arguments that the entire city knew about, considering Freddie was prominent and so was Winnie that’s not at all hard to believe.

You can probably imagine WHAT some of those arguments were about? Maybe Winnie was caught with someone while Freddie was on tour or Winnie found out about the affairs in LA and all over the world. We all have to remember, Freddie “lived” in Munich when he wasn’t busy, but he was always busy. After finishing The Works Freddie went back to Munich with stop overs in England from time to time, but not enough to be a true resident and required to pay income taxes. Everyone says he lived in Germany, and yes technically he did.

But this was a man that notoriously spent most of his life in front of crowds and recording music. It was what kept him going. Though, I’m sure cocaine didn’t hurt either, but that’s not the point. My long in coming point is, how much was Freddie really IN Munich with Winnie from 1983-1985? I’m thinking it wasn’t a lot. At the same time he was recording his solo album, and went on tour of the far eastern countries such as Japan, Australia, and later would venture back west for the now famous Rock in Rio festival. In between all of this he met Jim, the first time who promptly turned him down, he was dating Winnie, and picking up men wherever he went.

Yeah Winnie sounds like someone super duper and treasured by Freddie. (sarcastic) Winnie was what one of my brother’s friends so crassly called it. His jumping-on mate. Meaning in Southeast USA his fuck buddy. Freddie hated and as far as I know never used that term. Though it’s become more of a “thing.” They had the commitment in name and Freddie was happy to have the label of hubby with anyone at that point. He was even said to brag that he was so ordinary he was married and lived with his spouse. Sure you did sweetie! Freddie was getting older he was approaching his late thirties and feeling as most human’s do (though I’m still not convinced he’s completely human) like this was his “last hurrah.” When a person knows their days of getting away with the same antics they did when they were younger come around most of the time the wildness gets cranked up a notch. A kind of last ditch effort to get it all in before it’s too late. In this case, before Freddie got bored sleeping around constantly.

The problem is the relationship he had with Winnie was certainly passionate, but it wasn’t a deep soulful connection by any stretch. Both of the two threw a few punches during their infamous fights and Freddie used Winnie’s apartment to entertain his guest from all over the world. The king always holding court. Winnie worked at his restaurant and would meet up with Freddie at whatever club he was currently attending as much as possible then they would go home and you know the rest. In that quote about tumultuous relationships Freddie had, Winnie is no doubt one of them. You never saw him in the 4 or 5 years he and Winnie were together, gush over how much he loved his partner. That is not the foundation that true love is built. Freddie was spinning out of control and he was looking for an anchor to hold onto and all of his friends did nothing but enable his bad habits. Paul Prenter got the men, Phoebe the drugs, and Barbara had the bar and club connections.

I need to make this point before I forget. Queen and Freddie Mercury were EXTREMELY meticulous and picky about their music videos. Some would suffer for the other’s vision (It’s A Hard Life) but the editing wasn’t something they took lightly. That is a known fact by all directors and musicians. Let’s review: all Queen music videos and there is only one of Freddie’s boyfriends in any of those videos. Jim Hutton is seen in not one but two of Freddie’s videos. Jim had to be a good guy because Winnie or Bill Reid or Paul Prenter or even Phoebe and Joe weren’t ever in one of the videos. That in itself should tell you how special Jim was to Freddie. Not only that, but it should tell you how much the other members of Queen who spent more time with Freddie than ANYONE of his lovers, all said that Freddie treated Jim like his husband in every single way that a spouse usually does. It wasn’t legal to be married back then for same sex couples and Freddie had a very traditional view of things and wouldn’t have asked his parents to attend a wedding between him and another man. But had he lived into the more liberated end of the 20th century and his parents were both gone I really believe that he would have married Jim.

I will admit, due to not knowing Freddie’s mind set about relationships when he was diagnosed, there is no way of knowing if having Jim stick around for as long as he did had something to do with him dying. The question of would he have stayed with Jim if say they had found treatment back then, and he had lived a lot longer? Honestly, we play the cards we’re dealt, there is no way to know. I don’t know Freddie all that well personally so I couldn’t tell you.

I do know some things, Freddie was loyal beyond all else. If a person was loyal to him then Freddie was loyal to them it was a given. Jim chose to stay and face whatever fate brought with Freddie, even though he could have left and Freddie most likely, would have, still left Jim something in his Will. Who knows? Jim stayed when he didn’t have to and he knew the man he loved was going to die slowly and there wasn’t one thing Jim could do to stop it or help him.

Peter and Joe at least could be a bit more help to Freddie, but all Jim could do was keep his prized garden looking good and he did more than that, he kept it pristine. To those who like to say that Jim was just the gardener or just an employee, they started dating seriously in 1985 there was two years that Freddie was healthy and in those years Jim kept his job as a hairdresser and his own apartment. Jim might not have been the smartest of men, but he had been in relationships and he knew given Freddie’s fame and money he could and maybe would find someone else and Jim had to have a place to go if that happened. Jim loved Freddie deeply but he wasn’t willing to completely invest in Freddie even when he still lived in Garden Lodge if Freddie would kick him out he would call a friend and stay there and it was FREDDIE who would come crawling back and beg Jim to come home. Which was the opposite of how it usually worked.

The newest Jim basher argument is that Freddie just kept Jim around because he had nowhere else to go. Well that’s crap, because in the later days of their relationship when Freddie had gotten it in his head he didn’t want Jim around anymore, who knows why? He had Joe ask him to move out. Jim signed a lease. He had an apartment lined up and though he was heartbroken to leave he was willing to do it if that was what Freddie wanted. Someone in some obscure article I found or maybe a blog. Looked for the lease records and Jim Hutton did have a lease that he then had nullified around the time Jim said in his book.

The next argument to debunk would be that Jim’s book is all lies. Okay, what? So you are saying that his abuse is evident in his book and proves that he was abusive, which is ridiculous. So that part you are willing to believe and twist for your own backwards argument, but anything good or any fun story that Jim tells is automatically him making it up. Jim was artistic and good with his hands. He wasn’t exactly Shakespeare or Melville. I don’t think for one second that a lot of the more crazy stories he just made up. I do however think that Tim Whappshott did embellish in some parts, but that the majority of the story was truthful.

The next argument is that Jim expected to be left the house. Are you fucking kidding me? Jim didn’t want the house. The house was a bunch of bricks and mortar. Without Freddie it was not a home. I don’t for one second believe that Freddie didn’t tell Jim who he was leaving Garden Lodge to and his money. I am almost positive Freddie never promised he would leave Jim anything. Yes, he built him a house in Ireland, but Jim had a binding contract that that was a mortgage loan to be repaid to Freddie. When Freddie died he of course dissolved that contract. Jim was as flabbergasted as anyone when he was left the money from Freddie. He didn’t expect it and he didn’t use a lot of it in the beginning. He had to use a good chunk to find a place to live.

Okay so let’s address this, I agree completely that Jim was harsh on the things he said about Mary at the end of the book. Surely there were legal hoops that contributed and Jim Beach had taken over day to day operations of the house itself until it was done in probate. Yes, it had to be unoccupied for probate to work or whatever. I get that. Yes, Jim was harsh and he comes off bitter, but so does Mary honestly.

Let’s put this in perspective. For one we don’t know how much Tim Whappshott embellished Jim’s words or wrote it in prose that sounded more dramatic than it was. There’s no way to know. Second, when you lose someone so loved and that you have been with for a number of years, you aren’t thinking straight. Emotions go haywire. Anger gets directed in the wrong directions. People tend to forget this book was published in 1993 which means it was 1992 the year after Freddie died when Jim sat down and recounted his memories to Tim. Writers who do things like this tend to ask leading questions to get details they can use in a book. It’s possible Jim only mentioned the move and feeling slighted a little at the funeral and Tim took it and made it like two chapters. We have no way of knowing.

My newest ridiculous favorite bullshit that everyone is spouting about Jim is that maybe he never had AIDS or HIV at all.

First of all, in 1993 there was still no treatment. So why the HELL would ANYONE lie about that horrible disease, in particular. Not to mention the public in general didn’t know much about it or how it spread so lying about that is opening yourself up to a lifetime of judgmental hell.

I can’t think of even one human who would purposely make their lives harder like that. It makes absolutely no sense. Peter Freestone says that on a lease he signed after Freddie died they asked him if he had been tested for HIV and he had, but he lied about it, because even just being TESTED could implicate you and get you denied for a lease. People with AIDS were treated about as well as people with leprosy in the time of Jesus. Everyone was scared of anyone who had it and until in 1997 Princess Diana (God, I loved her) went to an AIDS ward in a hospital and shook hands and hugged patients that doctors were treating with what was tantamount to hazmat suits due to not knowing how it was transmitted. That was the turning point when people realized the way it would spread and it wasn’t through normal physical contact. She took that risk and she helped a lot. She helped the AIDS movement for a cure move lightyears ahead, though not far enough, but still. So for ANYONE at that time to LIE about an AIDS diagnosis was fucking suicide!

As far as the tribute concert. I don’t remember if Jim went or not or whatever. Everyone acts like the band didn’t think Jim was special to Freddie because he wasn’t on their personal guest list. Let’s think about this one.

For one, that concert was arranged in only 5 months. The planning started only 3 weeks after Freddie’s death. Roger came up with the idea and was met with resistance from Brian and John at first, but when they saw how many artists wanted to come pay tribute to Freddie, they were on board. That concert would turn out to be the biggest line up of huge stars that the 1990’s would ever see, which also means the rest of the century. That includes the Grammys etc. Never since, has a line up of stars that big and that many of them gathered to champion a cause which is why another Live Aid isn’t really realistic. Yes, we have music festivals but those acts are getting PAID, those are paid gigs. This concert was solely about Freddie and AIDS charities, namely the Mercury Phoenix Trust.

I don’t know if anyone has ever planned a small birthday party? Say 20 guests were coming. The amount of planning that goes into just that small gathering alone will keep you super busy until the last minute. Now imagine the biggest stars in the world all coming together, with their lofty expectation, regardless of the cause, and for free and then making sure the audience is full and selling tickets.

First, you have to get a license to set up a charitable organization. Now, given Brian, Roger and John all had a lot of assistants and staff to help with the minor details. To set up a major charity though, the main players have to be there. Jim Beach was there in Mary Austin’s place. Mary was at home raising her very young kids.

That alone takes a ton of time and effort and paperwork and meetings and the list goes on. They had to plan how the money would get from ticket sales to the charity’s fund. There wasn’t exactly electronic transfer into accounts back then. To set up an organization of that magnitude takes mountains of paperwork. Maybe Jim Beach did a lot of it but he couldn’t have done it all.

Then you have to arrange with the artist’s managers and agents dates and times and travel, line up a venue, make a back up plan for weather, I think you see where I’m going with this. That was a busy five months, which is an understatement. It’s what allowed them to keep busy and their minds off their overwhelming grief.

Grief is a very selfish emotion. When you are in the depths of grief to that degree as the band would have been, you think about yourself and what would make you feel better. You see very narrowly and your priorities and sometimes your personality changes while in the process. In the crazy amount of time that they planned it. The huge stars that would be attending and how to arrange everything and sell tickets in only five months some things fall by the wayside.

Also, I don’t really remember Mary being there? So Jim wasn’t personally invited by the band, oh well. Not to mention a man with the disease would want to buy a ticket if it went towards that cause. Let’s just put it this way. Had Jim mentioned he wanted to come I’m sure it would have been arranged.

After Jim moved out of Garden Lodge, he bought a small duplex in London somewhere, and basically tended a tiny garden of his own, and lived in his constant state of grief. He didn’t exactly go paint the town. For seven years Freddie had been his world. A friend, a lover, a care-giver, a supporter, and a confidante. Jim lost it all and he lost it way too soon. Seven years in the life of a couple in love is very short and flies by. I think also, like many who knew Freddie, He saw him as larger than life and that there would be some last minute save and he wasn’t actually going to die so quickly. Like most Jim held onto hope to fight the despair that would consume him if he didn’t. The saddest part of it is, had the governments of the world who possessed the best technology not seen it as a “gay plague” and had it not carried such a stigma, it’s possible the treatment would have come in time. But the research was limited because though millions were dying, somehow society cruelly believed they deserved it, or brought it on themselves. These are the same assholes who banned the I Want to Break Free video, and shouted their ideas of homosexuality as a moral abomination. It was not a good time in the world to be gay.

In 1993 soon after Jim’s book was published the tide turned. A very popular male, heterosexual, famous, rich basketball player, Magic Johnson, contracted the disease and only two years later they had come up with a better cocktail to fight it and allow people to live a lot longer. NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND, WOULD LIE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT! To this day, and TRUST ME, I know, if someone purposely infects someone with HIV without telling them it’s a crime that can send you to jail for a pretty long time, and requires a registry on the Sex Offender Registry, at least in the USA.

It’s 2021, they have drugs now that make it almost completely undetectable in blood and make it exponentially harder to spread it even if contraception isn’t used. They also have drugs that they can give you to fight it off in the beginning called prophylactics, which is what they give to doctors or others who may accidentally stick themselves with needles. I’ve done it working at a jail! Not fun! I am fine, but it’s scary as hell.

Even now it’s a crime, and we have all this medicine and decades of research to help. So no one would lie about it. Not to mention they didn’t have HIPPA laws about private medical records for people who had been tested. If this was possibly a real lie then someone would have been able to get their hands on a list or some documentation that said Jim Hutton wasn’t HIV+

That of all the shit they spew is what pisses me off the most. To say that he would lie to the public, his friends, his family, and everyone else in his life about something like that is INSANE! Everyone needs to STOP IT!

I’ve debunked the arguments with this concept called logic. These Jim bashers should look into it before typing anything on a screen.

Jim Hutton was so important he made it into the movie. No other of Freddie’s lovers made it in that movie and Jim wasn’t in it long enough. I believe beyond doubt that the Jim Hutton haters are just homophobic people who want so badly for there have not to been a special male lover in his life. They raise Winnie, the abusive ex who didn’t even speak English to husband status, and lower Jim to just a guy Freddie kept around. It’s easy even for homophobic people to cite Winnie because he basically disappeared off any Freddie radar we have after 1985 and Jim stuck around.

Like it or not, Jim Hutton was important to Freddie. Freddie loved him and Jim loved Freddie. Freddie also loved Mary. Neither of them are saints, but to discount Jim entirely is just basically saying that you disrespect Freddie a lot more than any book, or blog or whatever from Jim could.

To Love Freddie is to Love ALL of the people important to him. He was a smart and shrewd man, who only kept those around him who meant the most. So to discount Peter Freestone, or Jim Hutton, or Mary Austin, is to basically discount Freddie. How dare you do that when you are accusing people who actually KNEW him when he was alive, talking about him now.

News flash: Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, there is a reason people say rest in peace. Life has suffering and hardship, death does not. Whatever happens after a person dies, nothing that happens to those still living hurts them anymore. Yes, it can hurt the legacy of a person, a legacy that fans like me will do anything to protect.

Nothing that Jim or Peter or anyone including the fictional biography writers say about Freddie will ruin the legendary status he has. Nothing will diminish it 30 years later or 50 years from now. So everyone just CHILL! Freddie was a man of the present he didn’t worry about the future.

Presently, Freddie Mercury is revered now the way he should have been when he was alive, but that’s not the way it works? Only hindsight is 20/20 and only history can be analyzed. Freddie is in the history books. He did it. There’ s nothing that will change that.

I want to examine Jim’s first arrival in Munich in 1985. Freddie was supposedly in a relationship with Winnie. Barbara was the go-between for both of them, she was the translator, and someone to keep the spotlight of the press from focusing entirely on Freddie throughout their time in Munich. In that country she was as admired as equally as he was. Barbara may not have had the same level of worldwide fame as Freddie, but she was just famous enough in Munich to draw media attention away from Freddie and let him be as normal as was possible for him.

Freddie wasn’t normal. He never did anything normal. He never had normal relationships. They may have appeared “normal,” but none of us knows what it’s like to be a male homosexual Rockstar in the 80’s the time of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher two highly conservative world leaders. The gay scene was more free but you didn’t bring it into your mainstream life. You could go be outrageous and promiscuous in a club at night but you didn’t go back to your bus driver, or nurse, or whatever job acting the same way. It was still a judgmental and highly hypocritically moral based world back then. If you didn’t live through it you can’t judge it. Much the same way as no Gen Z’er can understand what it’s like to live without a cell phone, which I did for all of high school basically. Or to not have Netflix and have to use video tapes. You can’t judge a time if you didn’t live in it.

So Freddie was afraid to mention Jim’s name in interviews or confirm it was a “male” relationship? Yes, he was outwardly gay around people he knew, and flamboyant on stage, but the one thing he NEVER did was FLAUNT it. You have to remember there were people in society in these years and past decades that thought Liberace was a womanizer! (My mom *face palm*) To quote her, it just wasn’t talked about or even mentioned back then. It was seen as an act, not real life. I still don’t understand how you can see Liberace and not know, but I also didn’t live back then so I do my best not to judge. (1950’s and 1960’s)

Freddie fell in and out of love quickly; we all know that. Jim was with him in the hardest times in his life. It wasn’t a bed of roses or a pleasure cruise to watch this disease that Freddie didn’t deserve eat up his body and rob him of his sparkle. There is no way even a casual fan could have watched that and not been devastated, much less a man you are in love with.

Jim fell in love with Freddie when he was healthy and vibrant and in peak form. He fell when Freddie was at his best. Freddie was up to his usual antics as well. That’s a great way to test a true relationship. This wasn’t a relationship Freddie was used to. Freddie usually controlled the narrative of a relationship. If men left him, they begged to come back it wasn’t the other way around. If they started dating him, they used his money and status to their advantage. Except for when Freddie wanted Jim to be somewhere Jim didn’t get on an airplane and scream he was Freddie’s boyfriend to get VIP treatment. When Freddie was working, Jim didn’t cause a ruckus or pick a fight, or destroy a hotel room. He also didn’t let Freddie get away with cheating on him once things became serious. This to Freddie was a new kind of relationship. I bet he saw it as a challenge. He found solace and to him that was a new adventure, because it had never happened before.

Jim wouldn’t go anywhere with Freddie if Freddie didn’t want him to. My favorite new lie is that the Japan trip wasn’t a honeymoon, it was already planned so Jim lied about that. To be fair, it was planned, it was a little bit about business for Freddie, yes, but there were a lot of things that happened on that trip that Freddie did especially for Jim. It was important to him that Jim feel special on that trip and you can bet there was very few moments when Jim wasn’t right by his side. Joe would sometimes stay at the hotel room, and get things ready for events or whatever, but Jim went everywhere with Freddie. It’s the same behavior as a couple who have just gotten married. No it wasn’t originally PLANNED as a honeymoon, because the ring and the idea of being committed was a surprise to Freddie from Jim. Just because it wasn’t originally planned as a honeymoon, but rather a special holiday, doesn’t make it any less special or meaningful. So enough of that.

Say anything you want about Jim, but he loved Freddie and so did Phoebe and Joe. To say that he didn’t and that Freddie didn’t love him is just stupid. That’s saying that you can’t love more than one person at a time. I have a big family I love them all. I have a best friend I’d take a bullet for, and god help them if someone tries to come between her and I. I don’t at the moment have a lover type of relationship, but I have in the past and I was perfectly capable of loving all those people just as much at the same time. Freddie loved his friends the same way he loved his family. His friends were his family. Blood is not what makes you a family. I have relatives who share my blood who I haven’t talked to in years. but the truly important “family” in my life are the people who mean the most. There’s a famous quote

Friends are the family you choose.


Think about all the people in your life. Is there someone that no matter their role you can’t live without, who isn’t your blood relative? Do you love them? Then why is it hard to believe that Freddie could love Mary Austin just as much as he loved Jim Hutton? They just had different roles they filled, didn’t make either of them any less important.

Peter Freestone was important, Joe Fanelli, these were people Freddie literally trusted with his life. He loved them too and he loved their company. Freddie didn’t just have employees. He wasn’t a true boss who will write you a reprimand or whatever. He was a friend mostly and a boss when needed, but he was perfectly capable of being both in equal measure.

As far as Jim, those roles weren’t equal. Jim was first and foremost Freddie’s lover, who just happened to tend to the garden, a never-ending job for which Freddie paid him.

It seems to me when Jim realizes how much Phoebe and Joe make compared to him and how much other gardeners made and he made less, it was because that wasn’t his main role in Freddie’s life. His main role was something you don’t get paid for, his main role was lover.

Freddie would never have let Jim make less had he been a “regular employee,” or “only the gardener who he occasionally sleeps with.” Freddie if anything was fair and if he was “only and employee.” Freddie would have insisted he make the same as his two other employees, but he was not just the gardener.

Freddie if anything was always fair. Even when you incurred Freddie’s wrath you either deserved it or his anger was about something else and misdirected at you. Those who hurt him knew why he stopped talking to them and cut them out. They knew they had screwed up big time, because being generous isn’t just about money it’s about forgiveness and Freddie would forgive his friends a lot. There were some things that were too far, like messing with his career by biting his hand before a concert, or airing his secrets on television and in newspapers for weeks for just 39,000 pounds. Freddie wasn’t spiteful. He never did anything out of spite. Anger is different, it’s doing things in moments you regret, but spite is planned and not tied to any emotion. Spite is a smaller form of revenge.

Freddie may play innocent tricks with people who pissed him off, such as when shooting a concert in Montreal in 1981 they wanted to edit together both nights, wearing pants the whole night one night and then to mess up continuity, wearing shorts the next. That is the way that Freddie would deal with people who angered him. Innocent ways of making life hard. Nothing ever spiteful! It was something he could not forgive from his friends. Freddie was rarely ever a hypocrite. He never expected anything from anyone he wasn’t willing to do or follow himself.

I understand wanting to judge Jim for betraying Freddie’s privacy. But he didn’t do it when Freddie was alive and it could have hurt him. Jim was happy with the time he got with him which was not as much as a normal couple. Jim wished he could have more of Freddie to himself, but he knew that a huge part of Freddie’s life was other people. He shared himself with the world and the public a lot, but Jim was happy with the time he did have. He was about quality time over quantity. A trait that NOT ONE of Freddie’s exes every had. They all wanted to bask in the glory and spend the money. Jim got that glory in natural ways that anyone who is with a celebrity gets. the opulent flights, the even minimal recognition, but he didn’t seek it and he didn’t do things to cause attention to himself when Freddie was in public or working. That is why he was different. It was something Freddie wasn’t used to, and in doing so it made Freddie want to spoil him even more. Freddie never liked the mundane and up until Jim Hutton his love life had been the same things over and over. Jim fought for what he wanted out of him, and Freddie in turn knew that in itself was unique. “You fought me you won me.”

Jim fought for a different relationship dynamic and Jim kept up his end of the bargain, a challenge to Freddie that he accepted and did his best to meet. In return, Freddie treated Jim like he was different and special because he knew this wasn’t Kansas anymore Toto.

I have a theory as well that one of the reasons that Peter and Joe pushed down Jim’s importance to Freddie, was due to the way Freddie usually was in relationships. They were used to Freddie’s hurricane style relationships. Jim was quiet and yes, they fought, but Jim would leave if Freddie went too far, something that none of his past lovers ever had. Jim and Freddie’s relationship was more subtle, and maybe not as easily labeled the same way his past boyfriends had been. Only Jim and Freddie knew how deeply they connected, because they did it in private and Jim stayed in his “place.” That was something they weren’t used to. To them if you were a lover of Freddie’s they expected tumultuous fights, and constant cheating and vying for his attention. Jim Hutton was happy with the time he got with the man he loved. He didn’t need to make a fool of himself because he didn’t need the spotlight, Freddie made him feel loved enough in private, Jim could stay in the background when Freddie needed him to and be secure in that.

Whatever is said in the book. Jim Hutton wasn’t insecure. Once he felt Freddie’s love he never doubted it unless there was a very good reason. It took him longer to fall in love with someone, but once he did it was because he was secure in the fact that person felt the same as it was with Freddie.

Years later in interviews, he even says he fell madly in love with Freddie, and Freddie fell madly in love with him. Jim may have not had book smarts, but when it came to love, Jim was little bit more secure than Freddie. It didn’t mean he loved him any less. Jim also knew that he wasn’t a likely choice for Freddie. He asked him why me? So yes, I understand the need to try to explain away why Jim isn’t good enough for Freddie, but love doesn’t choose based on smarts, or worldliness or money, or career, or fame.

There’s the adage, “We can’t help who we fall in love with.” In the case of Jim Hutton it might not have been logical, but when is love that’s real ever logical? If you know someone who says they love their S.O. because they are the right mix of everything material, that’s not love. That’s comfort or convenience. Love comes when you least expect it and it’s one of the most uncomfortable and foreign and scary things you’ll ever know, but also amazing and so worth stepping out of your comfort zone. You can’t tick off boxes and force it. Jim Hutton may not have ticked off the boxes of someone WE FANS think is right for Freddie, but no one would, and it’s possible that Jim did tick those boxes for Freddie’s view of what he needed. We will never know.

He didn’t need a constant reminder of Freddie’s love. He knew it was there, and he didn’t need Freddie to show it all the time. He waited his turn. That in itself made Jim Hutton good for Freddie because it showed him it was possible to find someone who didn’t crave the trappings of fame and could love him for just him and not his money or the power that fame brought.

Freddie loved Mary. Freddie loved Jim. If you love Freddie you need to at least respect them both. If not you are the one dishonoring Freddie’s legacy, because the people in his life while he was living it, was all he cared about.

Freddie’s legacy is love, and god-like talent, and crazily accurate intuition as to how to entertain people, amazing music, and all the things music, but there is however another part of his legacy that he left us and that anyone who demonstrates, “hate” on anyone he loved in whatever way dishonors, and that’s his legacy of generosity and love.

So next time you go with the intention to speak ill of Jim or Mary, remember that they didn’t dishonor his legacy in any way, including by writing a book after his death, but in hating them, you are dishonoring him and the generous and kind and loving man he was when he lived. That is just as important as any music. Those things, are what make him so amazing on stage. He through his performances shows you how loving and generous he is, so hating on the people that were important to him is what REALLY diminishes his legacy.

When it came to Freddie, He had Joe and Phoebe to protect him but in the last seven years he had Jim to protect him too and Jim did just that and he stayed out of the limelight. Apparently the world’s GREATEST con man to every walk if you believe the Jim bashers.

It baffles me the Jim Haters are still at it. What is it about Jim Hutton that upsets everyone? Is it so hard to believe he was just a decent guy? It seems harder for me to believe he was some master con artist that sponged off Freddie and duped him and his companions for 7 years. That seems to be far less likely.

One day in 1985 at a uber popular gay night club Freddie met a normal guy who he clicked with or if the haters are right, he met a master manipulator who turned him down at first and then didn’t talk to him for a while and then just happened to see him again at said nightclub and start his con game? Which seems more likely? Jim was a nice guy who, admittedly, had some problems, but let’s be real I love him and everything, but Freddie wasn’t at all easy to be with in a relationship as we all know, or that Jim Hutton was the greatest con artist who ever lived?

Freddie was a genius and he read people like books so he must be the greatest con artist ever to have tricked him for that long. Sick or not Freddie wasn’t brain damaged and he didn’t lose his power up until the very day he died. So damn, Jim Hutton was the best con artist who ever lived. Or maybe he was just a good person? Honestly though hard to believe. There are still a lot of good people in this world. A lot more good people than master world-class manipulators. According to Jim haters he was the world’s greatest con man. This comes from what I can tell is if not one person about maybe at most 5 people who buy into that unreasonable shit who I might add aren’t master con men/women themselves, considering they get reported for this horrible shit and then make up a new name and come right back to fight on the wrong side. Then we immediately know it’s them. Yeah we aren’t fooled. The Jim haters ruin all social media that has to do with Freddie.

To say that Freddie kept Jim around cause he was lonely? That says Freddie was an asshole even in the face of a deadly disease. He knew he most likely would have passed it on to Jim and gave him the opportunity to leave without any ill will. Then he just decided to keep him around cause he felt guilty? Seriously? What an asshole thing to do? If that’s true then it’s not Jim who is the bad guy it’s Freddie and that’s just not true and we all know it.

Jim made mistakes. Maybe it was wrong to write a book, but Freddie was gone it wasn’t going to hurt him and unless you are huge homophobe and understand zero about grief and the way it can make you act differently than you normally would, such as the ending sounding bitter, etc. I’d much rather hear Jim tell the story than some tabloid reporter, same goes for Phoebe publishing his memories.

I don’t think there was any ONE person who knew every aspect of Freddie’s life. Even Mary didn’t know about his behaviors of a more promiscuous nature during the NYC years. I think I read somewhere that she never actually saw Freddie’s NYC apartment in person. She saw pictures and since she was in charge of his money I’m sure she arranged for the payment for it. But as far as actually going there, I’m pretty sure she never did. Now, I am perfectly aware I could be dead wrong. There were a couple years there in the early 80’s where Freddie was too busy playing in the gay scene and having fun in NYC along with touring where except for the occasional flight to NYC or something Mary and Freddie didn’t see each other much. His outrageous “gay” lifestyle wasn’t really something he wanted Mary to share and it makes perfect sense.


I sometimes wonder what went through the amazing brain of Freddie when he wrote the many songs. How did original melodies come to him? I don’t know if I have any original melodies in my brain. Every melody I can think of happens to have been taken from either one or more songs. The fact that it could still keep happening over and over for almost 3 decades. It amazes me. He truly was one of a kind and there will NEVER be another person so extremely talented in so many different areas. No he couldn’t cook or do laundry or most of those mundane chores the rest of us do daily, but his talent in things that no one else could do far outweighed the need for any of that. A person as extremely talented as Freddie Mercury should be immune from those everyday tasks. He has more important things to worry about. He had money to pay for someone else to do those things. He had Mary to figure out his “checkbook”, Peter to do laundry and make tea and other special things, and Joe to cook and do the same as Peter from time to time. Joe was also constantly aware of where Freddie was at all times in case he needed a car or a rescue quickly.

Said in an interview in 1985. He’s right he’d make a bad housewife. He did the right job no doubt.

One incredible thing about Freddie was he couldn’t be defined. He was never “just” anything. He wasn’t just a singer, he was a piano player, composer, song writer, lyricist, and rock singing aficionado. He was a man, but also a caring brother and son, a generous employer, a fun and giving friend, and a witty smart public figure who seemed to always make a splash in any interview he did.

He could cause shock and awe or just sit quietly and picture a concert before he went on stage. He was a man who took pride in his work and never did anything halfway. The most amazing and rare part about him was he knew exactly who he was. He knew his limitations and his talents and he never stopped believing in his dreams. To find what talent God gave you in this life and your purpose during it is one of the most difficult things any human being will attempt. Rare individuals achieve it. Brian May thinking that Freddie didn’t care what people thought of his was not exactly true. Because Freddie knew his purpose and knew what his talents were he did his best and worked hard to use the talents he was given. He was human and he did care what people thought, but the reason the critics never got to him was because he already knew they had malicious intent and he knew he was talented. Whatever he lacked in training he made up for with hard work. He may not have read music well, or positioned his wrists correctly like a classical pianist, but I haven’t heard many Mozart’s or Beethoven’s coming out of the past couple centuries. The funny thing is Freddie didn’t need a school or accredited institution to train him. He trained himself in music theory through experience and hard work. If you ever hear anyone say that Freddie was not a hard worker they are a liar!

He worked hard, so hard that he was super respected by anyone who ever worked with him. Freddie didn’t need training, from the time he was little he was performing for his family and in a band as an adolescent. Once he conquered his shyness and channeled his stage fright into stage craft there was nowhere for him to go but the stars. He knew he was going to be a legend and as impatient as he was, he knew he had to work at it and that the timing had to be right.

When a person has such a certainty of what they’re talented in, and they work hard at it, there is no way that a talent like that won’t shine bright.

Well it’s easy to say that when you have so much of it there is no way you can’t stick out. The amount of talent he had was superhuman.

He worked hard, and he played hard. For all of those that want to fault him for his so-called “debauchery” (eye roll it was the 70’s and 80’s hello!) Every single minute he “played” he earned ten-fold in his work. One of the things about the movie that infuriates me is them acting like he was the one with the bad work ethic and would always show up late. When in fact there were for the most part no “set times” in the studio and the four world-class musicians of Queen were capable of recording their part of songs on their own. They did like to record together and did very much of the time, but it wasn’t ever Freddie who held up a recording session. He was never late to start a concert, unless it was another act’s fault and he did his job no matter what happened in his real life the night or morning before he never made excuses he got on that stage and he did his best and that is one of the main reasons that Queen was so legendary. Being hung over or sick wasn’t going to stop them from their main job, entertaining.

Freddie did what he wanted, but I think it’s incredibly hypocritical of anyone to look back on a time in our global culture and judge it when we didn’t live in it. Everyone gets so upset about Jim Hutton or Peter Freestone publishing a book about a man that they knew and loved, but what they don’t understand is that although Freddie was private when he was alive, he lived in a very different culture and time than we do now and even in the 90’s when those books were written. He was private to the public because he HAD to be. I promise you today, with smart phones and Instagram and twitter and the internet, Freddie no matter how much he may have wished it, would not have been able to be as private as he was in the 80’s and 90’s. A lot of what Jim or Phoebe wrote would have been found out in one way or another if he was still alive in 2021, but it would have been reported by horrible journalists who don’t do their homework and print whatever they want, true or not. Jim and Phoebe are human with flawed human memories but they wrote the truth as far as they observed it. Much better than any biographer who wants to connect Freddie to patient zero of HIV. So infuriating that damn book. Saying he was tested positive in 1982 when there was no TEST in 1982 so how the hell could he know? Also saying that insurance and blood tests were why Queen didn’t tour the USA in 1986, no that had to do with the rampant homophobia that was pervasive in the 80’s even though it was getting more and more okay to be gay, but only in “certain” communities. Brian May always said that Americans are just as kinky and perverted as anyone they just make sure they do it behind closed doors, in secret. Which is so incredibly true Dr. May!

All that hard work I talked about before and will talk about more later, no matter that being gay was legalized in the late 60’s (fact check?) but despite what you may think, it wasn’t something people advertised and in some places to this day in the 21st century it’s still not widely accepted. We are moving in the right direction, but we are not there yet. It’s becoming more and more normal, but as with any change it’s happening at a glacial pace.

The gay scene was a subculture in the world back then. Europe was always a little bit more open about things, than England or the US, but NYC has a culture all it’s own sometimes. What anyone who was either little (me) or not born in the 80’s doesn’t understand is being gay meant hiding in plain sight. Freddie worked too long and too hard to be labeled. Who is to say what he would have admitted today? Who is to say how his attitude about things he kept close in his private life would have changed in 2021 than in the 80’s? It seems the people most critical of any kind of “non traditional” 😛 lifestyle are the ones who forget hindsight is 20/20. Unless they have some gift of clairvoyance or like a very rare few can actually see the world completely while living in it, which is a very unusual quality, they aren’t using current beliefs and cultural norms to judge.

Privacy Then and Now

I have to write this though it pains me. All of you who want to hate on Phoebe or Jim for writing about Freddie, there is one fact that overrides anything you may believe.
Freddie is dead.
He is not here to be affected by anything that is said. I don’t know what it’s so criminal for people who actually knew the “real” Freddie to write about him and their time with him, but several tabloid journalists are given a pass. Especially the authors of the fictional Somebody to Love who literally just make shit up. Or Lesley-Ann Jones who writes like she really knew him but uses coerced or twisted witness statements to flesh out her story. What saddens me is that these two books are seen as the “correct and definitive” biographies. The reason that LA-J got that label? She put it on the cover of her book. That’s it. No one gave her that label, she gave it to herself. there is one author with the first name David Brett, who much like the Jim haters take snippets of quotes and things said out of context or paraphrased in different more damning wording and passes it off as the “truth.”

One such quote is supposedly from Mike Moran about what a horrible drunk Jim Hutton was, well I’ve never once seen Mike Moran verify that statement and once said he really hadn’t met anyone who had written a Freddie biography. So for all you haters who want to disprove everything in Jim’s book, why is that quote true when Mike Moran who “said” it doesn’t even verify it? Most outside biographers tend to weave revisionist history and story-telling techniques into their books to make them more readable and user-friendly and ultimately more quotable. LA-J a woman who met Freddie maybe 3 or 4 times in small doses acts like they were BFF when actually she was no more than a random reporter.

Nothing that Jim or Peter wrote is near as scandalous as most would have us think. Jim wrote about his and Freddie’s sex life because that is part of an adult relationship. He had to mention it or it would have seemed odd and as some of us (me!) sit and ogle Freddie’s pictures and drool over them we deep down no matter what we might say we in our minds want those salacious details. Let’s face it sex sells always has and there is no future that I see where that becomes untrue. Jim was respectful as much as he could be. He didn’t go into extreme detail about what happened in the bedroom and more details about things were revealed by Paul Prenter in his infamous tell all articles. Nothing Jim or Peter wrote was there to be derogatory . Yes, there are things that when I read them I thought should have been left more to the reader’s imagination but nothing in there was disparaging of Freddie.

For those of you who say you won’t read Jim Hutton’s book out of respect for Freddie’s privacy. That has zero to do with him and more to do with your feelings of what and who deserves privacy. I promise you that right now in this age of social media and cyber speed information privacy is becoming a myth. For us “ordinary” people we still have some semblance of it, but for a public figure the expectation of privacy is just a dream.

Many Michael Jackson fans have rant and raved over the accusations coming from people about him and how they are hurting his legacy. Let’s face it, he was always a bit strange we were just too stupid to notice. Yes, it may hurt his legacy, but it helps his financial legacy more than it could ever hurt it.

Those people who freak out, guess what? They watched or read or whatever’d the media before they raved about it’s authenticity. Michael Jackson is dead, no matter what people say about him there is nothing he can do to change it or anyone in his family can do.

Freddie has been dead for 3 decades this November and the worst that has come out about him was he was slutty and when gravely ill, wet the bed. I mean come on that’s so small potatoes to all the great things about him. So for all of you who bitch about Jim Hutton, go right ahead.

Everyone who knew Freddie, like really knew him personally while he was alive has said that Jim was a good man who made Freddie happy and Freddie himself said it more than once, so hate on him and judge him all you want. Jim Hutton is also dead and nothing you say changes the facts. So rant and rave and bitch and hate all you want, but in the end, Jim wins.

Mary got his house and his money and she was the person who he loved longest but they were platonic friends. She was very very dear to Freddie and someone he confided in about things he wouldn’t tell anyone else, but don’t we all have someone like that in our lives? If yours happens to be your significant other then you are doubly lucky, but for a lot of us even our spouses or SO’s don’t know EVERYTHING. I have a best friend from college who though we’ve drifted apart in recent years, I know more about her past than her husband does. Yes naturally he knows a lot about her, but different things. But I’ll tell you this they’ve been married for more than a decade now and he still doesn’t know everything.

With the lifestyle Freddie led when not making music, you’d never guess that naturally he worked his ass off. He knew when to work and when to play. There was no half measures. He said so himself. His work ethic is just as legendary as his musicianship.

The thing that makes him special I think was that he didn’t have one thing in abundance he had a ton of things in abundance. All musicians are talented at some things. Freddie Mercury was talented at just about everything.

There were parts of his life he didn’t talk to Mary about, and that’s natural. She had no need to know about his many lovers and his play time at gay clubs in NYC, that wasn’t important, but if Freddie needed someone to confide in she was who he went to. She knew a lot more about the soul of him than most but it doesn’t mean that others didn’t know anything. Mary knew his past and the present he chose to tell her about. His lovers knew about his present, but in that moment abusive or not, healthy or not, Freddie loved them. Jim did nothing but live his life as honestly as he could. He grew up gay and Catholic. That’s not easy. Catholic guilt is very real and it’s very present no matter how devout or not you may be. Trust me I know from experience.

He lived true to himself. Something that Freddie did as well and in that they both fit together well. Jim has said himself it might not have made the most sense to the outside world but there was something between them that no one knew but them. Freddie was happy and enjoyed the last years of his life and Jim was a huge part of that. So too was Mary.

I freely admit I jumped on the Mary hater bandwagon at first, but once I let my emotions calm down and my logic prevail I stopped that. This is a woman I don’t know. I have only second hand information, about either of them. The only thing I can go on is that someone I admire loved them and for that I respect them and acknowledge they were special to him.

Any Jim Hutton hater, no matter how much they protest is homophobic. Anyone who doesn’t read Mercury and Me and see, despite a lot of imperfections and flaws, a story of deep love between two people is seeing it through judgmental eyes.
To hate Jim Hutton is to disrespect Freddie. Not one person who actually lived with Freddie or knew him well says anything that the haters suggest. Not even one! How could someone possibly say that Jim was just some guy that lived in Freddie’s house? No one in Freddie’s life was unimportant and especially the people who lived with him and were with him all the time. Peter, Joe and Jim were equally important, but in different roles. Jim was his lover and his boyfriend a role that neither Peter or Joe could or even would fulfill (well not Joe anymore.) Joe and Phoebe both were super important to Freddie.

I know everyone cites Freddie’s will as proof of importance. Well if you want to use that argument, Joe, Phoebe and Jim meant a great deal to Freddie. They were specifically named in his Will when many others weren’t is proof of their extreme importance and his extreme love for all of them.

Anyone who wants to doubt Jim Hutton’s love for Freddie simply needs to witness someone they dearly love die of a deadly disease in front of them and they will know that it takes extremely deep feelings of love to deal with it. To be helpless when someone you love is dying and to be there for them is so extremely hard. There isn’t a word for it. Hard isn’t right, there is no word truly apt to describe the difficulty. Had Jim been just using Freddie he would have left when Freddie gave him the chance.

For anyone who wants to say that any of his other lovers were more important or whatever to Freddie, I know from all my research, had they been faced with the same choice, they would have left. Nothing that Freddie had to offer no matter how shiny or fabulous is worth sticking around to see a person suffering and dying right in front of you. To see a light in someone you love dim as a disease no matter what it is, die in front of your eyes is worth anything this world has to offer. Only pure love can get someone through that. It’s not something a “user” would be able to stick around to see. To say that Jim is that callous is to suppose he was a sociopath when no evidence of him being anything other than human and caring and loving exists.

Jim may not have been what others would have picked for Freddie. Some may not think he was good enough, but Freddie did and that is all that matters. In the last year of his life Freddie cut out a lot of people that he didn’t want to have to see him suffer. If he didn’t really care about Jim he easily could have bought him an apartment and moved him out. He trusted him and he needed him, like it or not.

No matter how sick Freddie was he was never a fool. He had the money and resources to cut people out of his life if he wanted them gone, no matter how sick he became, or if he saw them as unnecessary. I think a lot of his friends are a bit bitter over being cut off. I know Peter Straker is, and he tries to hide it, but Peter served his purpose of being the outrageous entertainer friend that Freddie needed, but though Peter says they were best friends, he wasn’t someone Freddie trusted around him towards the end.

Jim Hutton was trusted and in Freddie’s most close inner circle. Jim may not have known about every doctor’s appointment or medicine, but that was not part of his role. Because Freddie was fortunate to be able to find others to fulfill different needs, unlike most “husbands” or long time “lovers” Jim wasn’t saddled with doing it all. The fact that a person can be a lover and a nurse and a care giver all at once is almost superhuman. Yet it is done every day by so many. I have no doubt at all that had he needed it, Jim would have stepped up and done everything Peter and Joe did for Freddie, but he didn’t need to.

In Jim’s book, there aren’t super private things. There are still a lot of secrets and private times that he didn’t include, no one could include seven years of a relationship in detail of how it played day by day in a book. First of all, the human memory has a lot of problems, second unless you are gifted with an insanely good memory of which about a dozen people in the world and in history have, you can’t remember everything.

Let’s face it too, when a person dies, their flaws and bad traits are whitewashed and forgotten, and only the best things are what the human mind remembers. I know from first hand experience. As time moves on and a person’s grief subsides they can in short bursts remember some bad qualities, but that is soon forgotten in favor and to save our sanity by the good memories. Only trauma is remembered as clearly as happy things in average human memory. The reason you may remember an event is in some way it imprinted on your mind because of the emotion, good and bad, which it evoked.

I remember a lot of movies I have seen and TV shows. I’m very visual that way, but I can’t remember where I put my phone when it was in my hand ten seconds before. I can’t keep up with my remote. I don’t remember a lot of my significant childhood memories because I hated my childhood. Only the people I loved and the moments I felt deeply are the ones that I can recall and my memory is considered pretty good. So let’s cut Jim a break and Peter can we? Without either of them we couldn’t and wouldn’t know much about Freddie other than his stage persona and what the movie said, which was so off, that would be the true tragedy because he is such an inspiring and wonderful person, we all feel deep emotion when we learn about him.

I’m not a person who gets on the fan train. I don’t buy memorabilia, or really for lack of a better word, idolize anyone. There have been two things in my life that have lived up to that standard. The show Supernatural, and not because of the show itself, but more because of the fans and the stars and their personalities and true love for their fans, and Freddie Mercury, and honestly for pretty much the same reason.

Anything I have elevated to “fan” status in my life has inspired me in some way. Has possessed something that I was missing and that thing or person provided, or possessed a characteristic I greatly admired and wished with all my heart to live up to. I admire Freddie for so many things because he has so much about him that I don’t. He makes me aspire to try to find those things in myself and in my life. That is why I’m a fan. It’s also why I don’t understand blind fandom. I don’t understand K-pop idolization or boy bands or whatever celebrity. I’ve always been a person who wasn’t star struck. Even when I met the two main actors in Supernatural, I wasn’t all that star struck. Though I did admire them and they are extremely easy on the eyes, as is Freddie, I still saw them as human beings with a kick ass job. I’m not gonna lie, I’d love to be BFF with their wives or them or whatever and I’d totally name drop, but it’s because I’m human, but I also realized that isn’t realistic and that to scream about them or faint in their presence does nothing but make me look like a fool.

I never understood screaming at anyone. Do you expect that if you scream they will notice you and you will all of a sudden become their best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend? That’s okay for teens who are immature no matter what they want to think they are it’s not derogatory it’s nature. The human brain isn’t even fully developed until around the age of 25 and even then for some it’s later and for some a bit sooner, but it’s science.

To be my age, which I’m not old, but I’m on that hill if not over it and feel it coming like a freight train, and scream at idols is just illogical and honestly counterproductive. My BFF doesn’t really share my Freddie obsession, but she understands it. She doesn’t have to love him the way I do, though that would be a bonus, she just has to respect that I do, and accept it for all the ridiculousness it entails. That’s all I need from her. And for her to sit through a couple of my frequent airings of old Queen concerts and constant background music of Queen as I drive. That’s the only time she doesn’t get it. But hey no one’s perfect right?

So for all of you who hate on Jim or Mary or Joe or Phoebe. Freddie loved them, so if you really love and respect Freddie in an adult “obsession” way, like them or not you have to respect them because they were important parts in the story of the life of a truly remarkable and great human being.

In the end, he was god-like in so many ways, but he was just a man, he made mistakes, he did bad things and he did great things, but his legacy is safe. Don’t worry, no media or book or anything can ruin it, which is why I don’t burn every copy of the fictional “Somebody to Love or LA-J’s books.” I know no matter what they say about Freddie, he was truly a good person and that has been repeated and proven for the last 3 decades.

Freddie is more famous now than he was back when he was alive. I know it’s hard to imagine, but it’s true. I think in the end, if he is looking down, that is what he cares about, and that he still has so many fans of all ages and kinds and sexes and etc, 30 years after he left this world. So don’t worry about his “privacy.” I just hope that I can leave behind something important to be remembered by. A little piece of me left behind. That’s all I want and Freddie has that in spades. No need to worry Freddie’s legacy is safe and will continue to be.


For one, he was a good person, which considering his upbringing he could have gone completely the other way. He was never haughty which in rock stars in the 70’s and 80’s was not common. He never let anything take over his life. Phoebe says that without control there would be no Freddie Mercury.

Not only was he generous and kind, he was hilarious. He was one of those very rare people that could, to be honest, say something kinda rude and seem charming as hell. That right there is a very rare talent. He always knew exactly what he was doing when he was on camera during interviews. It kills me that people take his words on camera as gospel when that man who could write a number 1 hit song in 10 minutes in the bathtub, you think he can’t handle thinking fast in interviews? It was a persona that he projected. He had on his rock star mask in all on camera interviews, only with interviewers he knew really well and when he’d had sufficient lubrication via vodka did he sometimes let down his guard a bit.

Few men in the history of humanity can use the words darling and dear in just about every sentence and people just act like it’s the most natural thing in the world. He had that from the very beginning according to his schoolmates in boarding school, but even though they knew it wasn’t normal when he did it people just kind of shrugged it off.

This is a man with exotic good looks and let’s be honest (I love him dearly) but according to the rock star stereotypes or “mold.” in the 70’s and 80’s Freddie didn’t fit. Roger Taylor was more the typical rock star. Blonde and pretty. Freddie had different features, but they fit together perfectly to make this attractive and charismatic man who could captivate audiences like no one before or after.

The look he portrayed from the beginning was brave, and though, in fashion was daring as hell. This is a man, who though insecure off stage, when on stage had the courage of Hercules. He let it all hang out, and at Live Aid that was evident. Lol…. He had no shame about anything when he was performing. Had his clothes come off in concert he probably would have kept on singing and not missed a beat.

He was so naturally musical. It was like his blood was music. Brian and Roger called him a human metronome and the ability to be that way is very difficult and not really something that you could practice.

Though, Roger says in the beginning he didn’t control his voice all that well, he also says that in about two weeks he fixed that, and continued to get better and better as time went on.

He was one of those rare individuals that had this immense breathe control and knew when exactly he could catch his breath while singing. Have you ever tried singing an entire song loudly and in tune and been able to keep your breath perfectly? Now do it while running in a jacket in the summer. Good luck. Freddie did it, but that was him.

I don’t like the saying, “he held audiences in the palm of his hand.” When I hear it, I being so right brained and uncreative, while understanding what it means a literal picture of teeny tiny people sitting on Freddie’s palm comes to mind and I get a bit confused. The reason is how the hell do you control little teeny people when they are on your palm? I guarantee they aren’t going to do what you say though you are seemingly a giant and they are scared. I imagine a kind of Men in Black scenario with the aliens being in a little tiny marble or something. It’s not my favorite metaphor.

A metaphor I like better is like an army general. When a general is present in the military or a very high ranking officer depending on what branch of it you are in, you stand at attention and look at them with reverence. You hang on their every word and if they tell you to do something, no matter how insane the order seems, you do it without question. That, was Freddie. Freddie was our five star general and all we were were grunts and privates who obeyed his every command and looked upon him with that same reverence.

I once got screamed at by comparing Freddie and Hitler, (hear me out) I am not stupid I know they weren’t alike in personality geez! Even though he was basically Satan in human form Hitler could control hundreds of thousands of people who did whatever he asked without question. If you want an example of this type Nuremburg rallies WW2 into google and watch. In ONLY that way were they similar.

Freddie was extremely powerful when he stepped on a stage no matter how big or small. For a performer to control and command crowds the way he did is almost supernatural. It’s almost scary, honestly. Someone in a documentary said once that thank god he used it to get people to have fun, another example of his genuine goodness, or he could have controlled armies and had no problem taking over the world most likely. He didn’t want to invade with his powers he wanted to entertain and dammit that’s what he did.

There have been very few people in history with that kind of power over large numbers of people, and most of the time, the ones who did have that power, didn’t use it to entertain them. Though, Freddie said in some interviews that he was gruff on stage, he’s not, his love for what he’s doing and his kindness and generosity come out in his performances. Yes, he had bad days, and if you know what to look for you can tell his mood in those performances, though like a stain on a black garment they are very hard to see unless you point it out.

Every set of eyes on Freddie as he does his AY OH’S at Wembley Stadium July 1986. They knew even as it was happening that they were witnessing true greatness.

I wouldn’t have wanted to ever play poker with him, because his poker face was impeccable. I just have watched, like many with this obsession, videos of him in every form so many times that I can pick up the small details. Sometimes when you know the story behind a performer’s mood on stage you can pick out little things a bit easier.

I have seen some bad reviews of Queen concerts and let’s be real, they are all human. They loved to party. Freddie barely slept and if he could have, would never, and then had to go in front of an audience and do such a physically demanding performance. Yes, there were some concerts after months of touring that it seemed a little flat, a little like they were sick of it. That is just human. I have travelled to a few cities in one trip and I was so tired by the end of it I could have slept for months. I never wanted to see an airplane or bus again for a while. Now imagine, being on tour with the same people for months on end, every night doing the same set in whatever city you stopped and then getting immediately back on a bus to go to the next city.

Every now and then, they would have maybe one day off and rarely, a weekend and let’s admit it. Freddie could party! Until dawn and beyond, while many of us would have passed out hours ago, Freddie was still going. Now I know you can blame cocaine and yes, you can, but in order to keep the energy level Freddie did when he partied you’d have to do so much you would overdose.

I sadly, have “partied” using um….cough….substances too. No amount of artificial help can keep you from crashing and quickly. By the time dawn comes if you have been partying for hours, you can be hyped up on whatever, but your mind and physiological functions are running on empty. Many times, I would snap at people and cry for no reason though sleeping was out of the question, only very basic functions were possible like walking and sometimes not even that.

I think about the New Orleans party that is infamous and cannot understand how he got through it and then would manage to do ANYTHING the next day. They did a press conference the day after and though they all look bad and worse for wear at least they are making sentences and getting through it cause trust me no matter what you take, you need to sleep, but not Freddie. I remember being down for the count for a couple days after partying hard. There were nights when Freddie had partied all night into the morning and then would sleep a couple hours and get on a stage and blow us away. A good example is Milton-Keynes.

Even Phoebe said there were times that they would be holding him upright backstage and never think he would get through one song much less an entire concert, then he’d go out and jump around and have energy. Though he credited it to the energy of the audience, which makes sense, because that’s just a way of saying adrenaline. Which can make people seem superhuman, Freddie’s energy was crazy no matter what had happened before the concert.

The man had one of the most sensitive parts of his dominant hand bitten by his boyfriend before a HUGE concert. So badly that Phoebe wanted to take him to the hospital and he said, nah, throw a bandaid on it and let’s go and that night he did Milton-Keynes and KILLED IT. There are pictures backstage of him with his hand completely wrapped in bandages, but he didn’t even show one sign of the pain he was enduring. That would foreshadow what Brian May would say about Freddie and his suffering in silence and never complaining while suffering towards the end. The fact that he could sing The Show Must Go On while so sick shows almost superhuman ability.

Every time I hear that song, despite knowing that it was towards the very end, I just listen with my jaw open shaking my hand in awe when I hear one of the hardest lines he ever sang in one line of that song. There is some German sounding guy on Youtube who is a professional singer and is in training somewhere prestigious analyzes all of Freddie’s vocals and one of the lines in that particular song is said to be the hardest of all lines of all the songs Queen ever made.

I was in the shower listening to Queen as I do every morning, and started thinking, how the hell Freddie came up with the lyrics he wrote. I can barely rhyme and it seems like a fourth grader wrote it. Coming up with things like Beelzebub, Figaro, and Seven Seas of Rhye blows my mind.

I also was amazed at how he remembered the lyrics to the songs. I counted once and there are like 199 give or take a couple songs that Queen wrote and recorded and that doesn’t even count Freddie’s solo stuff, and Freddie rarely messes up the lyrics. How? I have will sometimes read the lyrics to a song I think I knew and there will be just one line or two that I didn’t get word for word, but Freddie never messed up. Not only that but he did it while commanding thousands and running around and jumping and being himself on stage. Really think about it. HOW?

There are many artists who will have the lyrics to some of their more difficult songs on the stage where they can refer to them if needed. I understand that they performed the same songs over and over, but Freddie is 90 percent of the time word for word perfect even on little things. Now there are a couple times he got the lyrics wrong but it always seemed to make sense anyway and seem right. It’s something that I can’t begin to fathom. It’s said he wrote Champions in around 20 or 30 minutes at the kitchen table in his apartment after he had heard Brian’s song We Will Rock You and that song is more complicated and genius than it may seem. The verse lyrics are amazing.

Even Roger and Brian marvelled at his creativity because they say they never saw him read a book, so where did the ideas come from. My theory is maybe as a young boy he with a mind like a sponge he seemed to possess remembered those things from school books he read. It’s the ONLY explanation other than just unbelievably divine god-given talent, which he also had in spades, but so did Brian and Roger, so for them to be in awe of him shows the level to which his genius really reached. Brits are known to understate things so when Roger says he had an incredibly fertile mind, multiply that by 1000 and add some more superlative adjectives and you may just start to touch on the extent of the awesomeness of that brain of his.

So let’s review, perfect looking in a non stereotypical way, which is so my type, exotic, commanding, incredible singing talent in all things that usually require training, with no training, and song writing skills that seemed to be inspired by God himself. I am not even close to finished in listing the many ways this man really shouldn’t have existed. So much of the things we all love about him cannot and will not be found ever again. That combination of skill and talent is ridiculously inhuman, and god-like. I started off to make a list, like with bullet points but just typed my little fingers off instead.

I’m going to quit for now while I still am able to string words together so that the quality of what I write doesn’t suffer. I don’t have the endurance of Freddie and Lord knows I never will or even dream of it. Though sometimes I wish I could channel it.

Okay guys. That’s all for this letter. I’m sure I’ll find more nonsense to type on a computer eventually, I’ll be back! Enjoy!

Love you Freddie,



Dear Freddie,

This pandemic has worn me down. For a long time I have known and been diagnosed with major clinical depressive disorder. For the most part I have been able to control it. Lately this control has been wavering. HELP!

Warning! This post isn’t decorated or accompanied by that many pretty pictures or quotes as some others and is rather wordy, so get out the reading glasses or whatever and settle in. I write like I talk. I write in a way that’s a lot more like a conversation than a story, so that’s a little hint in how to read it. Sorry for the lack of pretty decorations, but the words are the most important. Enjoy and I hope you like it.

In the face of stressors that aren’t really all that stressful for most of the human race, but when taken in short succession at the same time they stress me to the limits. In the course of all this the reality of Freddie’s death when most of the time I’m accepting of it, though not too keen to mention or talk about it just hits me at the worst possible times adding more stress on.

I live with my denial glasses pretty much glued to my face for the most part. They aren’t foolproof though.

So as I was looking seems I forgot letter thirty five all together. Oh well, such is life. Not surprising. I’m racking up a lot of letters, your mailbox would be overflowing for sure. So to lose count I guess is natural. I have a draft of 35 in my drafts box, but it’s about your death written back in November, so we might just leave that out like they do the thirteenth floor in most buildings. Maybe it’s unlucky or something? I don’t know.

Back to the subject of this blog…Freddie. As we navigate the world without him and have for the last three decades I don’t feel like he’s really gone. Thank god he left us with so much music to bring him into our lives when we miss him so much.

We were on “O” so I think I’m out of O-words for now so I guess we will have to start with P. EDIT: obviously I thought of some O WORDS. anyway continue reading….though most of what I write tends to have nothing to do with the word….lol

On With the Show

So as I’m sure EVERYONE is aware, Brian and Roger decided that the show must go on. They “found” Adam Lambert who can sing the songs and they have toured the world. Bringing Queen’s genius music to a new generation who let’s face it, considering what is passed off as good music these days (Kpop anyone?) we need quality. Luckily Queen made quality music and a huge quantity of it. They say you were a hard worker, well 15 albums plus 2 solo ones makes for a lot of music and something like 702 concerts while you were alive. That’s a lot man!

On this particular subject I’m torn. Although, you can love Freddie and be loyal to him and at the same time like Adam and the two carrying on, without losing your loyalty “cred.”

I find myself in an automatic response of protecting Freddie and his legacy at all costs. Knowing that my reasoning says that Freddie wouldn’t mind Adam at all really. To me though, to step on Freddie’s toes even for a second or for one slight seems like disloyalty.

Queen fans are loyal, the most loyal of all, but Freddie fans are zealots. I am a zealot. I admit it freely, but it’s not something that I understand, more something that pours out of me as involuntarily as a sneeze or cough. In case you don’t feel like looking up the definition of zealot I’ll do it for you.

Zealot: Adjective
a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals. <———–that would be Freddie Mercury obsession/worship though not in a weird Freddie is God way.

(TANGENT) Does anyone else hate when you are reading a good article and they throw in one of those “big words.” Look, I have a pretty advanced vocabulary, but when you throw a word in there that I don’t know, that’s too much; it’s just obnoxious. The one I hate most that is a big word that is way overused is ubiquitous. It means universal, everywhere, etc, just use something else. Anyway, moving on…..cause Freddie is ubiquitous in my mind right now. pfft stupid! (TANGENT OVER)

I can’t stop my irrational urge to protect all things Freddie. I mean bitch about the other 3, though John, not so much cause, what’s to bitch about?, but the other two though, *rolls eyes* can they just, NOT!

I was about to launch a campaign to kill all the people who wrote the book “Somebody to Love” when they even inferred that Freddie was careless with his HIV status knowing he had HIV in 1982 which I’ve been over and over in this blog as to why it pisses me off. I won’t make you read it again. Suffice it to say, they can honestly to quote Freddie “fuck off.”

To say that is to say that Freddie Mercury the man who had a generous and kind nature when he wasn’t in the public eye knew he was HIV positive and still spread it knowing that anyone who slept with him or whatever would almost certainly contract a disease that was a death sentence is plain insulting and implies a callous and uncaring nature which is completely opposite of anything we know about him. If I thought I could stop that book from being read by one more person I would do it in a heartbeat. The guys who wrote it just made shit up, man…..I mean that’s libel it’s illegal. How dare they! Then they made up some story about Freddie being ill during Saturday Night Live and that’s why he couldn’t sing. When we ALL KNOW it was due to that asshole Bill Reid and his horrible temper that Freddie lost his voice.

Then everyone has climbed aboard the accepting of the movie train again. It seems to go up and down; they love it, then they hate it and then now back to loving it. The movie did a lot of good things, let’s list them shall we?

Yes, fearless lives forever, but legends never die. Hahaha see what I did there.. yeah I know I’m a dork! This is the only movie ad that I like.
  • Totally revived Queen’s music for many whose parents weren’t even born when they began and when their music was being released. I mean when you have people you don’t even understand how they are on Instagram, etc, because you find out they are like 13 you know it did a great job. To have a Gen Z know the same music as a boomer….damn that’s awesome.
  • Was a whole lot of fun to watch. If nothing else that movie was entertaining, as it was meant to be. Even though I have my reservations it was.
  • It made like boat loads of money and showed the world what a damn good actor Rami Malek is.
  • Brought Freddie and Queen back to the front of modern consciousness. Ten years ago, Queen was popular, they always have been, but I’m sure the 2015 QAL concert crowds look way different than the 2019 crowds for that very reason.
  • My obsession was set and became all consuming-which is why you are currently reading this post on my blog about said subject of obsession.
  • It more firmly cemented Freddie’s talent and gift for all things music even more than it was before. I’m surprised the day he died isn’t a damn UK national day of remembrance. It should be.

I can’t list all the things I HATE about the movie because my fingers would fall off my hands from all the typing. I will address the main problem now. The one that makes me see red from anger.

I get that squeezing 45 or so years of someone’s very dynamic life into a 2-ish hour movie, is pretty much impossible. I grant that. I get moving the timeline around. Though at one point it was like a period of three years in the same month of real time and let’s not go into the band breaking up scene which is so just wrong. For the sake of entertainment, I understand enough about movies and how they are made to understand fudging timing a little, but here’s where the HUGE problem comes in.

In the movie, Freddie finds out before Live Aid in 1985 that he had NOT HIV, but AIDS, and tells the other members of the band, which I’ll give you, makes the “victory” of Live Aid more poignant but dude, here’s why it’s not okay.

There is a lot about the movie that bugs me, but not changing Rami’s eye color? I mean come on! Freddie’s eyes were the focus of like, everything. At least give him colored contacts. I think that’s just lame I’m sorry, that’s just a fail all around. Moving on though, I guess I can let it go if they didn’t do the following horrible fuck up.

Right before Live Aid Freddie goes to find, in one of the best scenes in the whole movie, Jim Hutton after making a quip about working hard to find him. Now the fact that Jim is in the movie for about 15 minutes when he was super important to Freddie’s later years is annoying to start with, but you can forgive that, homophobia and all that, though it’s vehemently denied, we aren’t fooled.

The same problem with the movie crops up as in the evil book Somebody to Love, which I won’t even put in italics because it shouldn’t be a book title ugh! horrible!

If Freddie knows he has full blown AIDS before LIVE AID and then goes to start his relationship with Jim, doesn’t that imply the same carelessness I mentioned before? So, if you really think about it, after you get past the amazing reproduction of Live Aid and the detail, there is a lot implied.

First of all, Freddie and Queen had only been “resting” for about 3 months in reality. They managed to like cram 3 years into what was really 3 months, it’s annoying, but anyway, it helps to make it more meaningful and blah blah….

They mention NYC in a 20 second scene—3 years of Freddie’s life into like 30 seconds and this is the exact opposite—-anyway, I’m getting to the point I swear! Hand on a Queen album.

So Freddie went through this medical crisis and then supposedly researched all the Jim Hutton’s in the UK in the phone book, old school style. That’s a lot of effort and shows that Jim was important and Freddie worked at getting him. Which is a new concept and should be noted is spot on as far as that one point goes.

So this guy he liked this much, so much so, he came out to his parents…..seriously? That like never ever happened and on what was basically their first date introduces him to his parents, which kinda threw me, but anyway, all that, and he KNOWS he’s sick and that he will pass it on to a partner, and he passes it on to someone he likes that much?! What?!!

Again, that shows that Freddie purposely risked the lives of people he cared about, which is completely against character. It makes me so furious!

The other not so okay, thing in the movie, is they show Freddie as having a bad work ethic…okay

HELL NO!!!!!!

If there is even ONE THING anyone should KNOW about Freddie Mercury is that man did not play around when it came to his job. He worked his ass off, and everyone knows that! They act like he skips rehearsals and shit and like that’s just NOT OKAY, not to even mention the morose, sorrowful, lonely disposition the character had which is completely the OPPOSITE of the real man.

When Brian and Roger watch that they don’t notice? Really? Are they serious? Me thinks…not….they just saw dollar signs and we don’t want Roger hiding in a closet again to get his way, he’s just too old for that same crap. If anyone was to imply that Brian May or Roger was callous or had a bad work ethic they would FREAK! We’ve seen it! So why is it okay to do that to Freddie?

For all you haters of Jim or Phoebe or whatever for writing books about Freddie and how dare they and all that…..what about this movie that makes Freddie look like an asshole basically and the “difficult” one? Don’t hate on Jim and Pheebs, when at least they tried to tell the truth as best they could remember. That movie is completely fucking up Freddie’s personality. I haven’t heard one hater bitching about that exploitation! I mean seriously, if you are going to be a hater with your mind in a delusional state at least make your bullshit equal opportunity!

So anyway, this entire novel of a rant is meant to say, that the 70 year old geezers that Brian and Roger (Santa Claus) Taylor are now going out with a wannabe rock star singer trying to capture the old magic when it’s kind of getting to the point of, you’ve done it, it’s time to hang up the guitar and the drums. You old…you done…it’s okay.

Brian May has to be the only person on the planet right now that COVID saved his life! As the death toll rises Covid gave him a second chance that had this pandemic not taken over the world he may have dropped dead on tour. BEFORE YOU GET PISSED HOLD ON.

I by no means WISH for anything bad to happen to Brian or Roger or anyone. Here’s my point. If this pandemic had not postponed and ultimately down right cancelled the QAL tour in 2020 of Europe and the other continents and stuff. Basically a grueling tour schedule that would be hard on anyone in their 70’s. Brian had a heart attack while GARDENING, imagine the adrenaline and sheer will of energy it takes to play guitar in front of thousands of paying fans, just about every night.

When he got done with the tour of the USA he was just about dead as it was, at least he says so, so had he been able to carry on as usual and as planned, I have no DOUBT that he would have had a heart attack on tour and maybe dropped on stage or something. I mean the universe is trying to send you a message man! Don’t test your luck. Not when it comes to your health.

We get it, it’s fun, you like it, we reluctantly appreciate you carrying on, but when you have a heart attack and are in your mid 70’s it’s time to hang up the red special. Get on the cause of saving the badgers full time. Let the music and the legacy you guys made all those years ago get on with the show, cause trust me, it will, QAL tour or not.

I mean no one wants to see you literally drop on stage. I get it you are doing therapy and “getting in shape” but you are still up there in the years, it’s time to accept that you can’t go at the same pace no matter how in shape you get. It’s the horrible effects of aging. It’s human, and we understand. You can still give us daily updates of your health and causes on Instagram, Twitter, etc, and not risk your life and push your luck on something that is hard for those in their 30’s.

Seems though, from many anecdotes, knowing when to hang it up was never something Brian was ever able to do without causing a huge struggle. Freddie is screaming down at you…..it’s time Bri, the show can go on without you so you can go on with your life. If not quit, at least scale wayyyyy back. Like the amount of shows and locations you have scheduled is nuts for even young bands. To anyone who is dying to see them come to their town, I’m sorry, but ask yourself, would you rather miss the concert and still have Brian and Roger living or let them risk their health so you can hear Adam sing songs that Freddie sings better on any video or form of media?

Dude you are 74 it’s okay to stop touring. Mick Jagger and the ancient barely moving Stones should have a decade ago, they are kind of a joke, don’t be the same. When your hair is white and you have a heart attack while gardening despite being vegan and active, it’s time to stop with the touring.

Okay so, I went off on some tangent, anyway, there are things I understand about what QAL is doing. They are playing the songs in the way they are meant to be played, live and in person. Freddie isn’t here to do it anymore, and Adam can hit the notes.

Though, Adam is pretty clear about doing it as more of a tribute to Freddie than a replacement, Brian and Roger aren’t. In doing so, they are alienating some of even their most ardent and loyal fans. To go on and say that they treat him exactly the same as they did Freddie and that he can do the same as Freddie and more, is fucking wrong! Not to mention inaccurate.

If they went out and did it and stayed off social media with their comments and quotes then it might not be such a huge deal. I’ve always been an ardent proponent of credit where credit is due, and let’s be real, without Freddie, Brian and Roger would be nothing. They wouldn’t be selling albums or filling seats in arenas for an insane amount of money. They didn’t call the movie Now I’m Here. They also didn’t put a pic of Brian May on the poster, so let’s get the picture.

If Brian and Roger did that, and gave credit where it was due, to Freddie, when they talk about their new version of Queen. It’s controversial to say that. It’s not Queen, it’s a tribute band. I’ve seen people screaming on Quora about calling it a tribute band. That it is Queen. Well the very definition of Queen is Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor, John Deacon, Brian May. Four people make up that band. It’s the same as if Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr went on tour as the Beatles. That’s not the Beatles and they didn’t do that. So why is Brian and Roger by themselves with only half of the 4 it takes to make up Queen to call themselves the name is just wrong. They are not Queen, like using the wrong word for a term in a paragraph, using the wrong definition of Queen and calling themselves Queen is the same as calling them King, inaccurate and dumb.

I know that parts of the concert they play snippets of Freddie, but I’m sorry it’s just not enough. I tell you what I want, we have to have the technology by now to have like a really good like interactive virtual reality hologram version of the band that can tour? I mean maybe not? THAT I WOULD PAY TO SEE.

Of course John Deacon doesn’t care if they carry on with the songs. He’s sitting back and collecting royalties while doing nothing. I say you go John. I think it’s time to hang up the guitars and the drums they are in their mid seventies. Brian has had a heart attack, pulled butt muscle, and hair with not a touch of color in it. I think the universe is telling you, it’s time to stop. Paul McCartney is kind of pathetic now when he goes on at like 80 and tries to sing. He does it rarely and he doesn’t ever say he is the Beatles. If they had gone on tour with all of them and replaced John Lennon there would have been down right riots! So why is it okay for Brian and Roger?

Princes of the Universe

As I was taking a shower this morning, this song came on from my Queen playlist. I couldn’t help thinking at that moment how much this song, applies to the movie it was created for, but also to the man who wrote it. In case you didn’t know, that’s Freddie, he is who this blog is about after all so it shouldn’t have been that hard to guess.

Here’s the glorious video of an even more sexy than usual, Freddie and the guys……yum…it’s just eye candy and ear candy….good all around.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, people talk about you
People say you’ve had your day
I’m a man that will go far
Fly the moon and reach for the stars
With my sword and head held high
Got to pass the test first time, yeah
I know that people talk about me, I hear it every day
But I can prove them wrong ‘cos I’m right first time

Princes of the Universe by Freddie Mercury

“People say you’ve had your day…” They did say that to Freddie and to Queen after they played for what I truly believe were innocent reasons in South Africa, Queen and Freddie were shunned. Can you imagine the greatness of the Band Aid single with Freddie on it? Geez…

Though he plays it off well when asked, you can tell if you look closely in the interview the day before Live Aid that Freddie was upset about not being asked to do it. It may have been part of the reason he had to be convinced to do Live Aid in the first place, because he wasn’t asked to be a part of the first charity movement for the cause why should he do the second?

I don’t really blame him to be fair. Bob Geldof (sp?) may have done a lot for charity but he isn’t as his nickname suggests, a saint. He’s a good guy for sure but he’s no saint. Anyway, Freddie had to be convinced to do it and he was and we all know how it went.

Before going on Queen and everyone really, thought that they had “had their day.” Well the four of those “washed up” rockers went out there over 2 decades into a wildly popular career and wiped the floor with every single live musician on the planet, thoroughly. The true stuff of legends and princes and knights and all that round table and King Arthur stuff, but you know real, not a story.

Whenever I see that Hall guy, who’s first name I’m a little iffy on right now, in footage of interviews before Live Aid bitch about Queen going to South Africa, I want to reach through the TV and space-time continuum and slap the fuck out of him. I think your band had what? Two hit songs, maybe?

Yeah, you can just fuck right off, nobody. What did you even sing again? Who are you to diss a band that is 100 times more successful than you!

Is it possible that you weren’t even popular enough for them to INVITE you to come to play in South Africa? They sure as hell threw a HUGE amount of money at anyone who did. It took me a minute to figure out which of the DUO you even were. Like….STFU….if it was like idk Led Zeppelin a band equal in quality and greatness as Queen saying this that would be a bit different, but who the fuck are you? Seriously……

SORRY FOR THE CUSSING, BUT SOMETIMES THE “F” WORD IS NECESSARY! Besides it was Freddie’s favorite word lol…..

Why too, is it not mentioned that Rod Stewart went down to Sun City like around the exact same time as Queen, and he didn’t get like blacklisted and shunned. Same crime, different punishment, or lack thereof. He did it for the money, he’s just as culpable as Queen was, can you say unfair? The British music mafia who like blacklisted Queen didn’t treat ole Rod, “the nose” Stewart, with the same ferocity as they did Queen.

What even is that? I mean how can an organization tell a band they can’t tour or whatever or where they can or cannot play based on whatever horrible government or inhumane ideal the country they are in for like a couple weeks, can’t play there. I don’t understand that British music organization thing. Do we have a USA one? Since it’s kind of a ridiculous thing I’m not really going to learn the name I’m gonna call it the British music mafia. So that’s that, if you see that term in future posts (rants?).

MOVING ON……in that video Freddie Mercury shows why blue jeans were invented and basically the best they can look on any human like ever. I mean geez….a swatch of cotton has never looked so damn good. Wrangler should have paid him for that impeccably effective advertising, not to even mention, the millions of pics from Live Aid with their logo plastered across Freddie’s very visible butt! I will never let it go. It’s not justified dammit! LOL. Wrangler got so much free and awesome advertising from Freddie Mercury.

As time moved on and Freddie stopped being as prolific….(like that obnoxious word?) writer and composer as his sickness slowly worsened, the songs he did write in the last few albums are some of the best of the album. Though John Deacon gives Freddie a run for his money on those last few. Was it all Worth it? Great song….wait….John did write that right? I mean I don’t know who writes most of it if it’s not Freddie cause I don’t seriously care.

I have a constant nagging in the back of my brain of the sheer tragedy of Freddie not being here. I can’t even listen to some of the later songs when I know he was suffering and No One But You physically hurts me to listen to. Sometimes I’m feeling rather masochistic and feel like giving myself pain for some reason and I will listen to that.

Okay enough with the sad, time for the fun.

I just got the book Freddie Mercury in New York: Don’t Stop Us Now. It’s wonderful. A lot of people are upset saying it breaks Freddie’s privacy. What is wrong with people, as my back brain voice keeps reminding me, no matter what you say, Freddie does NOT CARE. He was private when he was alive to protect himself and his loved ones from the horribly nagging press that infamously never let up. Now that he’s gone he cannot be hurt by anything, so everyone needs to get over themselves.

A picture of the cover of the book. Though, it’s a bit on the expensive side, it’s the best look into the “real” Freddie we will probably ever get.

The ONLY thing I am protective of is his legacy, the one thing that is still alive and thriving. Knowing some humanly embarrassing facts about him doesn’t even touch his legacy. His bandmates touring with a dope like Lambo however, does. Saying the people he loved and were in his life at the end were abusive to him and that he wasn’t loved is also completely against his legacy.

The people who loved him telling TRUE facts about him is not hurting his legacy. Most of the truly controversial topics that he might have cared were reported in the papers were all outed by Paul Prenter in the mid eighties, and have in some way or another already come out over the last 30 years. Gone since, 1991 and not boring for even a second. He’d be thrilled!

So a story about his hilarious times in New York, a city near and dear to his heart for almost four years is not embarrassing or degrading of his legacy in any way.

We knew he did cocaine. This is 40 year old information. So any story about the particulars of said drug exploits is just extemporaneous (like that word?) and fun information. It does not hurt him. The coke may have in some way, but he had other worries. Freddie lived a fabulous life, though maybe not always so innocent, he wasn’t at all ashamed of any detail of it and we shouldn’t be either.

The quote about a fabulous life by Freddie himself

We know he was EXTREMELY PROMISCUOUS, which he’s said in more than one interview himself. Then Paul the asshole just made it known to everyone, just how promiscuous. Freddie never apologized for his behavior when he was alive. One of the big reasons I love him is that he lived life not caring what others think. Because he did, the only silver lining of his death at such a young age, is that he lived every minute of those 45 years. Lived more fully than some 100 year olds ever could have. It’s an admirable quality that I wish I could emulate, but alas, I give a shit about what others think of me and therefore am held back by it.

For Freddie’s loving friends to write this book and give us some insight into the real man that Freddie really was off of any stage is priceless. Peter Freestone did his best in his book, as did Jim, but their stories are tied up in his fame and persona which to be fair, neither could really escape very often. Jim Hutton knew the man in private moments with Freddie and Phoebe knew him when they were alone as well, though not in the same way of course.

Let’s really analyze this, there are countless books out there about “Freddie Mercury,” but 99 percent of those focus on Freddie the rockstar lead singer of Queen. That was a huge part of who he was, but there are very few books that give us a glimpse of who Freddie was when he was off a stage and didn’t have on his Mercury mask persona for fans or the public.

I love all sides of him. No matter what persona he chose to adopt at any given moment, I haven’t found one side of him that I don’t completely adore. But to actually get a small glimpse into Freddie the man who lived and loved and played, is so amazing. I thank Thor and Lee who worked for almost three years meticulously (as Freddie would have wanted) on this book. I love it, I recommend it, but again, my blog my opinion.

To go off on a tangent for a minute: (as usual)

Why is it that the Jim haters WANT Winnie Kirchberger (sp?) to be the “true husband” of Freddie? They want to disparage Jim as this abuser and apparently have a very skewed memory of the past. There wasn’t one long term lover of Freddie who wasn’t toxic in some way until Jim.

Winnie was horrible to Freddie. He never thought the best of Freddie or gave him any wiggle room to play. Winnie was abusive as hell. In the tactful manner Phoebe always does, he says that “all of Munich knew about their fights.” Winnie was not the best influence for one thing. Second, he didn’t even try to learn English to help out his boyfriend who spoke very little German, and he took anything Freddie gave him for granted. Something which Jim Hutton never did.

I have done the research and as far as I can tell, the infamous ring that Freddie wore when Winnie and his relationship was winding down and eventually ending, was bought by Freddie. He gave Winnie one and he had one. So Freddie bought that ring, and at the time, Winnie and all his past boyfriends, were his view of “healthy” relationships that the rest of humanity would see as extremely toxic. So until that time maybe Winnie was the closest thing he had to a long term relationship, thank god for Jim.

Then along came simple, kind, Jim Hutton. A man who no matter how you interpret his book, which everyone says is bs, but then uses to prove his so-called abusiveness in a perfect example of revisionist history by said haters, is still a sweet love story. They need to figure out which it is?

Regardless, of how they or we feel about Jim, to love Freddie is to love the people he loved. Every single person in Freddie’s life said that he truly and deeply loved Jim. To say otherwise is to go against people who were first hand eye witnesses. To do that is so egotistical. All these haters are saying, well all his friends and family are wrong, I am right, listen to my backwards version of events. It’s to say not only that Freddie was weak and easily duped but that Jim managed to con EVERY SINGLE one of Freddie’s friends.

Let’s be clear, these people had NO REASON to say good things about Jim unless it was true. If I was doing an interview about my famous best friend, there is nothing that will stop me from saying a past lover was abusive. As we all know that’s not a reflection on said friend it’s a reflection on the partner. So for these people to say they were in love and that Jim was a good man and good to Freddie is PROOF that it’s true. They weren’t Jim’s friend. They could easily without any hesitation say that he was horrible to him or whatever these haters like to spout, but instead they have nothing but good things. Freddie at least to his inner circle didn’t have a ton of secrets even within his romantic relationships. It’s not something he could have hid. He wasn’t getting beaten in private, but then putting on long sleeves and sunglasses to hide bruises. He had people that lived in the same house as him, there is no way he could have hidden something like that. Get a clue Jim haters.

When Peter Freestone says their relationship wasn’t “normal.” He doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a loving and conventional relationship. As we all know, the man that we all know and love and that I write about in this blog was not normal. That’s why we love him. Normal rockstars, if such a concept even exists, are boring. Freddie was a volatile man. That’s not bad or good, it’s just true. Volatile can mean bad things but it can also mean he changed moods quickly and he did. So it’s not a criticism by any means. I know Freddie had a temper and he could be a bit shouty and throw stuff. He wasn’t perfect, but when someone is gone we only remember the good things and the good things far outweighed that bad by leaps and bounds.

He was not used to relationships where he was loved for him and not for his fame and money. When Jim gave him that he panicked at first and tried to fool himself and Jim into making it the hurricane it always had been. It’s all he knew. Freddie picked fights. It’s not a bad thing it’s just what he did. He was an adrenaline junkie. It’s why he was such a good performer. It’s why he had volatile relationships and such a vibrant and interesting life. He loved challenges and action. He loved the rush that adrenaline gave him and for a long time thought that his greatest creativity stemmed from it. That’s why he would pick these fights when it was time to perform or write. He later realized it wasn’t fights it was just him. He was so vastly creative with no catalyst needed. When Freddie was happy it showed and Jim Hutton made him happy. If you can’t tell how happy he is from the Magic tour concerts then you are blind. The energy between that Wembley concert and the Milton-keynes, and especially the Montreal one, are vastly different. Through his performances he worked out his emotions and it showed very obviously.

To have a man who actually loved him and could be settled with him and not obsessed with being seen out with a famous rock star. Who could sit on the couch and watch TV and just chit chat wasn’t the usual for Freddie. For his whole life he had been the one with the double standard in the relationship. All his lovers were using him for his fame and money, and he was okay with that because he constantly cheated on them. Their fee for his generosity in fame and fortune was for them to turn a blind eye to these antics.

Jim Hutton wasn’t going to. He was the most equal of any of Freddie’s relationships. Jim was okay with going back and being a barber living on very little and though, he loved Freddie, Jim was too proud to fall into that same pattern as the other men in Freddie’s life.

Freddie was all about control. The only way to not be suicidal and an adrenaline junkie is to be able to control it. Well Freddie controlled everything. He tried to control Jim and at first it sort of worked. Then when Jim would notice this and the double standard Freddie set for him, he would leave and go stay with a friend and in some cases prepare himself to never see Freddie again. It was always Freddie begging him to come back and it must have driven him nuts that Jim didn’t call and beg to get back in his good graces as most of his lovers all had before.

Freddie said to him, “You fought me you won me.” For a long time, I had a hard time understanding what the hell that meant. Freddie as usual liked to be cryptic. For a long time I wanted to read a more metaphorical meaning into that small phrase than was there.

All that means imho, is Jim by being independent and demanding some semblance of equality of fidelity in their relationship, fought all the bad habits Freddie had always shown in the past and simply fought Freddie’s way of pushing lovers away and then pulling them back in. Jim fought him. Jim won.

I have a whole other blog post about all the bazillion reasons that Jim was a good man and lover to Freddie. To say their relationship wasn’t “normal” is not to say it wasn’t just as loving as any marriage-like relationship. How can anything be normal when Freddie wasn’t even close to normal. There were two things in Freddie’s life he couldn’t control no matter how hard he tried. One was his horrible and cruel illness, the other was Jim.

Jim would leave if Freddie didn’t want him and he proved that time and again. He never hurt Freddie or abused him and to say otherwise is to contradict dozens of people who saw their relationship first hand. Joe and Phoebe not seeing Jim as a true love of Freddie’s is their view, not reality. Those two were so burnt out with the constant and seemingly endless barrage of lovers and sexual partners they had to make breakfast for or cater to that any man in Freddie’s life was just another hanger on and nuisance. Only when the hard times came and Jim stuck around, the opposite of the behavior of an abusive partner, did they realize Jim was not just another man in Freddie’s bed. He was truly Freddie’s boyfriend and partner in every way. His heart belonged to Jim at the end. To disparage Jim is to disrespect Freddie a lot more than telling fun and human stories of him could ever be.

If anyone dares to question Mary or say anything bad about her EVERYONE universally attacks. “How dare you, you suck!” Etc. Freddie loved her and how dare you say bad things about her. Well Freddie loved Jim too not in the same way because he was IN LOVE with Jim he LOVED Mary.

It’s likely that Mary and Freddie were soul mates. You don’t have to be romantically in love with someone who is your soulmate, they can be friends or family or whatever. They are someone you have a deep and lasting connection to no matter what happens in your life and Mary was that. There’s no doubt about it. It doesn’t mean that you love or are any less “in love” with your romantic partner. Freddie was love. He had a huge heart, enough to love both Mary and Jim and in his way his past lovers as well. Jim lasted for a reason, and even Mary wasn’t going to fuck it up.

I, for a long time, thought that Mary was jealous of Jim and his relationship with Freddie. That jealousy was the reason that she would take the occasional jab at their bond. I have started to rethink that a bit. I really think that Mary was in love with her boyfriend that she had two children with. She was in love with him but loved Freddie. How come her relationship with Piers Cameron doesn’t have people doubting her love for Freddie? She could love Freddie and him at the same time, so it follows why couldn’t Freddie love Mary and Jim at the same time as well? Mary doesn’t strike me as a woman that would get pregnant without loving the person she was with.

I think Mary was protective, not jealous. A lot of Freddie’s relationships in the past, Mary had not been there to witness the stormy and scary fights and conflict that existed between Freddie and most lovers. From what I could tell, Mary and Freddie didn’t fight much when they were together. It’s quite possible that Freddie’s temper was different back then, before he had fully figured out who he was. I’m sure they had their arguments, but if you really think about it, Jim was the only relationship Mary actually witnessed from beginning to end. All the others traveled with Freddie or were based in cities where Mary wasn’t there. Munich or New York, for example were cities Freddie didn’t fully include Mary in his everyday life. She was still his best friend and still just as important, but they were in two different cities on two different continents, most times, so Jim was the only man that she actually saw Freddie with on a consistent basis.

I’m sure that Freddie would go to her when he and Jim had a fight and as is usual in any friendship, Mary is going to always see Freddie as right and the other as wrong, it’s the natural way that best friends work. She was protective of him fiercely. Look at us, his fans 30 years since he’s been gone from this world, and we are insanely protective of him and we didn’t KNOW him. So Mary would definitely have been crazy protective, and I’m sure she only heard Freddie’s side of all the many fights Freddie and Jim had. As is usual with deep friendships as well, your friend usually doesn’t call you to gush about how awesome their significant other is after they make up. Or they may sometimes, but it’s in times of trouble we turn to those we trust most. For Freddie, that was Mary.

I am fiercely protective of my best friend and when she and her husband fight you can bet your ass that I take her side and her point of view on it as fact. I try to be impartial and sometimes play devil’s advocate, but that’s me. Not all people do that in their best friendships. My best friend lives in an entirely different state than me. Though, it’s only a 3 hour drive, it seems like she’s a world away. Staying connected as much as we try is hard after months apart. (Thanks Covid, you asshole).

But when I see her we are definitely back in our usual routine, but when she is at home living her life with her husband and kids and I’m here doing the same we don’t always talk every day, we aren’t as connected as I would like, but no matter what she’s my best friend and I am there for her and vice versa for any reason at any moment. This is exactly how it was for Mary and Freddie.

There were months and months that Freddie might go without seeing Mary, the man couldn’t even live in England for most of his professional career. If he did he would have to pay the outrageously high income taxes, and he wasn’t going to do that. He could only be in England a few days a year, so he didn’t see Mary as much as he’d have liked, I’m sure. There were probably a few weeks when they would go without talking, because it’s not like he could text her or anything. But it didn’t hurt their connection and she wasn’t any less important to him then than when she was right by his side. Mary was living her life while Freddie was living his.

Yes, a huge part of her life was her job which happened to be managing Freddie’s affairs in London and taking care of his apartment and all his personal needs while he was traveling the globe. He was always a huge part of her life, but she didn’t witness his relationships day to day the same as I don’t witness the day to day of my best friend’s marriage. Every partner of anyone, is going to be on their best behavior when the BFF is around. That’s just obvious. So even the lovers she did meet, were always on their best behavior when Mary was around, that’s a natural response.

The only relationship Mary truly witnessed the day to day was he and Jim. As we all want to see the best in our friends and reject the bad, we have a very biased opinion on any fight or argument. So, yes, Mary had moments when she hated Jim and was worried about him taking advantage of Freddie, most likely not knowing the extent to which the past lovers took advantage. She was protective of her best friend and one of the most important people in her world and you know what. That’s what a BFF does.

It’s natural behavior for that kind of relationship. Whether Love of My Life was written about her or not. She was the love of Freddie’s life, just like my BFF is the love of mine, but not in a romantic way. It would break my heart if I thought our relationship was ending.

I read in a magazine that, a person losing their closest friend is a much more painful and scarring event than losing any lover, no matter how long you were with them. I do really believe that. The thing that would ultimately break me completely is losing my best friend. I had one that we drifted apart and though there was no real “break” it hurt like hell. So I get exactly how Freddie and Mary’s relationship operated, it’s the same as anyone and their best friend.

Best friend is a label that like “love” gets thrown around too easily and in that loses its truest meaning. Your best friend is the person who knows every single side of you, and who has seen you at your worst and best and didn’t care, and loved you for who you were bad or good. Someone to which telling them anything was never embarrassing or shameful. That’s a rare thing.

That is what Mary and Freddie had, and to even have one really true best friend in your life is a blessing beyond words. I mean hell, if I was sexually attracted to my BFF I’d marry her too. I get it. I’m not though, just as Freddie wasn’t to Mary, but it doesn’t make our connection any less true and meaningful.

Freddie left his fortune to the person who he trusted the longest and the deepest. Makes sense to me. It would have to be a very unique and special person to come into my life in a romantic way, to make me trust anyone as much as I trust my best friend. I am single right now so if I was to draw up my Will this minute. She would be who I left everything to. She’s the person I trust most with everything I have. So it makes perfect sense why Freddie left Mary everything. It doesn’t mean that I love any other person in my life less, it just means that I trust my BFF with my finances and physical parts of my life. Freddie had trusted Mary with all of that from the start, so to leave her everything makes perfect sense, but it DOES NOT mean he didn’t truly, madly, and deeply love Jim Hutton. As we are all too aware, lovers come and go but there is a reason that second F is in BFF because a best friend is forever and they are much more rare than any other relationship.

To use Mary as proof that Freddie didn’t love Jim is bullshit and I’m sick of it! Mary was Freddie’s best friend for 90 percent of his life. From rags to riches, from nobody to rock god. She was his old faithful and that is not proof that he didn’t love Jim Hutton, it’s just proof that Mary was important. There is no one a person trusts more than their best friend and often the significant other can get jealous of the importance of the best friend. I think Jim did at times. No Jim wasn’t perfect. Yes, he and Freddie had some ugly fights, but Freddie wasn’t perfect at all, and every couple fights, it keeps the passion going in a relationship and if Freddie was anything he was passionate.

Any human that isn’t kidding themselves can easily see that it’s possible to be in love and to deeply love your best friend and all your family at the same time, so unless you are saying that Freddie could only love one person at a time, which is insane, to use Mary and Freddie’s relationship to invalidate Jim and Freddie’s is just stupid and disrespectful.

Everyone respects Phoebe because Freddie did, well if you respect him you have to respect Jim. He gave Freddie the love and companionship he had always wanted and a less stormy relationship than he’d ever had and in doing so taught Freddie that he didn’t have to fight to find inspiration, that happiness is just as inspiring as conflict. For this alone and for sticking by Freddie during a disease that is horrible to see and knowing that he most likely gave it to you as well, yet not caring and sticking by that person through sickness and health. Sounds like love to me. But maybe my view is wrong and these haters who are really just homophobic a-holes who hide behind a computer screen to spout their lies, maybe they understand the man they haven’t met or talked to better than me who has studied him thoroughly, hence obsession, or any friend who actually knew him. If that’s true then we are living in opposite land.

How full of yourself are you, haters, that you can in good conscience go on social media and spout lies and twist truth to fit your agenda because you didn’t like someone. You know who else did that? Paul Prenter and every asshole in the British media who made shit up about Freddie.

Let me tell you haters of Jim. Winnie was horrible to Freddie and was one of Freddie’s lovers who used him the most, so to say he was the real love and Jim was the side piece is saying that a horribly angry and selfishly abusive relationship was better than the man who lived with and loved him through the hardest thing he ever had to face. GET REAL! Who do you think you are? I promise you that you don’t know as much about Freddie Mercury as I do and you absolutely DO NOT know Freddie as well as his actual friends. To say different is crazy which makes sense because crazy people refuse to see reason, which is what all Jim-haters do. You don’t want to accept Jim because of some backwards and biased thinking and that is just selfish. What the hell does it hurt to like Jim Hutton? I don’t understand why you can’t like him, liking him isn’t offensive to anyone and honestly we don’t know what happened between them. Only a small few do but we know the overall truth. They loved each other and Jim was a source or solace and peace during the most turbulent time in Freddie’s life. So why hate on him? What purpose does it serve to even have people who know very little about him to believe your crap? Does it make you happy? If so, that’s just pathetic. If tearing down someone else makes you happy in any degree then you are a truly pathetic person and I’m not mad I just feel sorry for your miserable life.

Freddie does not care what stories Phoebe or Jim or some random “biographer” who maybe met him once, I’m looking at you Lesley-Ann Jones, you hack, has to say about him. He’s not here to care. As much as I wish that weren’t true, it is and you and I don’t have to worry.

Freddie’s legacy is set in stone, very very little can chip away at it now. Don’t worry about what Freddie would want, live in the present, like he did. That’s his greatest example he gave us. It’s the thing I love most about him.

In a world where everyone is too busy looking forward or backward, Freddie looked at what was right in front of him and dealt with only that, he lived in the present, something our society and most people are either incapable or so out of practice they can’t do it. I am working on it, so stop worrying what Freddie would think. The past is gone we can’t change it and we have no clue what the future holds, but right now, I’m going to read my books of stories of his life, and I’m going to love his music and his hilarious antics and the people that play the main characters in those stories, because I love every word I read about Freddie from the people who actually knew him and sometimes love learning new facts from biographers who actually do their damn research. I’m going to throw books across the room that try to imply that Freddie purposely gave people HIV or spread it starting as early as 1982. Yes, that means you authors of Somebody to Love, you assholes!

I’m trying to live in the present where nothing can hurt Freddie, and we all need to take a page out of his spectacular book and do the same. So basically shut up about it and read it and enjoy it’s okay to do that. Freddie won’t be hurt by anything that his friends or a stranger writes, Though I can still hate the authors of Somebody to Love for just making up random shit. That’s a bit different but any story from his friend is at least the damn truth.

Here’s a truth that’s universal:

Jim Hutton and Freddie Mercury were in a loving relationship in the last 7 years of his life. That relationship brought some comfort in the face of incredible suffering, and Jim did whatever he could to help Freddie bear it. So regardless of the details. Freddie loved Jim! Deal with it! It happened, no matter what anyone who never met him says. Also, it’s getting old already. Anyone who knows anything about Freddie beyond just a casual fan knows Jim was important, so you are boring, the biggest disease in the world! At least if you are going to spout lies, get new content.

My favorite is how Jim was a drunk. I’m sorry have you read ANYTHING about Freddie? He drank vodka almost as much as he smoked. He has been said to out-party Elton John in his wildest days. It wasn’t just drugs. It was alcohol. In Europe, and Ireland in particular, alcohol is as common as potatoes. Irish people drink a LOT, if you need proof refer to Magic Tour stop at Slane Castle in Ireland and all the damn drunk idiots there.

Not to mention, the man Jim loved most in the world was suffering from an illness that Freddie wouldn’t let anyone talk about or look like they were upset about around him. So it seems perfectly natural to me, that he needed to escape that terror of a disease by getting drunk.

I am not a big drinker. Okay, I barely drink at all, but I don’t know what would happen if I were in that situation. I might give my liver a little exercise too. The hardest thing to do when you love someone is to constantly pretend that everything is just perfect and happy when they are slowly and painfully disappearing right in front of your eyes and there isn’t a thing you can do.

I GUARANTEE YOU, if Winnie and Jim had switched places, when Freddie gave him the out after his diagnosis, you would have seen Winnie’s shape through the wall he would have run so fast. He did ultimately die of AIDS as well, but still, it’s the principle. There is no way that Jim was just a user, because users are selfish and staying with a person when they are deathly ill is the most unselfish thing a person could do.

Though, no matter how unselfish you are, you need an escape now and then. It just so happened that Jim’s escape was alcohol. The haters use a quote by Mike Moran about Jim being so drunk he was surprised he could remember enough for a book. Okay, I’m about to debunk this right now.

Mike Moran was a relatively new friend of Freddie’s, he met him in 1985. He was also more of a “professional” friend. One that Freddie highly respected. He was there for parties and dinners and to work with Monserratt and play piano. These events he was at, probably had a lot of alcohol flowing for all. We all know that when Jim drank it brought out his personality and diminished his shyness. So it’s not too much of a stretch to assume that the only time Mike really even noticed Jim was when he was drunk.

It seems as pictures show, Jim was always there, it’s just a known fact he was super shy even more than Freddie, and didn’t talk much, unless he had a lot of alcohol. So, for Mike to say that, yes, he probably only “saw” Jim drunk, because it’s the only time he would have made his presence known. Jim was great at sticking to the background and letting Freddie be the ultimate host. That is hard for anyone and Jim was apparently good at it. He had to share Freddie a lot of the time, but all of that was okay when they had alone time and for that to be enough for Jim is also a sign he loved him. It’s also possible that when a few drinks in, Jim may have wanted more of Freddie’s attention, which Freddie couldn’t show in public for fear of cameras, and he always had people constantly clamoring for his attention.

Freddie wasn’t just generous with his money, he was also generous with his attention. Everyone who has ever met him says that when his attention was on you, it felt like only you and he in the room. To do that when you are a huge rockstar is so hard and requires a great deal of generosity. Jim was okay with not being the focus of Freddie’s constant attentions, and not drawing attention to himself. He really didn’t walk around announcing he was Freddie’s boyfriend either, like most of the past lovers had. Jim was a rare man, who could share the person he loved with the whole world for a lot of the time. I haven’t ever dated anyone famous or anything, but I have dated popular guys and I know how damn hard it is when they are the life of the party and all you want is some attention from them. It’s hard to stay quiet and let them be. I did it and it was the hardest thing I’ve had to do. I only could do it for a few times, until I got fed up and then I admittedly just got pathetic and obnoxious.

Popular, magnetic people, need patient, kind, and secure partners. It’s the only way. Jim Hutton was that way. It’s rare and no other lover prior to him had been able to stay in the background. Before Winnie, Freddie’s longest relationship was Bill Reid. We have all seen countless pictures of him because he seemed to be there right next to Freddie every time there was a camera. Though, Jim was caught on camera a few times during their relationship, he didn’t draw focus from Freddie or really draw attention at all, he’s just there. Bill Reid was everywhere, Freddie couldn’t be seen leaving a train or airplane without Bill right next to him. Part of that could have been because Freddie was the only one who could stand him, but regardless.

Winnie wasn’t in a ton of pics because there aren’t a ton of pics from Munich days for one, and second, Winnie didn’t care enough about Freddie to use him for his fame. Phoebe says when Freddie “moved in” with Winnie, their schedules were so different, they really were just ships passing each other until night time. Also, Winnie cheated on Freddie a LOT. He liked being with him, who wouldn’t, but he would go to the club and Barbara would be attached to Freddie’s side while Winnie would just kinda do his own thing and talk to the people he knew, which makes sense because why talk to someone who doesn’t understand a word you say? Their relationship wasn’t really about talking. When they did talk mostly they fought. So yeah, what a terrific relationship that was *rolls eyes*

To put him above Jim Hutton in importance and depth of feeling from Freddie is just dumb. How can you be deeply in love with someone you can barely even talk to? It’s not at all easy and you have to work at it, and Freddie didn’t want to learn German or work on a relationship there was too much fun to be had. I just don’t understand why the Jim haters even like Winnie. It makes no sense. The infamous ring? Freddie probably put it on and forgot it was there to be honest.

The only time he cared about his hands was when there was a cigarette in it or he was playing piano. There was a lot on his mind at Live Aid and that ring was probably the last thing he would’ve thought about. Let’s also note that after Live Aid, I haven’t seen many pictures with Freddie with Winnie’s ring on. All the ones where he has it on are promotional pictures for The Works album before he met Jim. Live Aid was a turning point for Jim and Freddie and ironically brought them closer. Phoebe even says that Freddie’s extra bouncy, happy, giddiness is partly influenced by Jim’s emotional input. Freddie was happy so it showed.

If you watch the concerts on the magic tour, you see a happy, content Freddie, much more than any tour before. He was always smiling, but not always when he was on stage. The emotions that come through at the Wembley shows for example are excitement and happiness, when some past shows were more negative or morose (big word ha!) emotions. I seriously believe in my so-called conspiracy theory, that that tour was the first tour where Freddie didn’t insist that Somebody to Love be included in the set list because he didn’t need to sing it anymore. He’d found somebody. That’s my thinking, I don’t know if it’s true it’s just a theory, but you know if I wanted to I could do like the haters and push it on people so they believe it’s the truth when it’s only an educated guess. At least it’s an educated guess, their theories have no basis at all. The fact they are uneducated is obvious. Also, the fact that people who believe the truth about Jim outnumber the haters about 100 to 1 is proof these are idiots.


I admit that at the beginning of this pandemic hell it wasn’t so horrible for me. My social life was always kind of limited anyway. I’m a homebody, always have been. Going out took a SHIT LOAD of effort and I wasn’t always willing to put it in. But like most things, now that they say I can’t, I think I want to. This virus is making me a little nuts. I have had both shots of the vaccine because I’m considered a “first responder” due to my job. Even so this pandemic is kicking my ass. It hadn’t at first. It caught up with me now.

The reason you get that story about my little boring life is that because I’m always home, and have to be, I focus a lot more on social media, where I run into the “haters” more often. I can sometimes not listen and roll my eyes and ignore their ignorant crap, but lately, and I think I’m not in the minority here.,I tend to focus on negative things more often and therefore, talk, or in this case, type, about them more.

So I know you are more than likely, sick to death of my arguments against the haters, but the more I am home because of this virus, which I can’t really even catch anymore, the more they piss me off. So I apologize for that. The grim realities of life and death going on in this world right now have allowed me one benefit. It gave me plenty of time to slowly crawl through the stages of grief about Freddie’s death. I think I can with some confidence say that I am in the “acceptance” stage of grief.

That doesn’t mean I’m by any means less heart broken, what it means is that I’ve learned to live with it. My best friend who has known loss that someone her age should never have to, once said you never “get over it” you learn to “live with it.” That’s the wisest shit I’ve heard, hence why she’s the best! With this final stage of grief, I have stopped wincing when someone says death and Freddie Mercury in the same sentence.

I have stopped crying at all the Queen songs and Barcelona album. I still won’t risk this very fragile stage though with watching the documentaries or the tribute concert though, I can’t get through those. It’s also allowed me to be able to enjoy all the stories of Freddie’s life while he was here and appreciate his legacy and his ubiquitousness (HA!) 30 years later, more than when all they used to do was make me cry.

It used to be impossible for me to accept life without my denial glasses. Denial is a stage of grief. What I’ve learned however is the stages of grief don’t go in order. They are numbered but you can go from acceptance to bargaining in seconds, and denial and anger follow right behind. The sentence, Freddie is dead; used to upset me so much that I warned people not to say it to me. Now I have reached a place where I can hear it, though not too often please, and see it written, and not burst into tears. Again, not too often.

I’m sure some fans who were fans back in 1991 have cycled through the grief cycle and gotten to acceptance prior to now. They have had a lot of time to accept the things they cannot change. Something I’ve NEVER been good at. Good thing I’m not an addict cause that prayer is like all the hardest things for me. I possess the wisdom to know the difference in things I cannot and can change, but doesn’t mean I always take my own advice. LOL

While reading Thor and Lee’s book, for once, I found myself smiling and laughing and picturing Freddie in my head saying it’s snowing inside and out, during a snowstorm in NYC where the other white powder was being enjoyed inside as well. Laughing at the way he looked at the world and marveling over the awesome things he did for his friends. How wearing red socks would cheer him up. Something so little would make him feel better. That’s so endearing it’s scary. Freddie was rich and famous and talented and all that stuff, but more importantly he was a kind and loving human being.

A lot of people are talented, but he’s different because he has a rare quality that’s getting more and more rare as time passes, Freddie had class. That’s something that no amount of money, fame, or talent can buy, you have it or you don’t. He had charisma and class and an abundance of generosity. How the media back in 1991 could say he was immoral because he was gay and promiscuous, when they didn’t add 2+2 to understand, that he was one of the most loving, kind, fun, down to earth people that has ever sang a rock song, and maybe ever will, though that’s a little too much sap. But of all the stars Freddie was most loved by others who had fame and fortune and talent in equal measure, and there is a reason that almost no one could hate him. You can’t hate someone that radiates all good things. That’s like having a friend who makes you laugh constantly and trying to stay mad. Just isn’t possible.

I’ve accepted it, but I haven’t gotten over it. I most likely never will, but his music is everywhere and thank god for that. If not for his beautiful and rich voice being on so many recordings, I would have never reached acceptance.

I type this now, but tomorrow I could be back to denial or any other thing like sobbing uncontrollably and something that no one should sob at, but for the most part I’m able to read a biography without ruining the ink on the pages with tears for once. That’s a new thing you guys!

I have a book I bought and I had to buy the e-book because I screwed up a few pages crying on them. But no matter where I am in my grieving process with Freddie, I’ll never be able to watch the tribute concert. It’s hard to watch Lambo, because really that’s a tribute band if you think about it. I can’t watch another person sing what Freddie should be singing. It makes all my hard earned peace from acceptance that Freddie is gone, disappear quickly. I still cry, let’s not be mistaken, just a little less often than before. I don’t think that particular thing will ever change.

Freddie’s voice and Queen’s catchy songs has helped me muddle through this pandemic. I swear it seems like I’ll never see the other side, but at least I’ve seen the light at the end of the Freddie grief tunnel. I can’t believe the amount of pain that his death caused me, more than any person in my family or anyone I’ve lost, why? That’s so strange, but it’s not something I can help. As the amount of people dying from this stupid virus increases my anxiety increases as well, and only Queen and Freddie have kept me going. You can tell that it’s barely working due to the overall depressive nature of this particular letter. Geez….bummer much?

I miss Freddie every single day. He’s all over my life. He’s decorations in my house, calendars on my walls, the lanyard with my work id on it, the playlist on spotify that I can’t seem to diversify with any other band, he’s the many wallpapers on my now TWO computer screens at work. Who needs two? Regardless, Freddie is everywhere and I have about 5 diamond painting projects still unopened which I WILL do, I’m doing one now, but I’m so OCD that I won’t hang one up until it’s perfect. I have yet to find that one yet, I’ll keep you updated. He’s the quilt on my bed every night when I go to sleep and he’s my alarm ringtone as well.


Obsession is a word that tends to always have a bad connotation. It’s a word I am extremely hesitant to use. Though, since Freddie has entered my world it seems to be the only appropriate word to describe how I feel about him.

At first it was fan, then it surpassed that level quickly. Like super fast. I was going to use a cool Freddie metaphor, but I can’t think of one. I’m not obssessed in an unhealthy stalker crazy person kind of way, it’s more Freddie’s constant presence on and around me that it manifests.

I have no idea why being a Freddie fan comes hand in hand along with soul-consuming obsession. I’ve been a fan of many bands and celebrities over the years, but Freddie’s constant presence in my life is the only one I’ve really wanted so much.

I have a funko doll and hopefully one on the way, I think like four calendars? I accidentally ordered too many, this blog, I run the Freddie Mercury Fans space on Quora.

My work ID is on a FM lanyard, my apple watch has his pics as backgrounds, not one of my family, both my screens on my cell are of him. I have a little pillow that looks like him that I use for emotional support. I have a quilt on my bed that is covered with him and his quotes. Refrigerator magnets. I wake up in the morning and listen to his or Queen’s music while I get dressed and any time I’m in the car not talking to someone on Bluetooth.

At least once a day I will see at least a clip of him on some form of social media or other and I stalk Amazon for new books or merch pertaining to him. I defend him like a crazy person and will not let anyone talk bad about him.

If they made them I might have Freddie dishes. I could take it so much further. The amount of money that the people who have the rights to all of his stuff have made probably half their monthly income from me. I was on Queen zone and there when Thor and Lee decided to make a Freddie book, and have patiently (which is hard) waiting for their book to debut. It did. It’s awesome.

Someone asked on Quora why Freddie was an obsession when other things they can just be a fan of and don’t go bonkers. Well, here’s the gods-honest truth. I don’t know. I just happens. Freddie was charismatic when he walked the earth and he remains the epitome of show business and charisma still. There WILL NEVER BE another person who has as much talent, charisma, and sheer love, that Freddie Mercury had. Don’t even bother searching, there is no needle in that haystack. Everything came so easy to him, many think he was classically trained at piano or singing, when in reality it was just school choir and a few years of piano lessons as a kid and adolescent.

Twice in my life I’ve felt the overwhelming obsession, but never once did it manage to consume me as completely. Once was when Wayne’s World premiered shortly after Freddie’s death, I walked out of that movie not even old enough to see it alone completely obsessed with Queen music. I bought a few CD’s but as happens with most kids, or pre-teens, interest waned over time and though I still was a fan it was pretty casual.

One fateful day in November of 2017 I went to see some movie, that I can’t freaking remember what, I saw the preview masterfully done by the studio, and I will never forget how the minute I saw that trailer the obsession grew and invaded like Kudzu in the American South. I had planned on seeing the movie with an equally interested friend and was looking forward to it. When the movie finally premiered plans were postponed and I missed my chance.

Then I went in January of 2019 to Pensacola, Florida to visit my bff, the one I talked about up there earlier in the post, and spend some quality time and when she dozed off one night, I rented the movie on Amazon Prime. I was too tired, or distracted, or maybe something else to really pay close attention. I wasn’t so impressed, but I decided when I got home that I would try again. I did and I loved the music and Queen and especially Freddie Mercury more than I love some of my family. The obsession had started and there was no end in sight.

Along with that came the deep grief and mourning of which just now in 2021 have I come to terms with. It took a long time to accept the truth, but it doesn’t mean I don’t ugly cry now and then and that I don’t avoid the documentaries and Tribute concert because those are automatic triggers to uncontrollable sobbing. I write this blog 99 percent of the time at work and I read all my books on Kindle online. Every single book that exists that I’ve read, I read at work meaning no water works or the barrage of endless questions would have ensued and I just don’t have the social dexterity to deal with all that.

I get google alerts whenever a story is written about Queen or Freddie. Which is surprisingly often despite the subject being gone for almost 30 years.

They still write about him but the things they write are vastly different to when he was alive. Like many famous and legendary artists before him, his death brought his greatness to light. Why it takes that drastic event to have people appreciate his talent and impact on music is the most confusing of all.

I have a confession to make, something hard for me to admit or talk about, so when you read this don’t judge me…..Before the movie came out except for maybe a minute by proxy of my older brother, I had never seen Live Aid, or Queen’s performance on it. You can bet, though, that when I walked out of that movie, I pulled up YouTube and watched it over and over and over again and have now seen it hundreds of times.

How I could not know about something that is such a big deal is beyond me, but the fact that I was very little might have had something to do with it. I was too busy teething or babbling talk to recognize that history was being made. Who knows at that point I could have been getting ready for a nap as it aired pretty early in the afternoon on that July day.

That was hard to type.

That’s the first time I’ve ever admitted that. Confession is good for the soul I guess. Well, now you know. I have more than made up for that lapse in judgement since, considering, that I would spend every cent I’ve ever earned or saved if there was a time machine and I could go back and see a Queen concert. You can bet that I have a plan for what and how I would do it if I ever got to go. Let’s just say it involves me traveling the world along with them and taping every concert ever. It should have been done back then that way, it was an egregious oversight. Though the technology was way different back then and cameras were enormous and heavy and poor quality all in one. I am old enough to remember real film pictures and shooting whatever was in your viewfinder and crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. The fact that so many pictures of the band and Freddie exist in a time when film was not cheap and had to be developed is kind of a miracle. Had it been one decade earlier that they started their career, we wouldn’t have as much video footage of history’s greatest frontman as we do, so I’m choosing to count my blessings, at least for now. Until that time machine is built I will just have to watch and listen to every single note Freddie ever sang that is available.

The difference between tweens and teens in the world today and me and my obsession is that mine isn’t over some teen artists with their fifteen minutes of fame. It won’t wane and when I get older I won’t be ashamed to say I was and am obsessed with Freddie Mercury.

The horrors I see when I look back to the 90’s and the horrid posters I had on my tween/teen wall and I hang my head in shame, but with Freddie that will never happen, I will never be ashamed. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Freddie and Queen aren’t some fad that will pass in a decade or less, considering they’ve stayed high in the music business and constantly in people’s hearts and minds for the last 5 decades. Now since, the movie, it’s gotten even more crazy.

In another 5 decades no one will know who the hell these Korean kids are from BTS, hell I don’t know them now, but they won’t last. It takes seven of them to do what one man did decades ago. If my nieces are reading this by some miracle, sorry not sorry, why are you so enthralled by these short Korean dudes? I have always considered myself cool and on top of fads of the younger generations, but that is just one I cannot understand. If it takes like five or seven of you to make songs sound good that’s not really and accomplishment is it? I don’t think so.

One of nieces makes collages she works super hard on about BTS and the various guys in it. For Christmas she asked me for scrapbooking materials. I told her to send me the finished product. Suffice it to say, I was very surprised when she did show me and the picture around which she was decorating was some Kpop dude that I could not name. She works harder on that than she ever has on any subject in school. It baffles me. *facepalm*

I don’t get the appeal of those tiny Korean boys and girls but you know what, to each their own. I liked some stupid bands back in my youth too. I will not name them as the shame is still great.

The evidence that love of Queen and Freddie will last is easy to find considering there are many fans who were alive to see Queen concerts and who did attend Live Aid (I am so jealous you have no idea!), that are just as obsessed as me or more, which isn’t easy at all. I think this is a lifelong love and whether the people in my life agree or not, or understand it or not, they have to accept it and honestly the ones that I want to keep in it do, of course.

In 2018 a soul-consuming, obsession took me over and hasn’t let go for one minute and I am not at all upset about it. Freddie is my inspiration. He is one of the only things that can put a smile on my face in times when it surprises the hell out of me. I will be so down and upset and Freddie will do or say something and I find myself smiling despite myself. That’s something that hasn’t happened before and for that one thing, I am forever grateful.

Loving Freddie means being loyal to him and though, I possess reason and logic, when it comes to him, sometimes they fail me due to my undying loyalty and instinct to protect someone who doesn’t need my protection. If you feel the same, welcome to the fandom. We will be here until we die, so let’s be friends. Might as well? We have something huge in common and nothing will tear that away from us. We all love Freddie.

Freddie, you said “I still love you.” Well we know, but what you don’t, and what you never would have guessed is you’ve been gone for 30 years and WE the fans still love you just as much as the most loyal of us did back then. I don’t see it changing any time soon. I know for sure that when the other 3 members of Queen leave this world, I won’t miss them the same as I do you. I don’t say that to be callous or mean, it’s just true, and not something that can be helped.

I still love you Freddie, always….





So I admit I’ve fallen off the obsession train a bit lately. Used to be that this blog was the first thing I wanted to do when I was able to. That’s not the case anymore. Not that I don’t obsess in other ways.

I think I’m going to start a Christmas Eve tradition of Queen youtube and concerts before bed. What a great way to bring in Christmas, your favorite holiday.

I listened to Thank God It’s Christmas of course and A Winter’s Tale. My Freddie hyper focus fades sometimes when I’m at work lately.

When the others around me are talking loudly about who knows what, I lose my train of thought. It happens often. I take ADHD meds, but I guess I’m building a tolerance.

Unfortunately, I can’t really get Freddie Christmas presents from my family because not that I’m ashamed, but I just don’t want to hear my sister-in-law or big brothers give me crap for it. I’m not like you and can just let it roll off my back. It’s a baby sister thing I guess.

Okay so I guess we are on the letter N still. Though I think I’m about out of N words.

O is the next letter.

The muses are failing me at the moment. My brain is not as fertile as yours always was. I did read some Queen books lately and one quote jumped out at me.

“Bomi and Jer Bulsara didn’t know when their son uttered his first words for the very first time, that they were hearing what would become the world’s most famous voice.”

Queen Treasures

The quote isn’t exactly word for word but it’s close enough. That quote hit me in the feels man. It was so true. Freddie’s parents had no clue that their son would one day become a legendary rock singer, composer, and songwriter. That he would win more awards than anyone can count and would start a band that would become truly legendary.

Freddie says he always knew he’d be a star, but I’m not so sure that the little boy starting boarding school thought so, but maybe as a teenager once he hit London he did.

One Vision

On July 13, 1985 history was made. Not just because it was the world’s biggest rock gig with the most star-studded line up that the world had ever seen, but it was for charity and in a secondary way became a competition of greatness. At least that’s how Queen and Freddie saw it. Others may have not seen it as competitive. At least I hope so, because some of them act like they didn’t care if they were there or not. I’m looking at you Led Zeppelin. For as legendary a band as they were they sure as hell didn’t seem like it that day.

All day the music was good. It was entertaining, but it wasn’t mind-blowing or magical. It wasn’t those moments when your favorite band is playing live and gives you goosebumps knowing you are witnessing a truly great performance. That sensation is super rare. For 6 hours, starting at noon in London, on what was probably the hottest summer day of the year, everyone rocked and sweated and danced as best they could in a crowd full of what seemed like an endless amount of people. It took its toll and they were tired.

A picture of the band from the One Vision video. At the end of the song to break up the political “message song” feel Freddie sings, “gimme gimme gimme Fried Chicken”

At 6:40pm everything would change for these hot, tired spectators, they would become a part of music history and didn’t even know. Queen hit the stage and immediately the effect of greatness washed over the audience and they forgot how hot or tired they were and their eyes were glued to the stage as a man with a white tank top and almost equally white jeans bounced on stage and punched the air to psych up the crowd. He didn’t even need to because the set he and his band mates were about to play was going to give everyone that shivers down your spine, mind-blowing, goosebumps moment. He sat down at a piano and for the next 20 minutes no one thought about their lives, they were engrossed and completely lost in the music of a truly great performance from a truly legendary band. Their lives were changed forever in just 20 minutes.

This was a band that wasn’t super excited about playing anymore. They had been together for two decades and had huge success around the world. They walked out there that day kind of divided and after they left the stage, they had a new lease on life for their band and the music.

After that day, a few months later into the studio they went, despite saying they didn’t want to record for a while and they wrote a song that, although, not completely about that day, it was inspired by it. They wrote a song called One Vision.

This song would serve as the first on a whole album of new songs that were born months earlier at that legendary gig.

*tangent***** Has anyone ever noticed how long the names of Queen’s song’s are? Geez….There are a bunch that are four and sometimes five words long. It takes forever to type them out. ****tangent over****

One Vision was Queen’s come back and then they were asked to make music for the movie Highlander. A movie that is highly underrated and actually ahead of its time, much like the band doing the soundtrack.

The cover for A Kind of Magic which had One Vision

This song would also serve as the introduction song to all the Magic Tour concerts in 1986. In an era where there was a conspiracy theory about what playing songs backwards would say on the record, if you slowed down or played that song backwards, the message was positive. All the people across the world peace have one vision. So yeah, even in a conspiracy Queen is peaceful….imagine that! pfft

Freddie was the human personification of love and peace. Fighting wasn’t something Freddie wanted to ever do, unless really provoked or when he thought he needed creativity.

I guess that one crippling bar fight in Munich got out of hand, but even Freddie said that he was brought down by a cheap shot leaving him in his worst nightmare. Unable to really walk without an enormous leg covering cast. For Freddie Mercury that was hell. I think that the David Wigg interview with the red suspenders he talks about it a little, but I could be forgetting what interview exactly.


Only…..I repeat ONLY Freddie Mercury can mix rock and opera and do it so brilliantly that he invented a whole movement.

****another tangent*** why is it so hard to find a decent Queen or Freddie wall calendar? They have them for just about everything, but this popular phenomenon of a person and band they are few and far between? What the…. I bought two for my room and my living area/room and they were the size of a piece of typing paper and the dates are just numbers. No holidays labeled, nothing, looks like someone went to kinkos and made it then put it on Amazon, so be aware of what you’re buying and how big before you purchase unlike me. Also there are some okay Queen calendars, but I don’t want to have to see Roger or John or Brian for a whole month, I’m a Freddie fan, I know he was in a band with three other people, but I don’t like them and don’t want to look at them. I want Freddie so if it’s all 4 that’s okay but to alternate members….not okay. Also, I do diamond painting to get through the boredom of Covid lockdown I have to keep my hands busy and the lack of selection of pictures for that particular project is scary. I like real looking pictures and I only do Freddie ones, nothing else. I don’t want to do anything else. I like pics of him and I work harder on them because I like the subject. The lack of selection though is completely unbelievable. *******tangent over

A picture of Freddie and Monserratt for the promotionals of Barcelona

I don’t see why anyone would dare say Freddie couldn’t sing opera. If one person could it would be him.

The gall of that man, to dare to think he could sing with an opera soprano. Well he had the perfect voice for it and much like being a legend, he knew he could do it and do it well. The problem was would Monseratt be cold and aloof?

“Freddie was the most nervous I had ever seen him in Spain right before Monseratt was to arrive. I’ve never seen him that nervous in my life.” – Peter Freestone

Singing with this woman was the ultimate fan experience for him. Even superstars get star struck and to him, she was the best the world had to offer, and a secretly insecure Freddie was worried for the first time he wouldn’t measure up. Looking back with 20/20 hindsight we shake our heads that he didn’t think he could do it, but at that time it was a legitimate worry for him.

They recorded Barcelona with the 1992 Olympic games in mind, and Freddie told Montsy as he came to call her, that he probably wouldn’t make it to see the Olympics having received his AIDS diagnosis a year earlier. The critics thought Freddie had at the very least lost his damn mind, but when did Freddie ever give a crap about critics? He was doing this for him. It was on his bucket list because even legends have them. In 1985 he said he’d done it all, well I think he never imagined in a million years that he could do this. When the opportunity came he jumped at it and I truly believe music and a stable and loving relationship was a couple reasons he defied the odds and stuck around so long. The usual time from developing AIDS until death is at most 18 months, but Freddie was diagnosed in 1987 and lived until the end of 1991. I’m sure his money and star power had something to do with it, but still.

The way we revere Freddie is the way he saw Monserratt and had since 1980 when he went to see Pavoratti at the London Opera House and he was accompanied by what Freddie would refer to as the best singing voice in the world.

Peter Freestone remembers the look of childlike wonder and admiration that Freddie had when he first saw her and the look of sheer joy he had when Monserratt surprised him by singing his song he had sent to her as a demo.

Around this time and when he was recording Mr. Bad Guy he made one of his most trusted friends, Mike Moran. A man who admired and appreciated Freddie as much as he would come to appreciate his virtuoso piano talent. Mike would be one of the few in the inner circle that would be with Freddie until the very end. Freddie would again defy all the critics and Barcelona would become a hit record. Not that Freddie even cared. He just wanted to do this and as we know a lot of times. Passion projects turn out to be the artists best work. I don’t know if it was Freddie’s best ever, but it was pretty damn good.

Freddie was a trailblazer in his life in a ton of ways, but for the late 80’s and early 90’s many artists have him to thank for some of their greatest hit songs where they collaborated with famous opera singers. The opera singers became more of household names because of this as well.

If anyone ever tries to tell you that Freddie wasn’t a good singer, all you have to do is show them Barcelona or any song on it. He wrote, composed, and demoed those songs. When they were recorded they became hits. The funny thing was Freddie wasn’t trying to make hits. He just wanted to do something he loved that he had always dreamed of, and in doing so, the album did really well.

During these sessions, whether he knew it or not, Freddie was a natural baritone and I think singing in his natural voice was just easier for him. Tenor was what people were used to in popular music and so he 90 percent of the time sang in a tenor voice. Please don’t ask me what the difference is. I have no ear for music and unless I read that in a book I wouldn’t have known the difference. To me, Freddie is Freddie, he always sounds good no matter what he’s singing. I honestly to my untrained ear can’t tell the difference, but people much smarter than me can and I thank them for their musical skill and knowledge.

I can write a kick ass Quora answer man! But writing for this blog is hard on me. I guess I don’t have a specific question to answer which is why it’s easier.

My favorite thing about Freddie’s venture into opera has to be the choking on their words the press was doing. They couldn’t criticize a woman who was filling up opera houses all over the world just because they didn’t want to like what Freddie did. They hated it, and they had to actually try to be fair for once and that was just the cherry on top of the Sundae.

Why anyone was surprised is what surprises me. He was the creator of Bohemian Rhapsody. It was already about 60 percent opera anyway and everyone has dubbed it groundbreaking. So why was Freddie teaming up with an opera star so shocking?

When he went to record and perform Barcelona with Montsy that night, Freddie was extremely unwell and told not to do it. His T-cell count was almost zero, but he put on that tuxedo and the uncomfortable shoes and went out there and killed it. Why didn’t the doctors know that if you forbid Freddie from doing something that almost certainly made him do it and do it so well that you eat your words. We all saw that at Live Aid and we saw it on this day as well. He shouldn’t have been able to even stand up with a T-cell count that low, but instead he went out and performed one of his greatest performances.

There was no need for a crystal ball to see that Freddie would one day do something surprisingly flamboyant and decadent. To be surprised is to not know Freddie that well.

On Stage

There was one place where Freddie Mercury truly ruled the world and no one could touch him. A performance stage. He was so good at being present on stage and knowing what’s going on, such as Brian’s cords trying to trip him up or bumping into him. He was so present, sang the right lyrics to hundreds of songs, and got the audience participating all at the same time.

I know whenever I’ve been on a stage I am concentrating on talking or whatever I’m doing. I’m one of those rare people that doesn’t have stage fright. But there isn’t one person including Freddie Mercury who doesn’t get an adrenaline rush when face to face with a large audience. It’s knowing how to breathe and control what you are doing, but the adrenaline for most gets the best of you. I learned a long time ago, that I’ll get nervous but it won’t stop me from getting on that stage. I am rare like that, unfortunately I don’t have talent to do most things that you need to do where a stage is required.

I consider Freddie Mercury the best frontman ever, because he could connect with an audience.”

Dave Grohl of Nirvana and Foo Fighters
On a stage no one could beat or match Freddie Mercury, even some of the best rock frontmen didn’t hold a candle to him.

A story from Fish from the band Marillon was once invited to sing Jailhouse Rock with Freddie and the rest of the band. It was a time that the band was more relaxed and they were “playing around” as Freddie would say. Later he said that when he got on stage with Freddie he got schooled. He learned how truly amazing he really is because he felt like a toddler on stage with a teenage big brother schooling him on singing and stage craft.

In this respect Freddie was the best and anyone who says different is in complete and utter denial of reality. There isn’t much that I wouldn’t give to go back in time and go to a live Queen concert. To all of you or the two of you who read this blog and have gone. SHUT UP! Don’t make me mad at you!

The stage on the Magic Tour was as big as a football field and there’s Freddie running across it in the burning summer heat in a jacket under hot lights! How? That’s superhuman in itself….oh and singing in a strong voice. The lungs that man must’ve had is unbelievable he was never out of breathe.

Who can forget Freddie’s utterly magical and mysterious control of the audience at Wembley for Live Aid.

There were instances where had Freddie Mercury asked them to shave their heads and an audience would have done it. He could handle hecklers, things being thrown at the band and him, and play around with random props he would come across on stage all while singing in perfect pitch and tone and not missing one beat. The human metronome never lost the beat.

When Freddie was on stage, people lost control of themselves and followed what he asked them to do without question. For two hours he was the puppet master and the audience were his marionette.

At a live show there wasn’t four members of Queen there were five. The audience being the fifth member. All it took was one small gesture from Freddie to get an audience to sing anything he wanted. He is the king of the stage and anyone who says different needs to watch Live Aid. That was an audience who hadn’t paid to see Queen and at that point Queen was becoming “has-beens” with that 20 minutes all black marks on their reputation dropped off and from then on Queen would never be “has-beens” they would be legendary and relevant in every generation including now 50 years since they performed.

Someone once said that being at a Queen concert was like being in on some inside joke that no one on the outside truly understood. They also said, whether the 2nd or 200th row Freddie seemed to be right in front of you. I have NEVER been to a concert like that. I’m the ultimate concert critic.

A few years ago I went to an Eagles concert with my mom and fell asleep. I kid you not! That is how different it is to feel like part of the band versus just watching a guitar player play a long solo. I’ve never liked guitar solos very much and I gotta admit Brian’s bore me too, but not as much as some. I wasn’t about to pay to see QAL, I’d rather donate to a go fund me to build a time machine. I want to go back in time and see a “real” Queen concert. I will settle for nothing less than the best and Freddie and Queen was the absolute GOAT.


It still baffles me how some lists of great bands or albums or songs, don’t include Queen. Freddie Mercury himself had such a huge impact on modern music that who knows what it would look like without him.

He showed every performer after him how to work an audience, but no one had the thrall and enchanting control he did. No one ever will. From making popcorn for a handful of people in small venues in England to 350,000 people in Rio at the Rock in Rio festival, Freddie was the ultimate example of what it means to be a front man.

A shy man who overcame his shyness and channeled his charisma and appeal as soon as he set foot on a stage truly did become one of the greatest rock musicians ever. You could say that’s my opinion, but if it is and it’s not objective, then a lot of people in this world even 50 years after Queen formed and 30 years after Freddie died, still feel the same emotions that Freddie could force out of even the most unemotional human. If he hadn’t had a bit of a temper and throw fits he would have been a little too perfect. Only in that way did he actually seem human. On a stage Freddie transformed from human man to rock god and it’s not something that everyone achieves no matter how famous they are. He went on stage to entertain and he asked us to “Let Me Entertain You.” Well MISSION ACCOMPLISHED DARLING!

I miss you Freddie and I hope that the muses come back to me like they stayed with you over your entire life. I still can’t figure out how you came up with such clever melodies and lyrics and never read a book, well at least later in life. A mind so amazing and so mysterious and abundant in his creativity. I wish I had a mind that was that frutiful.

Lately as time goes on and Covid persists I’m learning the very definition of MIND-NUMBING boredom. It’s a thing.

“Boredom IS the biggest disease in the world darling.” You once famously said. Covid be damned, you aren’t kidding! I just wish I had the energy and creativity you had in every cell of your body, but no one does. It’s why you are so awesome and why we love you so much.

We miss you always and as we count the years you’ve been gone you never really left. Your music is as big today as it always was. Elvis may be the King of Rock, but you Freddie are the KING OF MUSIC! I dare anyone to fight me on that! I will win. There are greats and then there are the GOAT, well Queen should be on EVERY list and Freddie alone too. You did change the world and you changed me. For all of that we thank you. You are our champion! We will battle the whole human race and we ain’t gonna lose! TRUST!

Love and best wishes and sorry for the sucky letter this time. The muses are running from me lately and stealing my ability to put words on a screen like usual, but I will persevere because you did and you are my inspiration!

Love always,



Dear Freddie,

I’ve figured it out. No, not Freddie Mercury, cause that’s just impossible.

My workplace is the thing that sucks all inspiration out of me. If I could record what I think about in my car driving to and from my job, I’d have the best and most productive blog ever.

Freddie had something I have always wanted, but at this point don’t think I’ll ever have.

A job he loved!

I don’t hate my job, but it’s just that, a job. It’s not a career. There are promotions and things to aspire to, but those dreams we have when we first start off in our early 20’s, this is NOT.

OH well….It keeps me in Freddie merchandise and keeps me informed about all things Freddie and Queen.

I saw on You Tube when I decided to be a masochist the other day, and watch a documentary of Freddie on the day he died. That’s self torture. Thankfully, as she does, my bff had impeccable “me” instincts and texted me at that moment. I don’t know what she said but it was enough to distract me from the self torture of uncontrollable sobbing and grief I was about to subject myself to.

Never Forgotten

(Okay I kinda invented this one because I didn’t have another N to go with what I was going to ramble about.) That’s the beauty of having your own blog you can do stuff like that.

I could make so many blog posts on the things I think of when I’m doing the menial tasks we all do everyday. Brushing my teeth, getting dressed, driving on the highway, you know the times when it’s just you and your crazy brain. Most of the time I think of my family and loved ones, and Freddie. A lot of the reason for that is that a live version of a Queen song will come up on my playlist on my Apple Music, because I skipped songs until I got to one, and I find myself with that weird look on my face again. That smile thing, and in my head, pops brilliant ideas about Freddie. Then I get to work and all brilliance vanishes.


I was sitting in the car yesterday in my garage and finishing a live Freddie song, and I had this weird facial tick, I believe it’s called a smile? It’s not something I do often. Apparently, according to my aunt, I was always serious, even as a baby. After the hurt and shame that washed over me about being like the world’s most unhappy baby, it started adding up.

I’m a hard one. I can sit in a comedy show and unless something is VERY funny just sit there with what is apparently Resting Bitch Face. Not my best trait I admit. When I’m comfortable somewhere and I’m fine I apparently look miserable, though I’m not. I’m just not that person who walks around with a smile on my face, I guess it’s been that way from birth.

Unlike Freddie!

There is a reason most pictures of Freddie are good and why he’s photogenic. Happy people usually are. Freddie knew he was special and no matter what happened he never let himself forget it. Which is a lot of the reason he makes me smile.

It’s listening and watching him live that really gives me the feels. It’s like watching Vincent Van Gogh paint Starry Night or Davinci paint the Mona Lisa. It’s art in it’s purest form. His canvas however, is not any kind of flat surface, his canvas is human beings.

For the most part, humans in a group have herd mentality. When in groups a smart person turns into a stupid and unthinking sheep. They go with the flow. They do what the people around them do. There are the rare few who will bow out before the inclination takes over, and those are the assholes in a crowd having a great time with their hands in their pockets acting like they’d rather be anywhere else.

You know that back when Queen was still playing live, they weren’t the “coolest” band to like. So a lot of those people may have been convinced or even dragged or blackmailed to go to that concert. As we know hindsight is 20/20 and we now look back on those people and wanna smack the idiot out of them.

Lars Ulrich from Metallica, a guy who, let’s be real, isn’t the most polite rockstar ever. The whole Metallica vs. Napster fiasco in the late 90’s comes to mind. For those of you reading this who were too young to know what I’m talking about ask your parent or older aunt or uncle. In summary not a guy who says nice stuff on a regular basis. He’s usually just complaining, but he had this to say.

The worst day of my life was when my mom wouldn’t let me go to a Queen concert because I was grounded.

Lars Ulrich Metallica

For once, and for the first time, I agree with him. If that were me, though I was that good kid that listens to their parents. I would have traded ANYTHING, to get that one night out.

Some people were CONVINCED or FORCED to go. Are you fucking kidding me? That’s a damn privilege most of us would give our dominant arm to have. *rolls eyes*

How did they not see how amazing Queen was live? How did they think it was a chore? It literally blows my mind. Thinking about it makes me sick.

What you have to remember is, Queen weren’t given a lot of credit back then. The press hated them and were constantly hating on them. The difference is that they have now eaten so much crow and are cowering in their shame that it’s their normal life. That’s all they know. If you want to know how it feels to be so insanely wrong, ask an English music journalist who reported on Queen in the 70’s and 80’s.

I’ve been to a lot of concerts in my life, and I’m not going to lie, I’ve been fucking disappointed or bored. I went to and Eagles concert with my mom a couple of years ago, and they aren’t really my “thing” you could say, I fell asleep. Not even joking, loud as hell but boring as hell. I like maybe 3 of their songs and the rest was just a bunch of old men on a stage trying to relive their former glory for two hours. I went for her.

I’ve seen footage of many Queen concerts, most of them actually, and not once is there a bored person in the audience, except for the guitar solo, but that’s when everyone went to the bathroom and got more beer or whatever. When Freddie Mercury was on stage, not one person wasn’t completely hypnotized by him.

Not a day goes by when I don’t have some kind of thought or musing on Freddie. Part of that could be because I listen to Queen music every morning.

Now I’m Here

Honestly, not one of my very favorite Queen songs. One it wasn’t written by you, two it’s long, three it was played in every concert when there are so many other songs I would have loved to hear. I don’t know why you loved it so much honestly.

I have a confession to make. Writing this blog is getting harder as time goes on. Not because I’m any less obsessed with Freddie. I think fandom kind of waxes and wanes from time to time and you move on to other things, not in the least forgetting the first interest. The newness has worn off a bit, but not the admiration for all things Freddie. The holidays and this horrid year of hell has invaded my mind and pushed some of the better things I would like to focus on out. I find that in my clinical depression, my symptoms aren’t as pronounced as some, it comes more as a lack of inspiration and an overwhelming feeling of boredom. Help I’ve caught boredom!

I remember at first my obsession manifested with Instagram and my constant need to post all things Freddie. That kind of faded as I find I don’t focus on one thing well. This blog is not losing it’s appeal by any stretch it’s just my mind is numb. I do understand that the phrase…..mind-numbing boredom…..is very very real.

It has nothing to do with you, Freddie, I’m even bored of my own email account at the moment. I have had the same one for YEARS and checked it religiously on a daily basis.

Also, I’m starving as well, which makes my mind very cloudy. When I get home I do my Freddie diamond painting and binge watch whatever I find at the moment. Freddie never really needed to announce he was there. It wasn’t exactly like he mumbled or sang very softly and I’m grateful for that.

News of the World

The sixth Queen album (I get the order all mixed up sometimes) this was a time when Queen was most furious with the British press. The biggest music magazine was called the same thing. News of the World. This is around the same time as the fun Sid Vicious encounter and when punk music was trying to push Queen off their throne. Queen was everything punk was against.

In case you don’t know the story which most Freddie fans do since he touched on it in an interview in Australia with Melody Maker on Australian TV.

Freddie proves to be a continued source of fascination even to this day and the two songs, We are the Champions he wrote and We Will Rock You written by Brian May have cemented their band’s place in music history. It is said he wrote that song in 20 minutes after hearing the idea for Brian’s. I’m not surprised really. Freddie could write an iconic world-famous song in minutes and the longer he took to write it the more epic it became.

The video where Freddie first told the story of his encounter with Sid Vicious one of my all time favorite Freddie interviews. The fact he looks great in that brown leather jacket doesn’t hurt either.

Due to a dentist appointment that was basically an emergency, Queen missed one of the most popular TV talk shows on at the time. EMI their label had just signed a new punk band to keep up with the times. Queen was replaced with The Sex Pistols, and on that show performed a song, but also went into a cursing tirade that would make a sailor blush. It was live television and there weren’t censors like we have now, so every viewer got an earful and it was a controversial and infamous interview. It launched their career immediately because in the entertainment industry any publicity is good publicity.

Punk was all about going against authority and they didn’t do anti-authority better than The Sex Pistols. Because they were on the same label, Queen would later find themselves recording in a studio next to Queen recording what would become News of the World.

One day a curious Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious decided to pay Queen a visit. The hilarious encounter went something like this:

“Sid Vicious stumbled in, the worse for wear, and addressed Fred: ‘Have you succeeded in bringing ballet to the masses yet? – Peter Hince recounts the incident in his book

Freddie was there and Sid Vicious made some crack about “so have you brought ballet to the masses yet?” a quote from an article that would start the worst band press relationship England had ever seen. It would signal to Freddie Mercury that for the most part, the press was the enemy to be avoided at all costs. Fans, he would embrace; the press he would avoid.

Freddie said something like:

Fred casually got up, walked over to him and jibed: ‘Aren’t you Stanley Ferocious or something?’” Hince recalled. “Took him by the collar and threw him out.”

Mercury himself later recounted the tale slightly differently.

“I called him Simon Ferocious or something, and he didn’t like it at all,” the Bohemian Rhapsody hitmaker quipped in a TV interview.

“I said, ‘What are you going to do about it?’

“He was very well marked,” Mercury continued. “I said, ‘Make sure you scratch yourself in the mirror properly today, and tomorrow you’re going to get something else.’

“He hated the fact that I could even speak like that. I think we survived that test,” the Queen star quipped.

Anyone who has the idea that the small stature of Freddie made him weak needs to rethink that. As a boy in school he excelled in boxing and was said to be super strong by everyone who knew him.

Later Roger Taylor would say what an idiot Sid Vicious was, and that Johnny Rotten knew to respect greatness and was polite to the Queen icons.

The small details of the story change slightly depending on who is telling it, but the basic confrontation is confirmed multiple times in multiple sources.

Punk fell to the grandiose that day, and any misconception that Freddie Mercury couldn’t or wouldn’t stand up for himself when confronted was squashed. Sid Vicious learned his lesson that day and never underestimated Freddie or Queen again. The Sex Pistols would have one successful album, and like many would suffer from death’s of band members due to drug overdose. Queen would continue for decades later and show the world that they could pass any test they were given. Including a competition between every artist in the world of any notoriety and them, at Live Aid. They blew everyone away the same way that Freddie blew Sid Vicious away with his strength that day. He would later go on to show Francis Rossi backstage at Live Aid.

Not only did Freddie show Sid that day, but with the release of News of the World, Queen would birth two of the biggest rock anthems in history. Anthems that everyone knows in every corner of the globe, We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions. A double A-side release that would become platinum multiple times and two songs which I dare anyone to go to a sporting event anywhere in the world and not hear at least once. Though this would become the most stripped down and raw album of Queen history, it would produce just three beats that anyone in the world would instantly recognize. Another stroke of genius from a band who never failed to “bring it” in everything they did.

The front cover of NOTW one of the best album covers of a band with many iconic ones.

To make things confusing as they usually did, on this album was the song that was a direct answer to the punk movement the song, Sheer Heart Attack would actually appear on this the sixth album and not the album they had released years earlier with the same name. Roger had been working on the song when they needed a title for their third album, but the actual recording wouldn’t happen until NOTW. Queen was never easy to figure out that’s for sure. With the song on this album however, it fit in perfectly with the punk movement.

With this album Queen would invent the concept of audience participation in rock concerts a concept still loved by any artist today. We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions would become the ultimate sing alongs and were inspired by the audience singing to Queen with their catchy songs, sometimes even out-singing Freddie Mercury. Seems impossible, but it’s true.

These two songs would close Queen’s live shows from then on. It was on the tour for this album that the first sing-a-longs of Love of My Life would begin and endure till the last shows.

The only thing better than Queen’s songs on their albums were the covers. They have many notable and memorable album covers inspired or created by the artistic geniuses of the band. The cover for News of the World was no different. This was an album cover that was super artistic, probably because it was adapted from a work of actual art.

Science fiction artist Frank Kelly Freas had created it for a 1953 edition of Astounding Science Fiction magazine. It must have really made an impression on him because in 1977 the idea came back to him when it came time to decide on an album cover.

The artist would go on to say:

At Taylor’s urging, the band reached out to Freas and asked him to redo the painting for News of the World. “When they sent me their four earlier albums,” Freas recalled to writer Mel Vincent shortly after the record’s release, “I decided to do the drawing before listening to them, because I thought I might just hate them, and it would ruin my ideas.” When he finally got around to listening to it, Freas – a classical music fan – was pleasantly surprised to find he actually enjoyed Queen’s music. “They are firmly grounded in classical music, but they are inventive,” he raved. “It’s like these guys have absorbed all the quality music they can and then put it all in a bucket and stirred it up.”

Frank Kelly Freas when asked about his creative process on the album cover.

It was very ahead of its time and appealed to a very science-minded Brian May as well as Roger Taylor who was the one who actually suggested the painting he remembered. They contacted the artist and had it modified to fit their images in it and the rest is rock history. Roger had remembered the graphic from a 1950’s sci-fi magazine. This was over 2 decades later, and Roger remembered the picture with the robot and the rest is rock history.

Marvo the Memory man strikes again with his photographic memory.

It was a response to the criticism and dip in popularity of their fifth album A Day at the Races. A much criticised album due to it’s over the top production techniques, and the success of its predecessor, Queen was determined to never make the same album twice and they never did. News of the World couldn’t have been more opposite of the last album if that was the original goal. Though it wasn’t originally, the music and fads of the time would influence some of the music, but Queen never really did what was popular, they did what they wanted and never sold out. The double A-side singles would hit it big all over the world and reach number 4 in the USA, a chart that Queen had yet to get a number 1 song on, even Bohemian Rhapsody didn’t reach number one in the difficult climate of US music back then. It wouldn’t be until 1980 that Queen would finally conquer the USA, but the two songs would cement Queen in music history even if they had never made another song, but it would be many more years of success before Queen would even consider hanging it up. Then a charity event would turn everything around in 1985 and we all know to what I’m referring.

I don’t know if the band named this album after the infamous newspaper that seemed to unjustly hate them, but to have such hits come from an album that the paper of the same name would bash was the ultimate f8*(* you to the media that was always against them for no real reason than, Queen and Freddie especially didn’t really care. The media doesn’t like being made irrelevant, and no matter how much they bashed, dissed, or raked Queen through the coals, they kept producing hits. Freddie became a more and more iconic and mysterious figure the more publicity he received. When it comes to fame there is no such thing as bad press really. Yes, the words can be mean, but if they are there you are still in the public eye and still relevant and they are still there 29 years after Freddie’s death.

I saw a quote recently that said something like, The Bulsaras didn’t know when little Farouk(spelling) spoke his first words they were hearing what would become the most famous voice in the world.

That quote threw me because it was so perfect and like one I would love to have come up with. I have been reading some Queen books lately.

I of course got the Neal Preston photo book, which was unimpressive honestly. I have one book that is called Queen Live, which goes through all the tours and concerts. There are over 700 total, a lot more than most bands had done in that time. There were some cool anecdotes that I always try to remember to summarize in this blog but when it comes time to type it, completely gone.

This is the book that I have, not long, but pretty informative and lists all the concerts from all over the world that Queen played. It talks a lot about instruments and different musical equipment used, but since I have no knowledge of such things I just kept on reading.

Usually most Queen books have all the members featured equally and yes, they were equal, but this is my blog about FREDDIE MERCURY, so I really want to hear as much about only Freddie as possible, but alas that is not how things go.

I have to say I wanted to go to a fan convention badly last year and had put it on my list of things to do before I die, I guess, but after seeing the virtual convention and the people that showed up as far as “acts” or celebs, I’m not so itching to go anymore. I’m spoiled by the Supernatural conventions where all the biggest stars show up and stuff. Obviously, Freddie can’t show up at the convention, but Brian and Roger could. Who do the old codgers think keeps buying the tickets? No it was a Queen cover band and the closest we got to anyone notable was Mike Moran, who told the story of his first meeting with Freddie after his car accident. He of course has nothing but nice things to say about him. DUH! It’s Freddie.

The book that had the quote I talked about above is called Queen Treasures. I thought it was going to be a book with a bunch of pictures of memorabilia from Queen and didn’t have high hopes for it. Turns out it’s not bad actually. It has a lot of stories and things from the tour and yes the other stuff too, but it’s really a good book so far.

This book has a foreword written by both Brian and Roger which it says about an inch above the words I’m typing….lol….
The forewords are kinda unremarkable, more than anything just letters about the book and reliving memories. Brian is always wordy and uses language that shows he’s smart where Roger is more straightforward and witty. Which is the usual with those two. It’s a good book, you’d be surprised, it’s a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

It goes through all the Queen albums and tells the story of what was going on in the band members’ lives when they were making it. It has some good inside information and feels like a journalist or seasoned writer wrote it. It’s a bit more entertaining that the Live book.

Of course, as is with most Queen books or whatever, Freddie’s actual life and personal details is glossed over, if not completely skipped. I don’t really care about Brian’s marital problems, but I’m biased to say the least.

Confession: I like Queen because of Freddie Mercury and the songs as well, but mostly for Freddie and his voice. I like John okay, but he’s not that interesting which is how he wanted it.

But honestly except being in and please forgive me for this Freddie, in the band with Freddie I really could care less about them. I buy Queen things for Freddie’s image and influences, not for them. Sorry I’m not sorry. I love Freddie more than I love Queen. It’s just how it is and I’m sorry if that offends you Roger lovers out there, but the other three are just kind of there by necessity but not what I look into. If I was a journalist it would be funny you’d see me interviewing all four of them then if they split just follow Freddie automatically.

Okay enough of that tangent. Back to the task at hand. News of the World the album that spawned some of music history’s greatest arena anthems. Only later on the game with Another One Bites the Dust, and Under Pressure on Hot Space, would two other songs become so tied to the band and to sporting events or any public event with music. I often unexpectedly hear Under Pressure in the background of many tv shows of all types.

I haven’t watched a lot of Freddie lately. I still surf my Tumblr and pinterest but I have been super emotional lately so it’s hard for me to watch Freddie in all his glory because I want to be happy, not cry. I had to take a break for a bit, because it was becoming a form of self-torture mostly exacerbated emotions because of quarantines and pandemics and just boredom as a result. I also have a hard time once I start binging a show for example, I have a hard time stopping in the middle and changing “worlds” you could say. I still watch the occasional Youtube video of Freddie from time to time, but I haven’t watched the “big three concerts” in awhile.

Don’t mistake my break as indifference. I am by no stretch indifferent to Freddie or Queen I still have them as my shower music every morning. I still have them on constant shuffle and repeat in my car when I drive, but I got sucked into that obsession for so long I had to pull myself out for my own health. The pandemic didn’t help me to make it a healthy obsession either, so I had to purposely make myself watch other things. Don’t worry I will circle back. I love Freddie and I love all things Freddie. I still have my memorabilia and still worship him, but actually watching the documentaries and concerts is just something I had to stop for a bit. Not to mention the fact that I have all three practically memorized. I thought maybe some time would help to see them with a fresh perspective and appreciation again.

The funniest thing about it, is that I get so upset when I think of all the concerts that weren’t recorded over the years and how if I could go back and change one thing about Queen it would be to record every single concert on video or at least audio. It was the 70’s and 80’s though and the technology was there, but have you seen the size of video cameras from back then? Not to mention the olden days when things were recorded on film not DVD’s which are even now becoming obsolete. Back then it was actual film like you see in pictures. Film runs out, a lot quicker than digital storage space or CD/disc space. Then you have to change the film out. It was a whole “thing” back then.

If I had a time machine though, I’d go back and take my camera phone and record every single Queen concert. There is never enough content out there! Trust me when I say I’ve scoured all forms of media looking.

So the paper News of the World may have hated Queen but to name their album with an epic cover after the very press they hated was giving the finger to the critics and honestly one reason that I love this band. I would love to say it was Freddie’s idea, but that would be an opinion not a fact. He knew how to hit where it hurt most when it came to the media, but he did it in such genius and hilarious ways. I love when people take what he says to interviewers on camera as gospel and don’t realize that Freddie being interviewed was as much a stage act as Freddie on stage.

Queen was at that time the best News of the World. They still are and I am not going to apologize for saying that it’s largely because of Freddie Mercury. Sorry not sorry 😛

Okay, so I’ve basically just rambled for the last few paragraphs about stuff that has nothing to do with the subject of the blog but considering that this blog is personal to me then I guess you can understand.

Love you Freddie I keep wanting to tell you in all these creative ways every day on this blog. Well, the problem is once I actually get to work where it’s easiest to type this blog. (Try typing a blog on a phone….no) I forget all the witty and wonderful sayings…..but honestly

the song love of my life does it for me.

Hurry back hurry back,

Don’t take it away from me because you don’t know what it means to me.

It being, you, and we all still love you just as much as you did us when you were walking the Earth.

I still love you,



Dear Freddie,

WARNING: Tissues may be necessary…….

Twenty-nine years ago, you left us and we still cry constantly and miss you terribly. I don’t think we will ever get over it. My favorite saying is Heroes live forever, but Legends never die. You sure as hell are a legend.

Who is cutting onions? Lots of them? Dammit coworkers! Through your music we still have a little piece of you. Yes, we would love a lot more, but we will take what we can get.

It’s really scary that it’s November and I’m on the M & N words for you alphabet. November was my first “N” word when the list of N words was thought of….cause it’s the month you left us. I think it’s safe to say I won’t get to the end of the alphabet before 2021. I didn’t mean for this particular post to be a tear-jerker it just kinda worked out that way. Sorry……

Oh well, on with the show……..

Whoever asks this is bad and you need to distance yourself from them.

Made in Heaven

Not only is this the name of the last album released with your vocals on it. Some songs are from when you were well and remixed or re recorded by your bandmates a few years after your death, when they could stand to hear your voice again; when their grief had subsided enough.

On the actual album, the statue is on the front cover and the rest of the photo with the other 3 in it is on the back. Overall, for what they had to work with the album as a whole is good, but for any true Freddie fan it’s hard to listen and not be sad knowing he wasn’t around or was very sick when he recorded the songs. It does however have A Winter’s Tale a beautiful and amazingly moving song that was the last song Freddie ever wrote in Montreux at the “Duck House” I do not get the words on the bottom but it’s hard to find a good pic that’s clear of the whole picture from the cover.

The story of this album has a little bit of a checkered past. A story that I just found recently, don’t ask me where, says this.

Apparently, John and Roger had gotten together and collected all of the vocals and some earlier vocals that you recorded for various reasons. Some songs on your solo album, a song that Roger had written for his band The Cross that you had fallen in love with and insisted on singing called Heaven For Everyone and of course the title track from this posthumus album, Made in Heaven that had been a single off of Mr. Bad Guy. They put their touches on it with what Roger says felt like “you were in the room.” They say they knew what you would say and the adjustments you would make because they knew you so well from all the years you had recorded together. From what I’ve read that final (I think?) track called Untitled, wasn’t on there along with some other mixing effects added later.

Then Brian May came to the studio and found a mostly complete album that for once didn’t feature his guitar solos so prominently. Which makes sense considering a lot of the songs are from the solo album where he was not there to play them. He apparently, to the anger of John and Roger decided that it was okay, but not to his exacting standards. The same “standards” that caused many a fight between he and Freddie over the years. The two were known to fight the most over creative differences, both being perfectionists.

One person’s idea of perfection is different than another’s so it makes sense you two would clash. Apparently, having angered the other two Brian remixed a lot of stuff, added his guitar to some things and added the 21 minute snooze-fest guitar and drum solo at the end. I’m not sure exactly how the details went down to be honest, but I know that it was something to that effect. Having been called in to finish it with the others, instead he redid almost the whole thing. Then basically without asking sent that to the record company and that is the final product.

Obviously I’m biased, but Freddie Mercury and John Deacon were the two best composers of the four. Roger was good and so was Brian, but when it came to how a song should be remixed and the final production it was usually Freddie who signed off on the final recordings. I think if Brian wanted to use guitar solo to honor Freddie why not put the tape that Freddie made him of his guitar solos intertwined so beautifully. Where is that tape? Did it secretly get recorded and we don’t know on some obscure Brian May solo effort? Or more tragically is it sitting in a drawer somewhere in your house collecting dust? Regardless, not cool man.

It speaks to Freddie’s skill and his being the best talent, that for that album, the rest of his bandmates basically took songs they liked off of Mr. Bad Guy and remixed them or added to them just enough, to make them a Queen song. Here we are over 2 decades later and Lambo is singing Freddie’s solo songs with the excuse that they were on the last album so fair game. I am NOT amused!

It shows that the songs that Freddie wrote for his solo album were amazing because basically Brian just nicked them and added his guitar to them and released them as a “Queen” product. *growls* Not okay man

Below is the video for the song that you made in 1985.

The video for Made in Heaven
Honestly, the only color that competes with yellow you wear that looks as good, is red, so you know, good choice and stuff.

What would have made that last track perfect would have been to use the mix of guitar solos that Freddie stayed up all night working on for Brian.

But alas, no, instead we get 20 minutes of guitar and drum beats and a few seconds of overdubbed soundbites of Freddie at the very end. Not cool. Gotta say.

For those that like the Untitled track on the album this is my opinion, but as we have established before, I am by no means educated in anything guitar, and not a fan of guitar solos. I’m a words girl, so lyrics are the magnets that draw me in. I can’t do 20 straight minutes of any music, much less just a guitar solo. Ugh. For a long time I would skip every listening to Brighton Rock on the early albums thinking it was just a guitar solo, when I found out it had lyrics, that was when I finally listened.

It wasn’t just an album it was a song. A scarily prophetic and perfect summary of what I see as Freddie’s life and destiny. As Freddie always said, “If you see it darling, it’s there.” The way I see Made is Heaven is a song written by a man looking back over the years reflecting on his life and how everything turned out. A man who may have for a few seconds thought he might be ill, but that squashed it as quickly as he thought it. The lyrics are scarily wise ones and it’s one of, to me, the best set of lyrics Freddie ever wrote, except for It’s A Hard Life, but that’s an “I” word and another blog post. Wait, that’s a lie, there are so many Freddie lyrics that are mind-blowing, I take it back. I like it though.

As I love to do repeatedly with the lyrics to one of my ultimate Queen favorites, Let Me Entertain You, I am going to add my stupid remarks to Freddie’s genius lyrics, so in essence ruin them so you can see what I mean by what I just wrote up there in the previous paragraph. This song is so biographical to me and my comments with the lyrics will tell you why I think this.

I’m taking my ride with destiny -Destiny being his life with his band and his personal life
Willing to play my partworking hard in his work that he was proud of
Living with painful memoriesthe same dues he paid, in love and life, both the press about his career and the many loves he had lost.
Loving with all my heartwe all know that love was basically his entire atomic makeup. It’s what made him great in all aspects of his life.

Made in heaven, made in heaventhe chorus of the song is also it’s title. Though Freddie wasn’t a religious person, he obviously believed in some sort of higher power as we know from the Mr. Bad Guy 1985 interview and in his many references in his lyrics to religious items.
It was all meant to be, yeahfrom many stories that we have heard from even the earliest days, Freddie believed what was meant to be will be and he didn’t worry like most of us over how he would get there. He did however, help destiny along by working hard towards goals he set. But never once did he waver in believing in his destiny.
Made in heaven, made in heavenIf you ask me this is Freddie, made in heaven, but again I’m super biased
That’s what they sayobviously other people have said what I have multiple times.
Can’t you see
That’s what everybody says to mesee above, these are self explanatory
Can’t you see
Oh I know, I know, I know that it’s true
Yes it’s really meant to be
Deep in my heartany doubts he had he knew deep down what they said and he believed was right.

I’m having to learn to pay the price the price was all the hardships that came along with this fate and destiny, and though he knew it, sometimes the price seemed too much.
They’re turning me upside downI’m guessing the prices he paid are throwing him for a loop or rattling him sometimes
Waiting for possibilitiesthe possibilities of how to cope with the price? (I’m reaching a bit here)
Don’t see too many aroundSome of this song seems to be one of the most cynical Freddie wrote, but it’s about destiny and accepting all the ups and downs too so it’s both cynical and hopeful.

Made in heaven, made in heaven
It’s for all to seeObviously talking about the showman he became
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That’s what everybody says
Everybody says to me
It was really meant to beas Freddie’s life moved on not only did he believe all of this about his destiny, but everyone started to believe it just as strongly and told him.
Oh can’t you see
Yeah everybody, everybody says
Yes it was meant to be
Yeah yeah

When stormy weather comes aroundthis is kinda obvious, the hardships along the road to his destiny.
It was made in heaveneven the bad was meant to be on the journey
When sunny skies break through behind the cloudsa lot of the good things which Freddie appreciated every moment of.
I wish it could last forever, yeah
Wish it could last forever, forever

Made in heaven
I’m playing my role in historyoh he had no idea when he wrote this line just how true this would become and how important his roll in history would be.
Looking to find my goal his goal to live out his true destiny.
Taking in all this miserythe hard times come but he still gives everything to get to his goal
But giving it all my soulhe give his entire self to this fate.

Made in heaven, made in heaven
It was all meant to be
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That’s what everybody says
Wait and see, it was really meant to be
So plain to seehindsight being 20/20
Yeah, everybody, everybody, everybody tells me so
Yes it was plain to see, yes it was meant to be
Written in the stars
Written in the starsconsidering the bright legacy he left behind it sure as hell was written in the stars and is as lasting and steadfast as the stars.
Written in the stars

MADE IN HEAVEN by Freddie Mercury from Mr. Bad Guy 1985

Now don’t get me wrong, there are many many, more poetic lines of lyrics that Freddie wrote, but these simple lines say so much on how he sees his past and the present, as we know Freddie wasn’t one to worry about the future. Something I wish I could emulate from him, because I worry too much and the price is not really “living” in the present. A lot of this song speaks to me in saying that what everyone says is true. No matter the hardships, the dues he had to pay, he knew all of it would lead to a truly amazing destiny. That is confidence, the difference between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is working hard towards a goal that you believe with all your soul you will achieve and accepting the bad and the good as they come. Arrogance is having a goal, but believing that you shouldn’t have to work at it, and that the path should always be smooth. It’s why arrogance always fails, but confidence always wins. Another lesson from Freddie that I wish I could learn is confidence.

I have a kind of life motto that everything happens for a reason. I do believe that, though I waste a lot of time in between when bad things happen worrying about what could be instead of trusting in God and there being a reason. I live by that motto, but the ultimate obstacle I face is worrying that whatever happens will happen when it’s supposed to and not when I want it to, which can make me lose sight of that way too often.

Freddie believed in his destiny and he lived one moment to the next, not worrying about what would or could happen, just that all of it was leading to where it was meant to be to whatever destiny that was written in the stars for him. Man, I wish I could do that, but that’s why I admire him so much. He has a lot of qualities I don’t. It’s only one of the countless reasons he’s a great person to admire.

Mr. Bad Guy

The one solo album that Freddie made. He thought he was Mr. Bad Guy and his love was dangerous. His public Freddie persona may have tried to be a tough macho man, but as we Freddie lovers know, in real life he was a kind and generous man and really, Mr. Good Guy. And as he said, it would never sell. Freddie knew this inherently and invented his stage persona to portray it. Everyone has said that when he took on the solo album he didn’t truly understand the amount of work that went into one. Having a band who writes songs is a lot easier than being one person who writes, sings, and promotes an album. According to Mack, Freddie got bored really quickly into it and that horrible movie had one thing right. The push and pull from the other three members of Queen and all the fights they had kept Freddie’s creative juices flowing.

It took him longer than any Queen album ever took to record, and on a couple of tracks he had called Roger Taylor in to play drums. Roger says though in The Days of Our Lives documentary that he would show up to add his drum track and they weren’t any farther along than a few months before. It was obvious that Freddie was trudging through it, but after a while he wasn’t really enjoying it.

The cover of Mr. Bad Guy. A picture that we know he obviously liked, and that would incite a new style of sunglasses, the aviator with mirrored lenses that became huge back then, but have come back in style now. (I own a pair that are purple…lol)

It’s really hard to find a complete discography of every song that Freddie sung. A series of CD’s from years ago called Freddie Mercury: Lover of Life, Singer of Songs is the most comprehensive of the collection of Freddie Mercury ever. I am a huge fan but more often than you’d think I hear snippets of a song that he sings on social media and I’ve never heard of it. Usually from a friend’s album or something bootlegged. It amazes me sometimes what people can dig up on the web.

Then in 2019 came a new cut of Freddie’s contribution to the musical Time with two songs on the soundtrack with other artists. The pure cut of just Freddie’s vocals and a piano called Time Waits For No One which has such a pure voiced Freddie who seems to be singing directly to whoever is listening.

The cover Dave Clark picked to go with the re-release of Time Waits For No One.

Accompanying not far apart was Never Boring. That’s an N word though and we will get there. The song gives me goosebumps and shows the true emotion Freddie sings with.


On November 24, 1991, the world lost an amazing singer, songwriter, frontman, musician, band mate and man. In so many ways you were a blessing to this world and that cold rainy day in England the world was a little less bright. It’s been 29 years since that day and it’s no less sad for anyone who loved you.

One of my favorite Freddie memes. I love that his adult self is talking to his past self. Yes you made it, you became a legend one that will never die.
I think this is perfect to show how legendary Freddie is, along with a little humor so we can laugh while we cry and blame the tears on laughing too much 😉
The damn picture says it’s not working. But as I type these posts on the world’s oldest working computer I hope it will work for you.
His last words to the world were I still love you and we love him just as much as we always did. He never failed to remind us that he loved us every time he stepped on a stage.

You shot into our lives like a shooting star and made us feel like we could fly. Thank you. It took a very long time for me to be able to even write about this and not bawl my eyes out. The potential greatness and what “could have been” was our second biggest loss. The next was losing a personality so bright and fun and generous. The fight against AIDS had barely even begun when you died and your death made people stand up and pay attention. For once, it hit home to everyone that this was not going away and it wasn’t just random gay men that caught it and died.


Instead it robbed us of a man who had so much left to give. It took you away. I know that your legacy is unending, but it doesn’t make it okay. You should be here. There is no other words to say than that. Your music was truly genius and fun and to many of us meant or meanseverything. It still does. Heroes live forever, but legends never die they say, well that is true. You are a legend and you always were it just took hindsight to see it. You were born in September and 45 years later died just a month after your 45th birthday. That is way too soon. As your bandmates live on and carry on with the show there is someone missing from the stage. The main person, the most important one, you.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding Lambo and Brian and Roger continuing on with the music you all made together. It’s a fine line of where honoring you and your music becomes taking over for you. Not that that is even possible.

I, for one, don’t happen to see anything unusual about the sentence, “Almost no one can sing as well as Freddie Mercury today.” If that’s a news bulletin, then so is, “Two plus two equals four, ” Water freezes at 32 degrees farenheit,” and “A horse will win the Kentucky Derby.”

Jim O’Donnell Queen Magic, A Review of the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert.

Twenty nine years later that statement is still true. It should tell the world something that you were by far not the first band member from a great band to die tragically, or even the first frontman of a great band. But you were the first to have a record setting tribute concert. The biggest ever tribute concert ever held was for you. That right there should tell anyone who doubts how much you were loved and revered. I can’t really talk about this anymore because I’m at work and we don’t cry here.

Never Boring

“Boredom is the biggest disease in the world, darling.” – Freddie Mercury

It was the only fear of a truly fearless man. He said he really didn’t care what people thought of his after he was gone, and for the most part he didn’t. The only fear he had was that his legacy would end up boring. How the hell could he have thought that is completely unbelievable. Not possible.

Freddie had one fear in life, boredom. Freddie Mercury was the poster-child for ADHD, but it wasn’t really a “thing” yet. He never sat still for very long and anything tedious that took being in one place for too long he dreaded. Eating, was one, and shaving. Freddie was a rare person who liked good food and for it to taste good, but he only ate to live. Most humans at least in the first world countries live to eat.

He did use food as a social event though, but he was too busy playing host and making sure that all of his guests’ every need was met to eat. Yes, he had servants for the food and things, but Freddie was the ultimate host. Actually sitting and eating never took him very long because he couldn’t. Having to sit through a movie or play was torture for him. If you wanted his attention you better entertain him and you better do it well.

Before he died, he supposedly told Jim “The Leech” Beach that he didn’t care what was done with his legacy or music or image, just don’t make him boring. Being a boring person was his biggest fear. I really think for as much controversy as all the tell-all books about Freddie cause, he would just smirk and like them for the mere fact that people keep fighting about them. That they keep the interest in him alive would please him. Warts and all was what he told those closest to him after he died if they wanted to write a story or bio about him. He did that because a book of only good things is BORING. A little scandal gives everything a little bit of interest.

Whatever your feelings about the books written about Freddie, you have to admit, they sure as hell aren’t boring. Fictional and stupid and badly written as they may be, they keep us talking about Freddie and keep us interested, not bored by any stretch. In fact the controversy keeps us talking about him constantly and he would love it.

Here we are approaching the 50th anniversary of the year the true band was formed and he and Queen are just as famous and talked about and relevant as they were when they were touring. The only difference is we have to listen to Lambo if we want to see a version of Queen live. Booo

You know what’s boring? Old men trying to act young and relive their glory days.

Also boring, is Lambo. No arguments. He’s just boring, though he tries so hard to be exciting, but I don’t look forward to hearing any song by him. Even Queen songs he sings. Why? I have Freddie’s perfect versions…..who wants the Lambo version? Not me….

For that reason, in late 2019, all the songs that the non-talented diggers on the internet had of Freddie were put together with some pictures and a pretty package and named, aptly, Never Boring. It was the same as the Lover of Life Singer of Songs compilation from a few years earlier, but they had reworked a lot of the tracks of Barcelona and Mr. Bad Guy, and in the case of the Barcelona album, they added an orchestra to the background of Montsy and Freddie’s vocals, something a very sick Freddie was a little scared to do originally.

The complete Never Boring compilation. If you are wondering. I don’t own it. I just use spotify and apple music if i want to listen to tracks. Included was the new version Time Waits For No One.
The picture on the front of the Never Boring box set, taken from a picture of the video Living on My Own. A video that doubled as Freddie’s 39th birthday party. A legendary night and a hard working Freddie who actually never lived on his own, but whatever 😛

It sure is an interesting cover for the set and it’s taken from an interesting video shoot and of course as with Freddie it came with the story of his birthday party to back it up. Just about every single picture ever taken of Freddie Mercury has a good story to go with it. That, is a life well lived.

I don’t see how in the hell you Freddie could ever be boring? It just wasn’t in your genetic makeup. Everything about you is interesting, appealing, and unique.

No One But You

In order not to make this post like the saddest post ever I’m just going to leave the video and lyrics here and you can skip it if you want to avoid tears. Again, one time I’m thankful I cannot see youtube videos at work.

The video…..can’t talk about it. But the symbolism!

A hand above the water
An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven
Do you want us to cry?

And everywhere the broken-hearted
On every lonely avenue
No one could reach them
No one but you

One by one
Only the good die young
They’re only flyin’ too close to the sun
And life goes on
Without you

Another tricky situation
I get to drownin’ in the blues
And I find myself thinkin’
Well, what would you do?

Yes, it was such an operation
Forever paying every due
Hell, you made a sensation (sensation)
You found a way through (found a way through)
One by one
Only the good die young
They’re only flyin’ too close to the sun
We’ll remember

And now the party must be over
I guess we’ll never understand
The sense of your leaving
Was it the way it was planned?

And so we grace another table
And raise our glasses one more time
There’s a face at the window
And I ain’t never, never sayin’ goodbye

One by one
Only the good die young
They’re only flyin’ too close to the sun
Cryin’ for nothing
Cryin’ for no one

No one but you

Brian May and Roger Taylor 1997 written for Freddie Mercury

It was the final time John Deacon would ever play his bass in public, or be seen in public, if you can call TV public.

No Freddie, no Queen. That’s what John believed and it’s honestly what I believe as well, though I understand that Roger and Brian want to carry on. I understand it but I don’t have to like it.

Considering that this post is kinda depressing, and hard to write especially with the anniversary of that horrible day coming up. I’m going to go ahead and post it. I’m sorry to be a bummer. Most days you make me happy, but that is one day, that can’t be a good and happy day. As I said I’ve gotten to a point where the mere thought of you doesn’t make me sob, but I still can’t watch the Tribute concert and I still have a hard time keeping it together on that day. This year it’s a Tuesday, like the year you died, and I won’t be working, I’ll be on my off day at home and hugging my Freddie pillow pal and torturing myself with a documentary or two perhaps. Who knows. Maybe I won’t. All I know is it’s a date on the calendar I’ll never forget.

No Freddie, No Queen, did I mention I kinda hate November? Not only is Thanksgiving an overrated holiday, but now this too, ugh! Can we skip it and get to December, but you know I need to still get paid the two times in November so…..maybe we just skip a week or so…..just a suggestion. Not to mention this is a shitty year. There is no doubt that even you, can’t make this year a good one, that’s okay, we will just not talk about it. Love you, still and always. We won’t forget you or anything you did for a very long time. Your legacy is bright and legends never die. You live in us through your music and for that we are forever giving thanks! Ha! pun!

Love ya, better more cheery letter next time okay?
